What's the underlying problem? Our current economic systems require that their be winners and losers.
"Improved job training" as you suggested is going to be rendered fucking worthless near soon enough. Education can only go so far. Not everyone can be some STEM guru or an engineer or a doctor. And even if everyone could, that would push wages down for those professions.
The solution is to re-diversify local industry, reversing unfettered "free trade" globalism to a significant degree, making it fair global trade in the process. But it must be done wisely, with care for both the employed and the environment. This is where the American public is very, very misled. The true solution would have been a progressive governance, led by those like Sanders and Warren, who want to see domestic small and medium businesses flourish, along with the local communities they support, and for the consolidation of wealth and power associated with large multinational corporations (i.e., oligopolistic/monopolistic forces) be constrained. You use a set of sticks and carrots which naturally pushes business entities (and the individuals who comprise and work for them) towards the center, reinforcing the competitive nature of the market. Unfettered capitalism without wise use of sticks and carrots (i.e., regulation/rules) inevitably ends in total consolidation of wealth and power, which is NOT what we should be striving for. The ironic end of unfettered capitalism IS actually crony capitalism, as we see today with huge corporations buying anti-competive laws that place barriers to entry in markets and make it hard for smaller existing competition to compete. The trick is to get one set of rules that treat everyone fairly but not necessarily equally. The low end should always be bolstered, the middle left alone, and the top end burdened (e.g., a strong social safety net [i.e., universal access to healthcare and higher education, pensions, etc.]; protection of labor and environment based on hard science; investment in research which furthers basic science, applied science, and disruptive technology that is public domain; small business loan and investment programs; progressive taxation; extra classes of taxes for those who control inordinate amounts of wealth and power; etc.). In this way, it should be relatively easy to get out of the low end, take steady but reasonable effort to stay in the middle, and be difficult to maintain a top status.
What I've described above is a system to achieve the real American dream: a large, powerful, well-educated middle class that is as empathetic to the plight of others as they are competitive and innovative in the space of business and technology.