QUESTION: Hello. Secretary Kerry, this week we’ve seen President Obama lifting the restrictions on weapons being provided to some groups in Syria. What assurances do we have that those weapons won’t fall into the wrong hands as we’ve seen happen in the past? And also with regards to the evacuation of civilians, what kind of measures are in place to pressure some of the rebel groups who’ve been accused of not allowing some of the civilians to leave those areas?
SECRETARY KERRY: Well, let me deal with the second part first. It is true that there have been some occasions where certain elements of opposition have – excuse me – where certain elements of the opposition have threatened people who were going to leave and in some cases prevented humanitarian assistance from being delivered. That is a very serious offense also, and we have taken steps with respect to anyone we have communication. We don’t have communication with all of these groups. There are different countries and different players engaged in that, but we have relayed to everybody that is absolutely unacceptable behavior and we would not support anybody who engages in that activity.