Those looking for FMT's "Official" league go that way --------------> LINK
Links of Note:
Official NCAA Football 11 Online Dynasty Thread (Rules from this dynasty will pretty much carry over aside from some tweaks, so give it a read!)
Team Ratings (Including Prestige) -
Selected Vets With First Pass At Open Spots:
Member List (With Preferred Teams/s, If Possible)
1. GCQuinton (NC State)
2. BigAT (Rutgers)
3. KanZolo (Northwestern??)
4. Striker (Pitt)
5. BigPapaHusker (Minnesota, Baylor)
6. storybook77 (Mississippi State)
7. Nightz (Cal)
8. mik (Oregon State, Arizona)
9. Ramirez (Kentucky)
10. Azwethinkweiz (Arizona State)
11. TheCrow (Northern Illinois)
12. MrCWS83 (Colorado)
Dynasty Style
As my last three online dynasties have been (fourth total), this will be a "career" style online dynasty. I'm not locking down the exact setup (custom conferences, etc.) just yet, but all members will AT LEAST be starting off with a 3 star team as head coaches and we can hash out the rest in this thread. If enough people want to drop the star requirement some more, we can definitely do that too. This was also a large reason we lasted NINE full seasons, which to my knowledge is a record among any of the GAF sports leagues. And out of those nine seasons, five were all-human national championship games, so I'd like to think we're doing something right!
More to come soon!