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A suggestion to make gaf a better place...

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Moderated wildly
...hey squad, over the last few weeks and probably months I feel I've slipped into a more negative place on this forum and I it's something I regret considerably and have pondered on quite a lot.

I realised, thank god i was thread banned from the ABK thread. Honestly, I appreciate it mods. It's not that I want the acquisition to go through. I honestly, from the bottom of my heart couldn't care. I do feel MS have enough studios under their belt to offer great content, and that's what they should be doing instead of just buying everyone.

I realised I am not emotionally invested, I realised I am just tired of the constant back and forth about these business and treating it personally and who lied and what was said etc when really these are businesses who are going to business. It doesn't matter what words aresaid , actions matter and MS is buying up publishers and securing exclusive content to strengthen their business just like Sony are securing exclusives and buying developers to strengthen their business.

OK, waffle over...I wanted to try and keep it short.

So, what would it take for us all to finally move on and accept this is shit? To try and reduce the tension and go back to having fun little bickering about our preferred platforms but ultimately accepting that we all just like playing great games.

I own all platforms and always will.

My suggestion.

From what I have seen on here, I admit that Phil lied, it looks very much like he made a statement saying he would not restrict games from players with the Bethesda acquisition and they did exactly that with every new title announced since the purchase. Forcing PlayStation players to have to sign up to game pass, buy a pc or purchase an xbox to play those games.

So, Phil lied to my knowledge.

I admit this whole heartedly with no issue to say it at all. Would it help the playstation leaning fans on here to have all the xbox owners or players say that? Could we move on in some form if that is said?

Also, I'd just like to add...I genuinely think exclusives suck no matter who is doing them. I admit that Microsoft secures exclusive content just like Sony does, they go out and secure games for game pass and many of those are timed exclusives, tunic, stalker 2 etc.

Would it help for us all to admit that MS do that and then can we move on in some form?

Without silly warring, are there honest suggestions that if we can all just say. Yep, this happens...and it sucks...MS did/does it...no defence....

If we all just accept this can we move on instead on the constant psychotic round and round in circles? Looking at my actions over the last few weeks and months it is this that has turned me almost loopy lol

It's becuase this forum is a great thing for me, I check it a lot and like to be apart of the community but I feel the way the industry has been and Microsofts desire to purchase large publishers has turned us all a little crazy....

I also, expect light hearted memes and mum jokes and insults to me...so go ahead you plebs!


Hope this thread is OK, mods? Just trying to inspire some positive growth...perhaps?

My intention for this thread is that, if this was a thread that people admitted these points could we then just all accept...yup....that was said...this is that...etc...all move on?
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I realised I am not emotionally invested
Disney Lying GIF by Anne Horel
I do agree that GAF has moments where negativity can snowball, but I think your OP adds a bit of gasoline to the fire by trying to make sure everyone else agree with your terms, instead of internally finding a way to positively navigate around these conversations that you care for.
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Moderated wildly
I do agree that GAF has moments where negativity can snowball, but I think your OP adds a bit of gasoline to the fire by trying to make sure everyone else agree with your terms, instead of internally finding a way to positively navigate around these conversations that care for.

Great suggestion, I honestly am not trying to fan anything...that is the furthest from my intention.

The facts are the facts, why can't we all just admit it and move on?


Moderated wildly
Only unnecessarily negative threads I have seen here are Suicide Squad threads.

I'm not on about the threads, I agree. I think more the content in the threads often turn into Phil said this...no he didn't...yes he did.....

And it just goes in circles...I honestly can't be the only person seeing this, or maybe I have gone loopy....

Dj Rscl GIF by Spinnin' Records
Great suggestion, I honestly am not trying to fan anything...that is the furthest from my intention.
That's fair.
The facts are the facts, why can't we all just admit it and move on?
This is the part you'd have to concede instead. Unless you're looking for specific forum members to agree with you, you're never going to reach the peace that you're looking for with everyone, because the whole point of a forum is discussion and for there to be a good discussion you need disagreement. Plus, even if we were all forced to agree with you by some chance, you'd just feel a hollow victory.


What time is it?
Oh sober soul, beware the fate
That lies in wait beyond the gate
For though sobriety may seem safe
Its dangers lurk in every place

The world is filled with temptations strong
That lead you down a path so wrong
A drink or drug to ease the pain
To forget the troubles of your brain

And yet the sober mind must stay
Alert and focused every day
To resist the lure of fleeting joy
And find fulfillment that won't destroy

For though the dangers may be real
The sober life can still appeal
With clarity and peace of mind
A path to happiness you'll find

So stay the course, stay strong and true
And know that there are others too
Who face the dangers of sobriety
And find their way to clarity.


I literally don't care about this drama because I game on PC. Whether Elder Scrolls 6 is accompanied by the MS game studios logo or not is inconsequential to me. Or Call of Duty. Or or or.

I do understand that this is a big deal for Sony players, however.

In the end, it is what it is.


Haven't spent much time in that thread.. seems pretty obvious nothing useful can come out of reading or posting anything in it. Ignore it?


Moderated wildly
That's fair.

This is the part you'd have to concede instead. Unless you're looking for specific forum members to agree with you, you're never going to reach the peace that you're looking for with everyone, because the whole point of a forum is discussion and for there to be a good discussion you need disagreement. Plus, even if we were all forced to agree with you by some chance, you'd just feel a hollow victory.

I don't want a victory, it's not for me. It's me trying to reach out as someone who leans more xbox. I have 4 xbox's in my house and primarily game there if I'm not on my pc.

I was hoping that if myself and others can admit Phil lied, MS secure exclusives just like Sony do...if there is a log that that was agreed could we maybe move on from the circle of every few pages of "Phil said this" "Sony did this" etc

Does that make sense?


The fix for your issue is easy. All warriors mustn't gloat and take joy in the fact that others aren't going to enjoy a game.

It sucks, it sucks xbox fans aren't going to get to play ff16 cause it's looking rad and it sucks PS and most likely Nintendo fans after 10 years are going to lose call of duty. Rational adult human beings have empathy for others with these situations.

The only way consolidation should be spoken about is by saying "look at this cock Phil, Jim, Tencent or whoever and how they are ruining gaming for other this sucks"

But it won't be, and warriors will always exist.

So unfortunately to make a long story short, this isn't going away. You can only fix yourself and realise you are a grown ass adult and have empathy for others and as you keep saying, don't get so invested in one side.

That should be said about life in more than just gaming but I digress


Listen, the only thing that works on the internet is that you need to take things less seriously. People are always gonna make you angry, there will always be topics that will make you angry, and people will always trigger you in some way.

Engaging in tiresome long exhaustive discussions online is a surefire way to ruin your day, cause that frustration sticks with you for hours, even away from the computer. Learn to step away before that happens, and view everybody online as some nameless fucking cunt bitches that ain't worth listening to or talking to.

That's what I do, I think everyone is a fucking idiot and I got it figured out. Works like a charm.


Alternatively, you could just forget about the whole thing and move on with your life after realising that none of this matters and no one will remember about any of it, come next poo break when they will reach for their phones to scroll through the boards again.
I don't want a victory, it's not for me. It's me trying to reach out as someone who leans more xbox. I have 4 xbox's in my house and primarily game there if I'm not on my pc.

I was hoping that if myself and others can admit Phil lied, MS secure exclusives just like Sony do...if there is a log that that was agreed could we maybe move on from the circle of every few pages of "Phil said this" "Sony did this" etc

Does that make sense?
I know exactly what you're saying. I'm just giving you a heads up that there will be 4 types of people in this thread:

1) The people who meme you and don't care
2) The people who will never agree with your point or be contrarian
3) The people who will question your motives regardless
4) The people who will agree

You're expecting 1-3 to all be type 4. It's simply unrealistic. I have an Xbox myself, but you have to realize that there's too many people on GAF for what you want, and unless there's heavy mod enforcement it won't happen.

The same way I had to accept that No Man's Sky new update threads constantly devolve into 'They lied at launch', you'll have to accept that threads involving Phil will do the same until game releases are in their hands.


From what I have seen on here, I admit that Phil lied, it looks very much like he made a statement saying he would not restrict games from players with the Bethesda acquisition and they did exactly that with every new title announced since the purchase. Forcing PlayStation players to have to sign up to game pass, buy a pc or purchase an xbox to play those games.
What statement exactly are we talking about? Where was this statement made?
So, what would it take for us all to finally move on and accept this is shit? To try and reduce the tension and go back to having fun little bickering about our preferred platforms but ultimately accepting that we all just like playing great games.
schadenfreude make this hard to happen. I advise you to read this when talking in a forum. It helped me a lot.
I would not have made a thread here in the gaming section because the audience is more "tense" to take your word on it. There is a thread that is perfect for the discussion that you want to have on the communities section. And the poster there are more laid back than the console warring you are experiencing at the moment.
The ignore function is really powerful and can reduce a lot of those frustrating feeling you may have. I never did it yet but I will probably do if I continue to use GAF in the years to come.
To finish this with a joke:

Sony Gaf and their master Bo hazem welcome you with open arms!


The nicest person on this forum
OK, waffle over...I wanted to try and keep it short.

why do you guys likes make drama out of noting? Do you guys forget this just a fucking video games? Get the the games you want and just have fun…..why all this pointless drama for?

You guys go so goddamn deep in to CEOs or compay investor crap that as if you guys working in one of companies.

One thing be in to your favourite hobby but this is way too much and just downright weird.
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Moderated wildly
You were thread banned in the acquisition thread, so you decided to make a thread to talk more about the acquisition? I think you need to move on bro.

It seeps far over the acquisition thread. A lot of threads are full of Phil quotes etc so I was attempting to make a thread to help us move on...

Anyone bringing negativity to my attempt at positivity!

Suck my chebs!

Daneel Elijah Daneel Elijah thanks for the links. Great read!
I'm not sure I completely get the point, I'm assuming it has something to do with not bickering about loyalty to hardware manufacturers and getting along...which I'm all for.

Though, I'll be honest, if you are over 12 and actually show some kind of genuinely passionate, tribalistic loyalty to a games console, to the point you belittle and insult those who use the device made by the competition, I'm afraid you are a rather sad person who really needs some perspective.

It's just not healthy and serves no purpose.


Staying away from the ABK thread is the greatest thing you can do for your mental health on here.

Not because of either set of fans being "annoying", I have no allegiance and play/own all the major consoles so don't like console wars, but I feel like anything to do with ABK atm really brings out the worst in GAF users rn.

I know most won't appreciate your post OP but I respect your intentions, I wish GAF could look past their console warring kerfuffles to universally enjoy what's looking to be one of the greatest years in modern gaming history.


Go get some fresh air mate, this is just a forum nothing less, nothing more.
If your only contribution to someone's thread is going to be a childish slam dunk attempt using the "get fresh air" line, then maybe you're the one who needs their actions on GAF looking into more than OP?


If your only contribution to someone's thread is going to be a childish slam dunk attempt using the "get fresh air" line, then maybe you're the one who needs their actions on GAF looking into more than OP?
I rather prefer a gently advice of kindness than some pre-teen passive agressive reaction...

The good news is that you can also take a bowl of fresh air for free starting TODAY :messenger_smiling:
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My suggestion would be for more transparency from the moderation team, like we had 2 years ago.
The ban page nowadays rarely has posts associated to the bans, posts get deleted a lot now, something that didn't happen 2 years ago and warnings are now also given without posts associated to them, so people are left guessing which of their posts trigger the warning.


I rather prefer a gently advice of kindness than some pre-teen passive agressive reaction...

The good news is that you can also take a bowl of fresh air for free starting TODAY :messenger_smiling:
I've had more than my fair share of fresh air thank you my friend! Decided to take my darling dog on a long walk up the countryside/woodlands in my area, she's now knocked out on the couch haha, but thank you for looking out for my well-being, it's much appreciated ❤️

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