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Accessibility features in Horizon Forbidden West



With the launch of Horizon Forbidden West only a few days away, we are keen to share some of the accessibility features that will be available for our players. Early on in the game’s development, we established that we wanted to bring the game to as many fans as possible and create an immersive and accessible experience that can be enjoyed by everyone. Some of these return from Horizon Zero Dawn, and some are newly added as we’ve continued to learn and understand more about the needs of our players.

We hope these features help craft the gameplay experience that works best for you, and look forward to hearing your feedback so we can finetune even further!

General Accessibility Settings​

There are a couple of things that are automatically enabled upon starting the game, one of them being subtitles. You also have the option to change the size and background used with subtitles for better visibility. You can select your preferred language (both spoken and subtitles) when starting the game for the first time.

In the game menu you can find the Notebook, an expansive encyclopedia containing useful information about characters, machines, and datapoints found in the world. We wanted to ensure that any help can easily be found while you are playing, should you need guidance, so we added a separate Tutorials section to study up on game mechanics or controls.

Difficulty Settings​

We understand that every player wants their own type of challenge in the Forbidden West, so we have five difficulty settings that are tailored to give you the experience you prefer; from Story Mode which eases the combat experience so you can focus on exploration and story, to Very Hard which presents you with a tough, demanding combat experience and really tests your skills.

We’re also introducing the Custom Difficulty setting, which allows you to adjust damage levels that Aloy deals and receives to/from enemies, giving more flexibility in adjusting combat difficulty.

Horizon Forbidden West has a focus on hunting machines, then detaching and looting their resources to craft ammo and upgrade equipment. Many of these resources can be destroyed if not detached before the machine is killed. This can be challenging, so we have introduced an Easy Loot system. Turning the Easy Loot option on means that any resource components that are still attached when killing a machine are added to its loot inventory. This lessens the need to detach those components during combat. This system is the default for Story and Easy difficulties as well as an option in Custom mode.

Controller Settings​

As Aloy is a skilled and agile hunter, it is important that the controls be as intuitive and comfortable to use, allowing Aloy to use her full range to succeed. With this in mind we have introduced a number of options to make these controls as accessible as possible.

Horizon Forbidden West has a few presets for controls (including left-handed support), but we also implemented fully remappable gameplay controls with guidance on any potential conflicts; meaning you can fully customize which button or input does what. There are also several options to swap between Toggle or Hold where applicable, invert the X or Y axis.

Another new feature is the Co-pilot system, which grants a second PlayStation controller with mirrored controls access to the game. This only requires another controller (DualSense controller for PS5, DualShock 4 controller for PS4) and a second user profile. The Co-pilot system was implemented thanks to incredible feedback and support from our sightless accessibility consultant.


Horizon Forbidden West also features optional motion sensor controls; using the DualSense wireless controller’s built-in accelerometer and gyroscope you can make intuitive micro-adjustments to aimed shots for that extra touch of precision.

There are sliders for the sensitivity of movement as well as Dead Zone settings for the analog sticks. You can also Quick Swap between weapons with one tap, and swap the functionality of the left and right sticks for character and camera movement.

As the PS5 version of the game makes use of the adaptive triggers and vibrations, we have introduced settings for players that find these options challenging: you can change the vibration intensity on cinematics, traversal, combat, UI, or the environment, and you can disable the adaptive triggers when wielding weapons.

Gameplay Assist Settings​

These settings are aimed at supporting players who may experience difficulties with any aspect of the game.

When it comes to weapons and combat, you can, for example, adjust how much the game slows down when the Weapon Wheel (which allows you to quickly equip a weapon) is activated or enable Aim Assist. You can increase the duration of Concentration, which temporarily slows down time when you aim your bow, or even set Auto Concentration (if you have Concentration left) which saves you from having to activate it yourself in tricky combat situations.

Some other automatic settings to save you a button click are Auto Sprint, Auto Heal (when below 50% health), and Auto Shieldwing (which deploys when you fall from great heights, once this ability is unlocked). There’s also a setting called Climbing Annotations Always On, this makes the available climb options easier to see without requiring use of the Focus . Please note that some of the Auto settings only work in Story/Easy and Custom difficulty modes.

Horizon Forbidden West spans across a huge area, so we have implemented some guidance tools to help you navigate this vast and vibrant world. You can choose if you want to explore the world with minimal guidance, or if you’d like to see markers to help you reach your quest destination. The same goes for waypoints, which are dynamically placed markers to help navigate. For longer travels, you can select Mount Follows Road, so your mount will navigate you to your goal with minimal player input.

There are pop-up reminders on how to use abilities, weapons, or engage with certain enemies, which you can toggle on or off. If you boot up the game again after shutting down your console, there’s a Story So Far screen to help get back into the swing of things. While PS4 players might encounter the occasional loading screen (including helpful hints), PS5 players can toggle between Informative and Immediate, since the game loads a lot quicker and some might prefer to read the loading screen tips.

Audio and Visual Settings​

There’s a couple of settings here that are specifically aimed at reducing any discomfort our players might experience. Visually, you can finetune the camera shake and motion blur settings, and completely customize the game’s HUD to control what information is visible to you, and when.

You can also decide on the size of the subtitles and toggle whether they are displayed on a background or not.

Audio-wise, there are individual volume controls for music, speech, and sound effects. You can also force Mono Audio, and you can remove Tinnitus sounds – these are triggering sounds (e.g. machine shrieks) which are similar to Tinnitus sounds.

In the PS5 version, there are also additional options to trim the volume of machine sounds, weapon and explosion sounds, or ambient sounds. This could be especially helpful for people who are easily overstimulated.

These are just some of the features we have included and we will continue to look at ways to make Horizon Forbidden West even more accessible, so we look forward to your feedback over the coming weeks! A big thanks to our accessibility advocates and playtesters, as well as our own Guerrillas and our colleagues across various PlayStation Studios for their invaluable support and input during development.
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I feel like an asshole saying this, because I am 100% grateful to every developer who puts the time and effort in to add these options and they should be commended...

...But until they allow PS4 controllers and accessories to be used in PS5 games, it's still not good enough (for me personally).

I'll still be playing this on PS5 though via remote play.


Gold Member
I feel like an asshole saying this, because I am 100% grateful to every developer who puts the time and effort in to add these options and they should be commended...

...But until they allow PS4 controllers and accessories to be used in PS5 games, it's still not good enough (for me personally).

I'll still be playing this on PS5 though via remote play.
I feel that's a different issue tbh?

Good to see I guess, but it usually makes a mockery when they then put achievements against harder difficulties lol


I feel that's a different issue tbh?

Good to see I guess, but it usually makes a mockery when they then put achievements against harder difficulties lol

Your right...

...I just got insanely frustrated this past week with this whole situation, and I've been venting my anger online lol. Long story.

I should be grateful that remote play allows me to play, and I am, it just sucks I gotta deal with input lag when other people in the house start streaming.

Even as a disabled gamer, I wouldn't even be mad at the situation if the dualsense actually had a significant change that truly required it to be used, but as proven with remote play, it doesn't. Dualshock 4 works fine in every PS5 game except astro bot.

On topic: Is it confirmed there are difficulty trophies?


Gold Member
As i said in another topic, fuck the lack of ultra hard mode at launch.

Are they gonna introduce it with another dlc?


I feel like an asshole saying this, because I am 100% grateful to every developer who puts the time and effort in to add these options and they should be commended...

...But until they allow PS4 controllers and accessories to be used in PS5 games, it's still not good enough (for me personally).

I'll still be playing this on PS5 though via remote play.

no that's a very reasonable expectation even tho people are defending Sony here with the dumbest arguments for why it is good that DS4 doesn't work


I wonder how that auto sprint works, would be good to not have to press L3 every 5 seconds. If it starts you sprinting after a few seconds of max analogue stick then thats cool but if it just makes max be sprint that could be annoying for when you want to move a bit slower, we'll see.

Also would like to see "Show Headpiece" having an option to hide in conversations but show in gameplay, it was on or off always in Horizon: ZD.


no that's a very reasonable expectation even tho people are defending Sony here with the dumbest arguments for why it is good that DS4 doesn't work
It'd be a halfway understandable thing if yaknow.... Sony themselves didn't allow you to GLOBALLY disable dualsense specific features.


Gold Member
I think Sony raised the bar with accessibility features in their games like Last of Us 2. The player is more in control of the experience without having to be frustrated by control choices like tapping buttons like a maniac instead of holding them.

I wish that there could be some sort of accessibility standard that larger developers in the industry could agree on meeting, using these games as a template.

Lots of good ideas here and giving more power to the user to cultivate their experience is good.


Tinnitus fucking sucks, I really hate loud FAN noise, because it interferes with my inner tone. Obviously I hate those high pitch noises in the games
Yeah sounds that sync with the inner tone as you say are the worst. Total silence can be brutal too because then I start listening to the tinnitus and it never goes away. Sigh, it’s complicated but any dev that give it even a tiny bit of thought is worthy some praise imo.
TLoU2 set the standard and now the rest of the PS studios follow it.

I like turning on auto-loot. I dont want to press square everytime.
I thought co-pilot was for helping someone else play. Which I guess I can with use it like that with my gf.

Anyways neat shit.


Your right...

...I just got insanely frustrated this past week with this whole situation, and I've been venting my anger online lol. Long story.

I should be grateful that remote play allows me to play, and I am, it just sucks I gotta deal with input lag when other people in the house start streaming.

Even as a disabled gamer, I wouldn't even be mad at the situation if the dualsense actually had a significant change that truly required it to be used, but as proven with remote play, it doesn't. Dualshock 4 works fine in every PS5 game except astro bot.

On topic: Is it confirmed there are difficulty trophies?
Brook Wing controller adaptor.
I use PS4 pad for PS5, PS5 pad for Series X


I hope they take color blind people in consideration i Didn't see them mentioning anything, The color of the modification icons in zero dawn was little bit confusing- To a Color blind


Gold Member
Heavy disagree on having multiple difficulties and sliders on top of it. It's not my job to design good level of challenge, it's the developers job. Like make one difficulty that really works in conjuction with gameplay and then add super Uber easy difficulty option as accessiblity feature.
These settings sound amazing, thank you! This has turned this game into a day 1 purchase for me. (Particularly increasing the amount of time for concentration)


Horizon Forbidden West has a focus on hunting machines, then detaching and looting their resources to craft ammo and upgrade equipment. Many of these resources can be destroyed if not detached before the machine is killed. This can be challenging, so we have introduced an Easy Loot system. Turning the Easy Loot option on means that any resource components that are still attached when killing a machine are added to its loot inventory. This lessens the need to detach those components during combat. This system is the default for Story and Easy difficulties as well as an option in Custom mode.

I'm confused by this, I'm playing ZD right now and if you knock off components before killing the machine then you don't get them as part of the loot of the machine carcass, just whatever is still attached. So if its a Grazer and you knock off two (2) Blaze cannisters and leave the other two (2) attached, you'll see 2x Blaze on the robot when you search it and when you take them they disappear from the carcass in the world. Then you have to manually pick up the other Graze cannisters that fell off.

So afaik that was already something that happened before, by default, in ZD. Now do I have to manually shoot them all off? Thats a pointless chore. It would make sense to me if this meant looting the carcass gave you all the parts that fell off as well, that would actually be a timesaver for people that want it, have they possibly miscommunicated what this feature does?

Unless I've just totally misunderstood how looting works in ZD then this seems like a step back. As it stands you can use Harvest arrows on the removeable cannister components before or after you take down the machine and you get a multiplication of the number you normally wood (ie 6x Blaze from each cannister instead of the usual 1 if you knock it off with the spear, tear blast or just regular impact damage arrows).

I checked out this wiki page:

and it seems to suggest it works how I think it does, with the one exception of the Snapmaw carcasss needing to have some (extra?) chillwater tanks and shard yielding components manually removed after searching the carcass, but that seems like an oversight.

What am I missing here?


This is new to me, what's the issue with the dualsense vs ds4?

Alright first, my own personal background: Was born with a degenerative muscle disease. My muscles degrade over my lifespan. Since I couldn't do outdoor stuff, parents got me a PS1 at the age of 3. Even then I had to hold the controller in an unusual manor. But it worked.

As years passed by, I both got weaker and games got more complex to play, with increased use of shoulder buttons and left/right stick clicks. Stuff that's hard to do, in Call of Duty I'd use my chin to sprint lol. Couldn't play anything motion controlled (Damn you Nintendo/David Cage!)

It all hit a wall though, with the launch of Grand Theft Auto V, you can't change the vehicle controls and while I can press the triggers, I can't hold them for long periods of time. GTA V was unplayable. First game I was mega hyped for that wasn't gonna work out. Not to mention the L3+R3 to activate special abilities in single player. My friends were supportive though, in GTA Online, they'd just drive me around uber style.

But, I don't remember how I found it, but I discovered an adapter called Cronus Max. This thing was literally a gift from god as far as I was concerned. If you don't know, it allowed both cross controller support (so like, dualshock on xbox) and the BIGGEST thing...Scripting. With coding, you can manipulate the controller in any way, limited only by imagination.

First thing I did, get a script that swaps R2 with X and L2 with Square (activated by pressing triangle) and now I COULD DRIVE IN GTA and I assigned the special abilities to O.

I got really nervous around the PS4 launch, would the cronus work? Will I be able to use the bulkier dualshock 4?

It took time, but as it turns out, the dualshock 4 was perfectly molded for my hands. and not only that, not only does the cronus work, the touchpad expanded how I could utilize the cronus.

I can use the cronus to assign L3 to the left side of the touchpad and R3 to the right side of the touchpad. Now, there was nothing I couldn't play (Except Wii U)

As the generation went along accessibility became more of a focus which was great to see the industry embrace!

Fast forward to the PS5 launch though, and Sony has returned to PS3 era full on asshole mode. The DualSense is simply too big, the biggest issue for me is its too wide, its also too bulky, but if it were less wide I might could figure it out. Sony says the Dualsense is required for PS5 titles due to adaptive triggers and haptics
even though they let you disable it globally in the OS.

Within a week I had it figured out. Sony added remote play to the PS4, using this the Dualshock 4 can be used in any PS5 game. lol. And I just switch the TV input to the PS5 to get the full image quality and input lag isn't bad at all...

..But it's a pain to setup, and if my parents are streaming netflix or something input lag starts making itself known.

In about 2 months the cronus devs figured out that PS5 games do allow 3rd party PS4 controllers...strange. So yeah, buy a cheap 3rd party controller, plug it in to the cronus to authenticate, then your free to use whatever the cronus supports, dualshock 4, xbox controller, whatever your poison. So early 2021 was lookin gooooooood. DS4 in my PS5 games, no input lag, all my scripts fully functional, it's all goooooooood...

...Until July 2021. Sony changed something in the SDK, now 3rd party controllers don't work in newer PS5 games, and there's no way to authenticate. To be clear it still works in the early PS5 games, and any PS4 game. The cronus devs have stated Sony encrypted the shit out of the DualSense and they can't crack it. So not wanting to fool with remote play...i've just been buying PS4 versions of games or the Series X version. (all this stuff works flawlessly on series consoles btw)

Your probably asking Why would Sony do this? Unfortunately, these devices are primarily used as, and marketed as, cheating devices in competitive FPS games, and enough people bitched about it during the PS4 era Sony felt the need to try to curb it. That's why they block PS4 controllers and accessories in PS5 games. Not because adaptive triggers.

I got pissed this past week though, the cronus devs teased in late january they had a solution for PS5. But when the update went out? It's just a remote play solution on PC...so same drawbacks as PS4 remote play. I just want everything to work like it did on PS4...

If the DualSense had game changing new inputs that games needed, or a different method of connection like with previous generation transitions I'd not be this upset. Part of being disabled is living with and accepting there's many things you will never be able to do. And I'm good with that. I'll never be able to play Mario Galaxy for example. I accept that.

But this feels like an unnecessary barrier, Microsoft hasn't blocked it, Nintendo hasn't blocked it, and all this stuff already NATIVELY WORKS ON PS5, sony just flipped a flag for PS5 games that's like "lol nope." Remote play proves the DualSense isn't physically required for PS5 games and assholes who use the Cronus to cheat are just gonna use that method anyway.

I'm still debating rather or not to play the PS4 version of Horizon or the PS5 version via remote play. Can't decide.

Brook Wing controller adaptor.
I use PS4 pad for PS5, PS5 pad for Series X

What games do you play? Highly HIGHLY doubt it works on the new PS5 games. Examples of blocked PS5 games: Wreckfest, COD warzone, dying light 2


Alright first, my own personal background: Was born with a degenerative muscle disease. My muscles degrade over my lifespan. Since I couldn't do outdoor stuff, parents got me a PS1 at the age of 3. Even then I had to hold the controller in an unusual manor. But it worked.

As years passed by, I both got weaker and games got more complex to play, with increased use of shoulder buttons and left/right stick clicks. Stuff that's hard to do, in Call of Duty I'd use my chin to sprint lol. Couldn't play anything motion controlled (Damn you Nintendo/David Cage!)

It all hit a wall though, with the launch of Grand Theft Auto V, you can't change the vehicle controls and while I can press the triggers, I can't hold them for long periods of time. GTA V was unplayable. First game I was mega hyped for that wasn't gonna work out. Not to mention the L3+R3 to activate special abilities in single player. My friends were supportive though, in GTA Online, they'd just drive me around uber style.

But, I don't remember how I found it, but I discovered an adapter called Cronus Max. This thing was literally a gift from god as far as I was concerned. If you don't know, it allowed both cross controller support (so like, dualshock on xbox) and the BIGGEST thing...Scripting. With coding, you can manipulate the controller in any way, limited only by imagination.

First thing I did, get a script that swaps R2 with X and L2 with Square (activated by pressing triangle) and now I COULD DRIVE IN GTA and I assigned the special abilities to O.

I got really nervous around the PS4 launch, would the cronus work? Will I be able to use the bulkier dualshock 4?

It took time, but as it turns out, the dualshock 4 was perfectly molded for my hands. and not only that, not only does the cronus work, the touchpad expanded how I could utilize the cronus.

I can use the cronus to assign L3 to the left side of the touchpad and R3 to the right side of the touchpad. Now, there was nothing I couldn't play (Except Wii U)

As the generation went along accessibility became more of a focus which was great to see the industry embrace!

Fast forward to the PS5 launch though, and Sony has returned to PS3 era full on asshole mode. The DualSense is simply too big, the biggest issue for me is its too wide, its also too bulky, but if it were less wide I might could figure it out. Sony says the Dualsense is required for PS5 titles due to adaptive triggers and haptics
even though they let you disable it globally in the OS.

Within a week I had it figured out. Sony added remote play to the PS4, using this the Dualshock 4 can be used in any PS5 game. lol. And I just switch the TV input to the PS5 to get the full image quality and input lag isn't bad at all...

..But it's a pain to setup, and if my parents are streaming netflix or something input lag starts making itself known.

In about 2 months the cronus devs figured out that PS5 games do allow 3rd party PS4 controllers...strange. So yeah, buy a cheap 3rd party controller, plug it in to the cronus to authenticate, then your free to use whatever the cronus supports, dualshock 4, xbox controller, whatever your poison. So early 2021 was lookin gooooooood. DS4 in my PS5 games, no input lag, all my scripts fully functional, it's all goooooooood...

...Until July 2021. Sony changed something in the SDK, now 3rd party controllers don't work in newer PS5 games, and there's no way to authenticate. To be clear it still works in the early PS5 games, and any PS4 game. The cronus devs have stated Sony encrypted the shit out of the DualSense and they can't crack it. So not wanting to fool with remote play...i've just been buying PS4 versions of games or the Series X version. (all this stuff works flawlessly on series consoles btw)

Your probably asking Why would Sony do this? Unfortunately, these devices are primarily used as, and marketed as, cheating devices in competitive FPS games, and enough people bitched about it during the PS4 era Sony felt the need to try to curb it. That's why they block PS4 controllers and accessories in PS5 games. Not because adaptive triggers.

I got pissed this past week though, the cronus devs teased in late january they had a solution for PS5. But when the update went out? It's just a remote play solution on PC...so same drawbacks as PS4 remote play. I just want everything to work like it did on PS4...

If the DualSense had game changing new inputs that games needed, or a different method of connection like with previous generation transitions I'd not be this upset. Part of being disabled is living with and accepting there's many things you will never be able to do. And I'm good with that. I'll never be able to play Mario Galaxy for example. I accept that.

But this feels like an unnecessary barrier, Microsoft hasn't blocked it, Nintendo hasn't blocked it, and all this stuff already NATIVELY WORKS ON PS5, sony just flipped a flag for PS5 games that's like "lol nope." Remote play proves the DualSense isn't physically required for PS5 games and assholes who use the Cronus to cheat are just gonna use that method anyway.

I'm still debating rather or not to play the PS4 version of Horizon or the PS5 version via remote play. Can't decide.

What games do you play? Highly HIGHLY doubt it works on the new PS5 games. Examples of blocked PS5 games: Wreckfest, COD warzone, dying light 2
Sorry mate, I basically use my ps5 as a loading time increaser for my ps4 backlog lol


I’m down for the concentration options. Love bullet time. Loved the auto slow mo when adsing in Tlou2 accessibility option.

Don’t care if it makes it easier it’s definitely more fun. Bullet time=life.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Horizon is the perfect game to represent the Playstation brand, typically in sequels there's a lot of positive corrections.


Gold Member
I'm confused by this, I'm playing ZD right now and if you knock off components before killing the machine then you don't get them as part of the loot of the machine carcass, just whatever is still attached. So if its a Grazer and you knock off two (2) Blaze cannisters and leave the other two (2) attached, you'll see 2x Blaze on the robot when you search it and when you take them they disappear from the carcass in the world. Then you have to manually pick up the other Graze cannisters that fell off.

So afaik that was already something that happened before, by default, in ZD. Now do I have to manually shoot them all off? Thats a pointless chore. It would make sense to me if this meant looting the carcass gave you all the parts that fell off as well, that would actually be a timesaver for people that want it, have they possibly miscommunicated what this feature does?

Unless I've just totally misunderstood how looting works in ZD then this seems like a step back. As it stands you can use Harvest arrows on the removeable cannister components before or after you take down the machine and you get a multiplication of the number you normally wood (ie 6x Blaze from each cannister instead of the usual 1 if you knock it off with the spear, tear blast or just regular impact damage arrows).

I checked out this wiki page:

and it seems to suggest it works how I think it does, with the one exception of the Snapmaw carcasss needing to have some (extra?) chillwater tanks and shard yielding components manually removed after searching the carcass, but that seems like an oversight.

What am I missing here?
To create specific loot or to solve some quest you need to detach specific pieces before killing the animal, or avoid to use explosive weapons that can damage those parts.

It's a risk\reward mechanic they added in the sequel.

But they improved the focus and how you can highlight specific parts of the animal when you scan them, now is super easy so you always gonna have the part you want to hit glowing.

You probably gonna have skills or abilities from the armours to increase the loot, or maybe some upgrade for the spear to detach parts from monsters more easily.

I think it add deepness and challengeto the combat because now you have to kill machines without using some weapons and having very good aim if you want to maximize the loot.

If i remember well, before you only had to use hearts to buy armours and hearts were indestructible so you just had to kill the machine, now you specifically have to detach some pieces like horns, tails etc. because they are necessary to craft armours and for specific merchants, it's a bit like monster hunter but without the rng.
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To create specific loot or to solve some quest you need to detach specific pieces before killing the animal, or avoid to use explosive weapons that can damage those parts.

It's a risk\reward mechanic they added in the sequel.

But they improved the focus and how you can highlight specific parts of the animal when you scan them, now is super easy so you always gonna have the part you want to hit glowing.

You probably gonna have skills or abilities from the armours to increase the loot, or maybe some upgrade for the spear to detach parts from monsters more easily.

I think it add deepness and challengeto the combat because now you have to kill machines without using some weapons and having very good aim if you want to maximize the loot.

If i remember well, before you only had to use hearts to buy armours and hearts were indestructible so you just had to kill the machine, now you specifically have to detach some pieces like horns, tails etc. because they are necessary to craft armours and for specific merchants, it's a bit like monster hunter but without the rng.
I am pretty sure shit like blaze could be looted or used as a weak spot. So if you blew them up in a fight you would have less loot but that was about it


Sorry mate, I basically use my ps5 as a loading time increaser for my ps4 backlog lol

Yup, that's effectively what my PS5 is. I can absolutely play PS5 games using PS4 remote play, i just wish i didn't have to deal with the drawbacks.


Gold Member
When doing auto run so you don’t murder your L3 is an accessibility feature…
Some people sometimes like to walk into those locations to look at the details and shit, this is why a run button even exist in most games.

Also movements that require precision, you dont always want to run close to a cliff for example.

I'm hating DL2 and his lack of run button, the dude just go from 0 to 100 in the span of 1,5 sec, it's annoying as fuck.
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