Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Hi, fellow GAFfers.
Recently, i saw a post by Ailynn about the transgender talk and how it affected her. But what stood out for me was the following:
. (And perhaps
GAF in its own fucked up twisted way enriched my experience. But i think that's important as a person too. Learn little bits from the places and people you meet, online and offline, and adapting them to your own or atleast acknowledge them for who and what they are.
I am in agreement with Tyler's words that i only should speak for myself and not others, so that is exactly what this post is about. What i think and what i observe. It might appear sudden or unknown if you read most of my posts (And why would you do that, my relevancy is not any more significant than any other user here.) but like i said, this is a carepost. So you have been warned.
I don't feel any of this warrants its own thread, but i do want to get this out there, if only just for this once. Either way, this is going to be very TLDR so here we go:
Parts of this sentiment have their grounds in some recent reading and a party i just came back from. All kinds of people from a scene you are part of it and meeting them in the flesh. Like an idealized GAF where everyone gets along and everything is resolved within a heartbeat. Ofcourse, reality is not this way, and its important to make that distinction. Because i am not hoping or imagining that GAF will turn that way one day. There is too many people and variety of opinions and memes for that. Nevertheless, that event sealed for me what i have been thinking for some time now, both in relation to GAF but also my private life.
The gloomy stuff, the far more serious nature as of recent: That is the real me you are hearing. I love cracking jokes and poking fun, but at heart, i have been an observer. And far less judgemental than my username gives out. I mean, one can tell a bit from those endless postings in the ERA thread where (negatively) the title of Official Chronicler is at my disposal, but at heart, i observe.
So, as i see it, i personally played a part into the sentiment GAF has today about ERA and other places, as recently as even last week. This is the thing that is directly attributable to myself and its why, or so i believe, its where commentary like that comes from. Its not something that i hold against anyone that has made the commentary, or thought it was because of that report button thread that i turned sour. After all, i did this myself. But i do regret what ive wrote throughout these months at times.
It was more that if felt as if the commentary was directed at my username, not me personally. So it felt distant to me to read these, but it did highlight how versatile the reception can be when your username persona is more about cracking jokes. It also did highlight other, less positive things for me, which ill get to later.
Just to put it out there - I geniunely did not know that they were revoked, and as such made that thread.
What i am seeing is how GAF is divided in its own little groups - Friends groups, if you will. And these friends groups create wonderful content - Fantastic OT's, even the occassional out-of-the-box thread - But they also get into play in a very negative manner. A lot of potential good commentary is cancelled out because of it. I do fully believe that introspection is at the heart of every community, speaking in general. Without any feedback, no story can continue. And that means accepting feedback that textualize things that can be bitter pills. I believe the last comments of the yesterday banned Bang_Learnedly echo a similar sentiment (Just with really poor execution). His final comments weren't the way you should start that conversation, but at the very least, an attempt was made to have that conversation in the first place. I am ofcourse talking about GAF's connections with ERA and vice versa. But i am also talking about the way a lot of members approach this site.
I am not ignoring what GAF is most of the times - Its a place for fun. It always has been that. GAF needs a
. But, as one response said not too long ago, ''Sometimes you just want to have an actual, geniune conversation.''. I miss that. And that also includes having a actual, geniune conversation on introspection.
As for myself personally, i am going to focus on the Indie Watch thread and PM manners there. It does not mean i won't crack a joke anymore or whatever - Hell, ill even get back to the Discord just to satisfy Matt. Its just... i can tell life is moving on. And the all-fun, 24-7 nature, with the negativity it inhabits from it, is not where my heart lays - It never was, if i am brutally honest, to begin with. But it did provide a good basis from which to connect with other GAFfers, so for that i am always grateful.
So no, i am not moving away from GAF fully. And i will pick up the activity. Just not in the way people may think that of me originally. But if the GAF Cruise Ship is following one direction, ill be travelling behind in a speedboat. Just so you know, i can venture other directions too. Or atleast have that possibilty for it. I think this is important, to maintain having a fresh set of ideas.
PS: if anyone is into books, ill have a strong recommendation for Haruki Murakami - Colorless Tsukuru Tzazaki and his year of Pilgrimage. It is a great novelle that contains a lot of introspective elements - Things that might be useful to pick up from for yourself even.
strange headache
may like this, as GAF's Resident Socrates (Or Plato, whatever you want to have, haha)
I recognize Ailynn's sentiments. Ive contributed in part to this direction and its something that i regret doing. I do think GAF in general needs a place for introspection. And no, the pissy mood, is actually who i am as a person, more serious minded. But GAF also helped enrich my experiences, and its something that should be appreciated for having.
for being the person she is today. I know you came from far, but your little ride on the big river isn't over yet. I am terrible at giving compliments without sounding pompous or feeding off the impression that it is not geniune, but you are a great human being by heart, and i hope you never lose your sense of looking beyond the obvious and finding what ticks people.
Recently, i saw a post by Ailynn about the transgender talk and how it affected her. But what stood out for me was the following:
This felt very recognizable for me. Carepost/thread incoming, but i think its a good thing if i write something down here from more close to the heart. Recently ive been attributed as having a pissy mood or that i should stop moping it around with my doom and gloom. GAF is a community i have been in for some time now, so i feel its only just to write down the following aswell as tag the people mentioned in the examples above,NeoGAF should be about light-hearted good times with friends. I don't want it to become just another source of negativity for me. I'm far too old to be letting a message board mostly about videogames break my heart.

GAF in its own fucked up twisted way enriched my experience. But i think that's important as a person too. Learn little bits from the places and people you meet, online and offline, and adapting them to your own or atleast acknowledge them for who and what they are.
I am in agreement with Tyler's words that i only should speak for myself and not others, so that is exactly what this post is about. What i think and what i observe. It might appear sudden or unknown if you read most of my posts (And why would you do that, my relevancy is not any more significant than any other user here.) but like i said, this is a carepost. So you have been warned.
I don't feel any of this warrants its own thread, but i do want to get this out there, if only just for this once. Either way, this is going to be very TLDR so here we go:
Parts of this sentiment have their grounds in some recent reading and a party i just came back from. All kinds of people from a scene you are part of it and meeting them in the flesh. Like an idealized GAF where everyone gets along and everything is resolved within a heartbeat. Ofcourse, reality is not this way, and its important to make that distinction. Because i am not hoping or imagining that GAF will turn that way one day. There is too many people and variety of opinions and memes for that. Nevertheless, that event sealed for me what i have been thinking for some time now, both in relation to GAF but also my private life.
The gloomy stuff, the far more serious nature as of recent: That is the real me you are hearing. I love cracking jokes and poking fun, but at heart, i have been an observer. And far less judgemental than my username gives out. I mean, one can tell a bit from those endless postings in the ERA thread where (negatively) the title of Official Chronicler is at my disposal, but at heart, i observe.
So, as i see it, i personally played a part into the sentiment GAF has today about ERA and other places, as recently as even last week. This is the thing that is directly attributable to myself and its why, or so i believe, its where commentary like that comes from. Its not something that i hold against anyone that has made the commentary, or thought it was because of that report button thread that i turned sour. After all, i did this myself. But i do regret what ive wrote throughout these months at times.
It was more that if felt as if the commentary was directed at my username, not me personally. So it felt distant to me to read these, but it did highlight how versatile the reception can be when your username persona is more about cracking jokes. It also did highlight other, less positive things for me, which ill get to later.
Just to put it out there - I geniunely did not know that they were revoked, and as such made that thread.
What i am seeing is how GAF is divided in its own little groups - Friends groups, if you will. And these friends groups create wonderful content - Fantastic OT's, even the occassional out-of-the-box thread - But they also get into play in a very negative manner. A lot of potential good commentary is cancelled out because of it. I do fully believe that introspection is at the heart of every community, speaking in general. Without any feedback, no story can continue. And that means accepting feedback that textualize things that can be bitter pills. I believe the last comments of the yesterday banned Bang_Learnedly echo a similar sentiment (Just with really poor execution). His final comments weren't the way you should start that conversation, but at the very least, an attempt was made to have that conversation in the first place. I am ofcourse talking about GAF's connections with ERA and vice versa. But i am also talking about the way a lot of members approach this site.
I am not ignoring what GAF is most of the times - Its a place for fun. It always has been that. GAF needs a

As for myself personally, i am going to focus on the Indie Watch thread and PM manners there. It does not mean i won't crack a joke anymore or whatever - Hell, ill even get back to the Discord just to satisfy Matt. Its just... i can tell life is moving on. And the all-fun, 24-7 nature, with the negativity it inhabits from it, is not where my heart lays - It never was, if i am brutally honest, to begin with. But it did provide a good basis from which to connect with other GAFfers, so for that i am always grateful.
So no, i am not moving away from GAF fully. And i will pick up the activity. Just not in the way people may think that of me originally. But if the GAF Cruise Ship is following one direction, ill be travelling behind in a speedboat. Just so you know, i can venture other directions too. Or atleast have that possibilty for it. I think this is important, to maintain having a fresh set of ideas.
PS: if anyone is into books, ill have a strong recommendation for Haruki Murakami - Colorless Tsukuru Tzazaki and his year of Pilgrimage. It is a great novelle that contains a lot of introspective elements - Things that might be useful to pick up from for yourself even.

I recognize Ailynn's sentiments. Ive contributed in part to this direction and its something that i regret doing. I do think GAF in general needs a place for introspection. And no, the pissy mood, is actually who i am as a person, more serious minded. But GAF also helped enrich my experiences, and its something that should be appreciated for having.
GAF, thank you for the wonderful memories. Here is to Stage 2 of those memories.
- Special thanks to
RokkanStoned for his recent critiques.
- Special thanks also
I_D for our ongoing PM talk about politics, life, and the like. Even though our chat has been early on, i can see us having a wonderful talk altogether.
- Special thanks to all the users here, from the shitposters to the tinfoil hatters, from
Freedom Gate Co. to
Nobody_Important , from
Michele to D dirthead , for playing their own part in this little microcosmos known as GAF. We may not have met always eye to eye, but in the end, you are just as valueable as the others here.

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