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Accents in english

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Hang out with Steve.
There isn't a "standard" American accent. Every region has its own dialects and accents. There's East Pennsylvania, West Pennsylvania, Massachusetts/Rhode Island/Connecticut, New York, Maine/Vermont/New Hampshire, Midwest, Plains, several varieties of Southern, several West Coast accents, etc. etc. The country's just too big and spread out for there to be a single or standard American accent.


SteveMeister said:
There isn't a "standard" American accent. Every region has its own dialects and accents. There's East Pennsylvania, West Pennsylvania, Massachusetts/Rhode Island/Connecticut, New York, Maine/Vermont/New Hampshire, Midwest, Plains, several varieties of Southern, several West Coast accents, etc. etc. The country's just too big and spread out for there to be a single or standard American accent.

You don't know how much I despise the "Bostonian" accent/english.


I can hardly stand southern accents.

Filipino people speaking English have a peculiar accent. For example, they pronounced the "L" in salmon, make words sound like others, etc. I find it quite distracting even though I've lived around them for all my life.
Odd choice here, but a welsh accent on a girl is a major turn on.

As far as cool accents go, I'm partial to Geordie, Scouse, and Brummie.


I've known people from the Midwest who didn't think they had an accent. By itself, that was shocking. But I was even more shocked to hear them infer that I had an accent - I'm from Northern California! No two people even have the same accent here!
marsomega said:
You don't know how much I despise the "Bostonian" accent/english.

any girl with that accent, no matter how hot she is (though to be honest, i can't recall seeing any hot bostonian/northeastern chicks) is an automatic turnoff.
I like most British accents.

I don't dislike any particular accent really, but if I had to pick one it would be the upper midwest American accent. It's so nasal (e.g. Chi-caaa-go for Chicago, etc.)

Also, I think I lot of folks are confusing the southern accent with the redneck accent, and since I'm from Mississippi I resent that. Shelby Foote speaks with a true southern accent (go to http://booktv.org/ram/feature/0901/arc_btv090201_4.ram if you want to listen to him), while those idiots on that godforsaken Blue Collar Comedy Tour speak with redneck accents.

Having said that, most people in the south do talk like rednecks, but there are a few of us down here who still speak southern English properly.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
There's also no single southern accent. There's several types, but generally in more populated areas they are much lighter.

Go to small cities (< 10,000 people) and you'll find the pure accents.
Blackace said:
ehhh... I have a lot of family in the south and Houston is one of the places where I have some... the never pronouce their H's ..."welcome to 'Ouston. We can go out to the clubs 'ere there be 'ella women there"

Weird, usually the only people I hear that don't pronounce the H in Houston are from New Jersey. Except for one person who grew up there, and I typically rag on him for not pronouncing it.

And no, barely anybody has a drawl in the major cities, and have a stereotypical American accent. The only way you are able to tell is every once in a while they will throw in a Texan word, and if you ever hear somebody say big ol', they are most likely from Texas or haved lived a good part of their lives down here.

The biggest problem is when somebody tries to slip on a Texan accent, they typically sound really annoying, kinda like Bush. There is no reason he should have a drawl, except for political reasons. There is an distinct difference between when he tries to be presidential, and when he tries to be "folksy" and down home.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ninja Scooter said:
any girl with that accent, no matter how hot she is (though to be honest, i can't recall seeing any hot bostonian/northeastern chicks) is an automatic turnoff.

i feel the exact same way.. its just damn disgusting.. i hate most north-east accents.
LOL! Sorry dude ...

I love accents! I hate idiots! Can't we all just get along? As far as I've found, every accent or dialect has had something to recommend it, and if you get to know it, opens pathways to new communication, new humour, new relationships - the lot. A few comments:

I loooooove Geordie women. Really, I would do anything for a woman with a Geordie accent, although I suspect a visit to Newcastle might force me to chuck a few qualifications in there. It'll probably turn out that I only 'looooove' posh Geordie women, but the thing still stands. What a turn on ...

Aussies sound all warm and round and relaxed, like English people who've had the innate gloominess baked out of them. Which is essentially what they are.

New Zealanders sound a little similar, but with more cheekiness and fruitiness thrown in. They can sound posh and haughty, but only if they're posh and haughty.

Americans are a figure of fear and hatred, and should be avoided at all costs.

Canadians make me laugh eh?

I never met any southern Irish people until I came to Australia. Sure they're all over here. Awesome accent, hysterical people.

Scottish is also a joy to beh0r, but I have generally found the Scottish themselves to be more intimidating than 'trustworthy'. Sorry guys. But I do really love reading the dialect, for example as written by Irvine Welsh or Iain Banks.

Welsh is too gorgeous.


Ninja Scooter said:
any girl with that accent, no matter how hot she is (though to be honest, i can't recall seeing any hot bostonian/northeastern chicks) is an automatic turnoff.

Funny thing, our group from miami was on a trip with people from Boston. We met at the airport. They must of been expecting "dirty looking hispanics" because we are from miami and everyone in miami is etc... according to their chatter (they didn't know it was us.) They were speaking perfectly fine english however when we revealed ourselves they put on the Bostonian english/accent which they later upgraded to a fake British accent. We had a great time watching them forget their accents and then have them magically appear mid conversation. Two of the males from our group put up with them for sex but even they were getting annoyed and wanted o shut them and their Bostonian english/accent (and fake British accent) the hell up.

(While we believed them that they got sick and tired of it we still shunned them because they slept with the enemy plus the first week they hung out with them and disbanded from our company. Goes to show you, there isn't much if the visuals are there to persuade a male from good sex. Doesn't matter, just to make sure they were sorry we dunked their tooth brushes in the toilet.... Tee hee hee. That will teach them. >:| )

Haa haa hee tee hee hee. XD


Ones I like hearing:

New York






Asian...sometimes (sorry, roomy :p)


mrkgoo said:
Funny how Aussies think they say Fish and Chips, and Nzers say "Fush and Chups", because Nzers think we say "fish and chips" and AUSSIES say "Feesh and cheeps". It's the whol perspective thing.

I always thought we said fish, and you said "fush" :p
It's like how we say six, and you say "sex". (i'm from austraila btw)

I find Indian and sri lankan accents hardest to understand. It shits me even mroe when i have to deal with tech support\help desk\accounts for certian telco in australia that have call centres based in India. I swear to god last time i called i could barely understand a thing. Irish accents while cool sounding are also kinda hard to make out the words as well.
Malaysian english shits me, and singlish with all their "lahs" gets very annoying after awhile.

I'm not a big fan of american accents, but i don't hate it or anything.

I like english, french, chinese, korean and japanese english accents. That latter 3 because i'm so used to them.

Has anyone noticed that when you're in another country how much hearing your own accent makes you feel at home? I've been overseas a few times and love it when i hear a Melbourne Australian accent overseas.


Has problems recognising girls
LusDekkar said:
Has anyone noticed that when you're in another country how much hearing your own accent makes you feel at home? I've been overseas a few times and love it when i hear a Melbourne Australian accent overseas.
Yeah it gets like that. Was in Singapore for a month and coming back to hear an Aussie accent was bliss.

My accent itself is very weird.. constantly catch myself saying a word normally but it'll sound Brit.
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