You could say that, but you'd be inaccurate, and playing fast and loose with the definitions of words.
Each of these words have a specific definition. Do you think it's important that we use them in the spirit of being precise and clear, or are you okay with making personal definitions here?
"Could" was used as a syllogism for ease of communication and because religion was discussed at length in this conversation prior.
A religion is a cosmology. Religious people refer to themselves as religious, in that their cosmology is defined by a particular religion. Atheists refer to themselves as Atheist, which is a cosmology as well. Materialist Scientism is also a cosmology - which you may or may not utilize, I don't know you personally nor have I conversed with you much. Cosmology is the worldview which we utilize to navigate reality, and everyone has one, even those who claim they dont.
So, in effect, I was not playing fast and loose with words but am happy to further define them as per your request, which I believe I have now sufficiently done.
Regarding proof, I am addressing issues on a cosmological level and can not provide peer reviewed sources, which is likely what you want. What I can attest to is that an extremely significant portion of modern humanity and nearly all of our ancestors had much different views on the matter. Whether that matters if it cannot be tested in a lab is up to you, and I don't wish to convince you otherwise. I'm not here to convert people to anything.
One interesting anecdote I have heard before and which I did not come up with is this:
If one wishes to experience spiritual realities and asks a guru to show them, the guru would respond: please, come with me to my Ashram and we will meditate. To say no, show me now, would be akin to asking a scientist to show you now that water is made out of hydrogen and oxygen and refuse when they offer to show you in their laboratory.
Different worlds, and I am not claiming to be able to prove anything with peer reviewed sources. I am merely trying to address what could be called the multidimensional complexity of OP's feelings. I'm not even saying he did anything wrong, as we have all had to make hard decisions in life.
PS: Areas of interest to me in which I could provide you ample laboratory studies on order to make a point would be biology, endocrinology and pharmacology. I am not discounting the value of laboratory studies or the modern scientific method at all in this message.