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A Perfect Circle dvd coming out

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goddamit, Griese!
We've confirmed the rumors: There will definitely be a live A Perfect Circle DVD released sometime in the near future. Footage the band taped in Texas is currently being compiled along with random other bits and pieces, including something extra special which we'll have further information on later today or tomorrow. According to inside sources, it's all headed for a certain release. Stay tuned.

Hope it comes out a bit sooner than that Tool dvd...


goddamit, Griese!
a bit more...

looks like it's between pet and blue for a new single, and after thinking about it, i'm gonna say pet makes a lot of sense. thing is, i'm not sure how much of a "release" per se this single would get; if it'll be even sent to radio or what. looks like there's gonna be a video for it on the dvd, but i dunno if that video is gonna be picked up by the music video channels. and yes, there's some kind of something or other in the works (idea would be the best word for it i guess) to have the fans direct it. when i lock down all these little details (and some more that have crossed my mind) we'll have a site update with the full scoop.


here's some more

even though we're eagerly anticipating this DVD, in no way could be hope to compete with nine inch nails's opus and all that could have been. fuck, i doubt reznor himself could top that.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I've been praying for a DVD ever since I saw them in May. Now I get to relive it all over and over again. Mmm...
Alphasnake said:
I've been praying for a DVD ever since I saw them in May. Now I get to relive it all over and over again. Mmm...

I saw them in May as well, but they weren't very good. Maynard kept getting political and trying to make points on censorship, but it was just kinda stupid. And a lot of their new songs sounded really similar. Plus, Maynard acted like such a tool (pun'd!) by not facing the crowd the whole time, which was pretty annoying.

But they did get the 7 foot guy behind me to do the serpentine, so they weren't that bad.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Litigation Manuel said:
I saw them in May as well, but they weren't very good. Maynard kept getting political and trying to make points on censorship, but it was just kinda stupid. And a lot of their new songs sounded really similar. Plus, Maynard acted like such a tool (pun'd!) by not facing the crowd the whole time, which was pretty annoying.

But they did get the 7 foot guy behind me to do the serpentine, so they weren't that bad.

He may have said a political thing or two (about how Arnold is a Governor) but I didn't care. It was funny. As far as the whole back to audience crowd, he was raised on a platform and his back wasn't to the audience. It's just that the platform was dark and you couldn't see him very well. It's pretty typical, really. TOOL's concerts are almost the same, except it's Adam Jones always hiding and playing with his back to everyone, and Maynard would ocassionally wear something so long and covering that you'd question if it's him or someone in disguise.

I saw the May 6th, NY show btw.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
tt_deeb said:
Nice. This should be fun. I was at the May something show also in NY. Nassau Coliseum.

May 6th. :p We were at the same show. Burning Brides ROCKED! \m/


bune duggy said:
Closure on DVD would.

maybe if Reznor had a hand in it, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

Alphasnake said:
He may have said a political thing or two (about how Arnold is a Governor) but I didn't care. It was funny. As far as the whole back to audience crowd, he was raised on a platform and his back wasn't to the audience. It's just that the platform was dark and you couldn't see him very well. It's pretty typical, really. TOOL's concerts are almost the same, except it's Adam Jones always hiding and playing with his back to everyone, and Maynard would ocassionally wear something so long and covering that you'd question if it's him or someone in disguise.

I saw the May 6th, NY show btw.

Yea, when I saw Tool, Maynard didn't face the crowd at all. First time I saw APC, back in 2000, Maynard was wearing a wig and interacted with the crowd bunches. For Tool? Almost no crowd interaction.
BuddyChrist83 said:
maybe if Reznor had a hand in it, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

well it was supposed to be released on the "new" DVD-18 2 or 3 years ago by his label, but it was canned by him because he didn't want an inferior product coming out. Supposedly he was going to start work on it after AATCHB, but you know how he is - if we're lucky, our grandkids will get to hear Tapeworm. :)
Alphasnake said:
He may have said a political thing or two (about how Arnold is a Governor) but I didn't care. It was funny. As far as the whole back to audience crowd, he was raised on a platform and his back wasn't to the audience.

Yeah, he did that at mine too, I think I just mixed it up that with the Tool show I saw. But I didn't like how you couldn't see him at all. But still, the serpentine, that was great.


goddamit, Griese!
Blue will be the third single from Thirteenth Step, contrary to insider buzz expecting Pet (a rather obvious choice, I admit, given the song's theme and the current sociopolitical climate). It will be sent to radio stations nationwide on July 27th. In regards to a video for the single, whether it ends up on the music video channels or not, it may appear on the upcoming live DVD. However, there is a plot twist yet to come; something rather exciting and unprecedented. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, the live DVD, which is currently in production, is said to be tentatively scheduled for a November 11th release. We shall see.

And now for that plot twist. A Perfect Circle is running a contest, giving the fans the chance to direct the video for Blue. The band is looking for "the most creative, arresting, and imaginative" realization in film, animation, or any visual medium, to accompany the new single. So let your imagination run wild! The band will select a winner, who will be awarded $1,000, and if the video is cool enough, it will be included on the upcoming DVD. 10 runner-ups will also receive a prize package including a picture vinyl LP of Mer De Noms, a copy of each of APC's Virgin CD and DVD titles, and a personalized autographed poster. Here are the official contest rules. Once you're on the street team mailing list, you'll be sent all of the details, such as where to send your videos and what formats will be allowed. You will also be sent a special verision of Blue to use in your video.
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