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A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead releases tomorrow


Gold Member
As a big fan of Alien: Isolation, I'm particularly excited about this upcoming release. However, I’ve noticed there hasn’t been much buzz surrounding it, and I’m curious to know if others are also looking forward to playing it. I guess reviews will come out in the next few hours, how are you feeling about this game? Any hype?



Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Well shit. I guess I am the only one interested in the game here 😬

Be Quiet Djimon Hounsou GIF by A Quiet Place: Day One


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
TBH this looks like a Daymare caliber janky game. No reviews or previews or anything and the game is out in 24 hours doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.


Writes a lot, says very little
Game no one even knows about, ready to fail...



It won't do well and this proves my beliefs!!!!

When will people wake up and see (insert belief here) don't work in games bro! /s

TBH this looks like a Daymare caliber janky game. No reviews or previews or anything and the game is out in 24 hours doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.

NO, it won't do well cause people are getting sick and tired of this getting shoved down their throats, no other reason could exist, like zero /s


Writes a lot, says very little
Im also interested but dunno, its either a sleeper hit or a dud. These days the latter is more often than former. It also released in a very busy period of major game releases. A bit of a suicide release window if you ask me.
tbh, I don't know when this could have released that would result in me wanting to buy it.

It doesn't look like a bad game either, simply something that would be a hit in 2007 (or a sleeper hit maybe)

I think the market is so flooded with these types of games, maybe October is a do or die to get that casual Halloween crowd and fans of the film to buy it.


I know it's not important for many, but this is the first time (I think) that a big American IP, from Hollywood, is in the hands of an Italian studio. The sector in Italy is slowly growing up and therefore this game has a certain relevance for the Italian market.
Again, it doesn't mean anything, just a little curiosity!


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I just have a feeling this is going to be a 6/10 type game.
Probably. Heavy stealth focused on making no sound at all. Player footsteps are loud. Asthma as a game mechanic. And Lorewise the Alien Creature(Death Angel) would hear you immediately as they are hyper sensitive to sound akin to a Bat. Jank will be real and probably immersion breaking.


This game is listed as pretty cheap on Amazon: £25.

I'm thinking that it probably won't be a long game, in that case. Anyone know? I have a feeling it'll only last about 5 or 6 hours.


Neighbours from Hell
Has anyone played this yet? My Amazon copy shipped. There really aren't many reviews out there, just from really small accounts. The couple I saw say it's pretty solid. Like an Alien Isolation lite.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
I loved the first movie. Might give it a try if it plays like Isolation.
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Gold Member
Interested, but from that last gameplay video I watched it had one major issue.

The audio mixing and levels were terrible. A game focused on being quiet and thus the audio, yet character footsteps were too loud and at one point the player used an INHALER like 10 feet from one of the aliens.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Does anyone have impressions about the console version? Enjoyed both movies and I might grab this one on either PS5 or XSX if it runs and looks good enough.

Edit: No critic reviews up on MC, but it has 8.3 user score.

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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I'd absolutely never heard of this game, but it's doing reasonably well I think compared to other games that flew under under most people's radar. Peak of 977 people playing the game. That's three times more than Unknown 9: Awakening.


Magic Carpet

Gold Member
VR? If this is an entire game based around the Jeff level in HL Alyx I might be interested.
The Jeff level was intense.


Relatable protagonist... yeah, right. Last thing I want to do is play as someone with lung problems who needs to keep finding inhalers in addition to having to be super quiet.

But I guess it works well with the Quiet Place movies. I couldn't care about the family from the first two movies or the dying woman and her pathetic "sidekick" from the prequel.
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Was shocked to see this at £25 and getting decent reviews. Thought it'd be COMPLETE garbage so I might get it at some point. Shadows of the Damned remaster first though before I go to Japan.


Absolutely Cozy
I've read about it and it seems to be a nice little game. But I don't like the idea of running around looking for inhalers to stop myself from getting asthma attacks. I'd have preferred if the tension would have come from something else. Might check it out when it's on PS Plus.


Neighbours from Hell
I got my copy in the mail a few days ago and started playing and I like it. Let me get this out of the way right now, it is not in the same ball park as Alien: Isolation. A:I is better in pretty much every aspect. But this is definitely solid. If you're on the fence some random things I noticed about the game that I like and dislike.

-Graphics actually a lot better than I expected. Visually it's pretty impressive. Environments more than the creatures and character models though.

-There is no sprint button. At least that I've found. It makes sense for a game though, but I wish there was a way to move faster.

-Speaking of that, in areas where the creatures are, you have to move sooooo slooooow to not make any noise. And open doors extra slowly by holding your thumb stick very gently to not make any noise. It can become somewhat tedious at parts having to do everything so slowly.

-There seems to be no rhyme or reason why a creature will hear me and kill me sometimes. One time I opened a door very carefully and slowly and it just hears me and kills me when there was no creature in sight. I'll reload and do it again and I'm fine.

-The inventory works well at times and not as well for others. It has shortcuts for the flashlight and noise meter, but not for noise making objects you pick up to distract the creatures. So if they're fast approaching you have to hit right on the d pad then scroll over select it, then throw it. Wish there was a shortcut for every item.

-Overall the game captures tension well. You never feel safe. If you like scary stealth you'll definitely feel it in every part of the game. Even in safe rooms. I think(?) they're totally safe, but one time I left the immediate area of a safe room and somehow a creature showed up and killed me when I didn't even do anything to make noise and the direction it came in was from the safe room. I'm guessing it was just the animation of it and it didn't actually come from there, but I don't know. I'll have to test it, but in the game there are areas that have creatures and areas that don't. But I don't think these are technically safe areas. I still think if you make enough noise, they'll show up and kill you. But in some areas it wouldn't make logical sense. Like if you're in a large building in a room in the middle of a floor and make a noise, how is a creature from outside supposed to show up that quickly? I think the engine has it so you will die no matter where you are(aside from safe rooms) if you make enough noise, and it kind of takes some of the immersion out of it when you're in an isolated location with no creatures around and a sizeable distance one would have to travel to reach you.

-The story is more than a throwaway. It's not as good as the movies, but I am somewhat invested in it.

-The asthma aspect of the game seems to just add an unnecessary annoyance. Any time you're in a stressful situation, your heart rate goes up, you become asthmatic gradually and need to use an inhaler. You can only carry 5 max at a time. The game gives you plenty, but there were a few times I was cutting it close and down to my last one with some distance to go and just escaped a stressful area. Also, using the inhaler causes noise. A couple times it caused me to be killed because a creature heard it and killed me. But it only does that if one is very close to you.

That may sound like a lot of complaints/nitpicks, but I do like the game quite a bit, I'm having a very good time with it. But then again I do love the genre.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Gonzito Gonzito

You'll be happy to know that I'm currently playing the game as well.

Some impressions:
- It's an ok 'one of those' kinds of hide and seek games. Fans of the movies will probably derive more enjoyment than the layman gamer.
- It's a lot more story focused than I expected. I thought it might be one of those minimal-narrative type games, but there's a lot of cut-scenes and notes etc spread around fleshing out the world.
- The margin of error is fucking brutal though, at least in Alien: Isolation (for comparison) you always have a reasonable idea of where the Xeno is, this is just purely reliant on sound, no matter where you are, even in a small bathroom, if you make more than a little noise, you are dead.
- Adding to the above, the creature AI / patterns area also "unfair" in some places. Especially indoors, the creatures just casually walk towards you when idle and you're often left trapped in a corner where you can't escape from and as soon as the creature gets in touching distance, you're dead. I have been trapped in those kind of scenarios more than a few times with nothing I could have done to escape.




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Neighbours from Hell
Getting a little bit further I'm starting to like the game less.

The creatures seem to be programmed to have patterns for routes that are the same routes you need to go. So you need to hold your left stick ever so gently. Seriously, like barely not even pressing it and move soooooo slow, otherwise it'll sense you and kill you. Sometimes even doing it that gently it will hear you.

The creatures seem to gravitate toward your direction for no apparent reason. I'll be in a corner doing nothing and it'll make its way over to me and that corner is out of the way of its normal route.

Sometimes rooms are divided up into sections. Like find the way through this gate or across this gap with a plank. In the first half of the room the creatures will have their pattern. Then once you make it to the other side of the room, the creature then decides to make its way over there and start a new pattern. Clearly scripted just to be annoying.

I encountered a few bugs. Once, I entered a door that was supposed to be locked and it didn't trigger a button action I needed to squeeze through a train area. I eventually realized there was another area I had to go first to get a key to unlock the door. But it opened the door for me before I even got the key, bugging out the game. Also, I'll randomly walk over shards of glass or break something and I was 100% sure there was nothing on the ground for me to break. I kept dying at this part and I took the SAME EXACT route on every attempt, and randomly on some of my tries I'd walk over a spot and *crunch* and then I'm dead. But I was 100% sure no glass or anything was on the spot I just stepped on. Seems to be a bug or something.

It's losing its fun factor having to traverse every area so damn slow and you can't utter so much as a sound. It's way less forgiving than even the movies.


Neighbours from Hell
Ok, I finished it and can no longer recommend the game. The last third of the game or perhaps more, the creatures become way too cheap and aware. There will be a creature on the other side of the room and forget stepping on glass or knocking something over... if you don't crawl at literally the pace of a snail and so much as tilt your left thumbstick even the slightest bit faster, then they will be alerted and run over to you. It's simply not fun. It's just annoying. Even in the fucking movies you have people walking by them and it not reacting unless they make a noise. Also, in another move that appears they made just to make the game more annoying, at some point you lose your flashlight in favor of one of those old school hand crank flashlight where you need to squeeze it to generate power. Every squeeze makes noise and will alert the creature to you, so of course the game just adds things to make traversing more of a nuisance and you alerting it more likely.

I was going to change difficulty midway through just to make the game fun again because the second half of the game was just a chore that was no longer fun. But can't do it, unless I missed it. Which is also dumb. And there are quite a few bugs, I discovered some more in my final play session.

I would avoid this game unless you are absolutely dying to play an experience that is very slightly like Alien: Isolation or just are a total geek for the movies and have incredible patience.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
the creatures become way too cheap and aware. There will be a creature on the other side of the room and forget stepping on glass or knocking something over... if you don't crawl at literally the pace of a snail and so much as tilt your left thumbstick even the slightest bit faster, then they will be alerted and run over to you.

Yep, the enemy AI is way too cheap. The character also just stands there for the 5~8 second pre-canned death animation, the game should have had some kind of last second mechanic to try and avoid the enemy (since they can't see and all).
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Ok, I finished it and can no longer recommend the game. The last third of the game or perhaps more, the creatures become way too cheap and aware. There will be a creature on the other side of the room and forget stepping on glass or knocking something over... if you don't crawl at literally the pace of a snail and so much as tilt your left thumbstick even the slightest bit faster, then they will be alerted and run over to you. It's simply not fun. It's just annoying. Even in the fucking movies you have people walking by them and it not reacting unless they make a noise. Also, in another move that appears they made just to make the game more annoying, at some point you lose your flashlight in favor of one of those old school hand crank flashlight where you need to squeeze it to generate power. Every squeeze makes noise and will alert the creature to you, so of course the game just adds things to make traversing more of a nuisance and you alerting it more likely.

I was going to change difficulty midway through just to make the game fun again because the second half of the game was just a chore that was no longer fun. But can't do it, unless I missed it. Which is also dumb. And there are quite a few bugs, I discovered some more in my final play session.

I would avoid this game unless you are absolutely dying to play an experience that is very slightly like Alien: Isolation or just are a total geek for the movies and have incredible patience.
thanks for this...
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