Shuhei Yoshida says Horizon Forbidden West didn't sell as well as he expected


Gold Member
I call him helmet so i don't have remember if it's herman or hermen or herbert or hermione.
I don't quite remember, more like spend 'more than drinking with you' and he reply 'in love' or something.

Is hard to find this shit on youtube.
99% sure it was not a love compliment but just comradery and trying to be decent.

I don't think she ever think at erend as a lovable companion at all even if he is thirst for her, him getting drunk when his sister dies is probably already too much of a strike for "apparently i'm the only chick with a working vagina in this world" princess aloy :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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With is super strange. I played a lot HZD and they really push this ideia of many possibles love interest. I remember you make love compliments to the guy with a hammer in the end of his quest.

Nah, his thirst for her was cringe as fuck and she friend zones him immediately.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I think she says that they are not ready for that type of engagement yet, even under a double negation that sound like aloy at least thinking that some day they could be ready for that.

But yeah it's not that important because although kissing the asian chick is also a choice and not canon, aloy clearly get more and more hyped to check her fish market from up close the more you go forward in the dlc, she was never that excited with the dudes.
Yeah, they made Sobek a lesbian too and this girl from Eclipse or whatever that organization’s name is, is only doing all of this because she’s horny for her.

Normally, I wouldn’t have said it was deliberate, but with GG, you knew it was.


99% sure it was not a love compliment but just comradery and trying to be decent.

I don't think she ever think at erend as a lovable companion at all even if he is thirst for her.

I do think was a love compliment. Really don't have the energy to reinstall HZD on my PS5 just to show this particular scene, but sure feels like.

Nah, his thirst for her was cringe as fuck and she friend zones him immediately.

I'm talking about Horizon Zero Dawn mind you. Its up to you the choice you made with the dialogues. I never played the Forbidden West, but quite sure is a friendzone simulator.

In case some of you forgot, you can even ignore your figure father in your first challenge dialogue. Either praise the mother she never got (LOL) or praising herself as usual.


I liked it. Not as good as the first one, story wise, but I’m eager to play the third one if it ever gets a release and they don’t loose all their money on the multiplayer game


Gold Member
I do think was a love compliment. Really don't have the energy to reinstall HZD on my PS5 just to show this particular scene, but sure feels like.

I'm talking about Horizon Zero Dawn mind you. Its up to you the choice you made with the dialogues. I never played the Forbidden West, but quite sure is a friendzone simulator.

In case some of you forgot, you can even ignore your figure father in your first challenge dialogue. Either praise the mother she never got (LOL) or praising herself as usual.
I'm gonna do some research.


Easy to get people to check out a new IP with robot dinosaurs. Much harder to keep them for a sequel if the game isn't very fun to play and the main character has zero charisma.
More like the correct take , turns out quite a lot of folks think its just not very good:

It has an 8 on metacritic and on Steam (very positive) from user reviews. Neogaf shits on everything if you haven't noticed. Anyone coming here for genuine opinions on products/games is going to get an opinion that does not line up with what the majority of gamers think. I like coming here to talk games but when I want to know how good a game is I do not come to this site for opinions.


Gold Member
It’s a great franchise but they screwed up the combat system with the 2nd one.

Aloy’s journey was also not as impactful as she traverses the biomes. They knew that they wanted us to cross them but we weren’t fully involved with to really make them memorable.

A number of plot elements, like Faro, were also poorly written. Whoever thought the buildup should be subverted by taking place off screen is insane.
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Zero Dawn I enjoyed but that had new car smell/mystery and I don't know if it's true but compared to Forbidden West it felt like a smaller map including the expansion map so it didn't feel like a chore to navigate. Forbidden West I checked out on PS+ Premium catalog, a lot of the mystery is gone, I don't care for Far Zenith at all. I did not enjoy navigating the map. Got through like half the base game and quit so didn't get to experience the expansion that people talk up more highly. I'll probably wait until it's a less than $20 game on Steam to give it another try


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I'm gonna do some research.

I'm doing right now, but Youtube only wants to show Forbidden West somehow.
Don't think it matters to the point we're all making. I think we all agree that there was no explicit romance options in the first game. We all interpreted things differently because they weren't overt with it. The crux of the issue is that it's up to GG to write romance that makes sense, but they decided not to in the first game. In the case of Avad, they could have simply written her response and his dialogue better. Same for Erend or Varl. To be honest, it doesn't bother me in the slightest that there were no romance options. It doesn't exactly bother me that the sole romance is a woman because I don't care all that much about the game. I do find it very on-brand for a modern Sony studio.


Gold Member
It has an 8 on metacritic and on Steam (very positive) from user reviews. Neogaf shits on everything if you haven't noticed. Anyone coming here for genuine opinions on products/games is going to get an opinion that does not line up with what the majority of gamers think. I like coming here to talk games but when I want to know how good a game is I do not come to this site for opinions.
I trust users on here with similar tastes rather than Journalists or Steam "reviews". Besides im in agreement its a bang average game at best. Guerrilla are technical wizards but are about as innovative and original as Ubisoft.

If you want an echo chamber of ass kissing you are in the wrong place.
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Of course it didn't because they put the game on PS+ in 12 months. Otherwise, it was pacing inline with Horizon Zero Dawn sales.

We know this based on the official sales figure slides by Sony.

Sony expected sales better than the original. Not only because the original had already cultivated a huge audience, but also the PC release of the original was supposed to bring in more people to the PS ecosystem.

‘in line with HZD’ would be considered disappointing. Yoshida notes similar sentiments.

Hari Seldon

Yeah the first game started out fun, but by the end it was a slog to get through and ended up being something I had to force myself to finish. Of course I wasn't going to bother with a sequel. Just stale old game design that needs deleted if they decide to make more in this franchise.
I regret buying it because I genuinely liked the first game. It doesn't help it was part of the PS+ Extra catalog not long after the release, which was already not a good sign.


Neo Member
Setting has massive potantial but narrative and worldbuilding is incredibly anti-male. Every female character is ugly-unlikable girlbosses and every male character is incompetent simps. It's unauthentic and unrelatable.

Just remove all radical feminist elements from the game, make male characters charismatic and cool, make female characters likable and appealing and print money. EZ.
I trust users on here with similar tastes rather than Journalists or Steam "reviews". Besides im in agreement its a bang average game at best. Guerrilla are technical wizards but are about as innovative and original as Ubisoft.

If you want an echo chamber of ass kissing you are in the wrong place.
If you have similar taste great. I haven't found anything better than Steam reviews. They've been the most reliable and consistent for me. I get to see how long someone played a game and get more details about the game and why they did or didn't like it. Also don't have to worry about any of the users basing their reviews on console warring.

I never said I wanted that and specifically said I like coming here to talk about games. No one goes to Steam reviews for an echo chamber anyways that doesn't make sense.
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World class graphics
Stunning world
Great gameplay
Janky climbing (still)
Average story
Boring MC

They really need to sort out the last 3 items for the next game.

I've thoroughly enjoyed the 2 mainline games, but I mostly agree that the reason I enjoyed them was mostly due to the 3 first points you mentioned (I think the stories have been good, but the story telling could do with some improvement).

After HFW, I think they're on a good track to improve the "Boring MC" aspect.
Raised by an outcast and as an outcast, Aloy didn't wasn't given much of a chance to develop a particularly charming personality. In the second game she is forced to tag along with and care for people and she slowly but steadily begins to show more emotions (amusement, sadness and frustration I clearly remember). Her entire personality can't change that drastically in only 1 game, but I do think there was substantial growth that must keep on going in the next game.


Gold Member
So often we see these people in the industry saying a game didn't sell as expected.
But the question is always, what was the expected amount and by how much did it failed those expectations.


It has a lot of issues. One, it came out 5 years after the first. Didnt do anything new and just felt like a quick and dirty sequel instead of a marquee event. It worked for GOW because people wanted to see how Ragnorak would unfold but there was no such hype for Aloy's next adventure.

Two, combat balance was ruined by needless tinkering in order to give it more 'depth'. But i dont think it affected initial sales too much other than word of mouth.

three, a lot of people who bought the game probably didnt like it. I love the combat but it was no naughty dog of SSM game.

I think Ghost of Tsushima 2 will suffer the same fate.
Don't you dare, mister. GoT combat loop on lethal difficulty is sublime. The issue with it is repetition and enemy variety. The kind of stuff that is almost always resolved in a sequel. Also the story was pretty run of the mill. GoY screams Kill Bill meets Red Dead. If this doesn't bring Sucker Punch to ND or SSM level, they will forever stay on second tier. I have hope.

Lastly, fat aloy. You cant have your main character become a meme at the reveal and not pay the price. They did change her character model but it was too late. The damage was done. Game still sold well, but a sizeable number of men nowadays dont put up with this shit.
You just threw this one in there didn't ya? I'm yet to see any real evidence that they made any changes to her model, outside of lighting and camera angles. This is what happens as face models get more realistic. Some angles and lighting would be unflattering. She looks gorgeous and if a sizeable number of men want to deny themselves such beauty over some anti-woke snowflakery, then that's on them.


The main character is unlikable and the game is bloated. It would have made a better linear action game because the world is boring to explore. The game is carried by graphics.

I think most open world games would make better linear games.

Most the time there's no point for the player to go back to previous areas. However the devs shoehorn in some crappy side quests or collectibles, to get you to do so.

Even stuff like God of War, which isn't open world, allows/forces backtracking. Again, it's because the devs shoehorn in some stupid collectibles to get you to return to the area.

I guess you could plod ahead, and play open world games like it's a linear games, just focusing on the main story. Problem is seems like as time goes on devs make it so you have to complete x number of side quests to unlock the next mainline quest. Whether or not that's the case, open world games seem to lack focus/cohesion and most the time it's a jumbled mess.


Gold Member
Will that make more engaging games?
I think the whole "I fell asleep because it's boring" is just 100% bullshit and hyperbole

You didn't fall asleep because it's boring. You fell asleep because you were tired

A game (or movie) isn't automatically boring or bad because you fell asleep


Gold Member
If you have similar taste great. I haven't found anything better than Steam reviews. They've been the most reliable and consistent for me. I get to see how long someone played a game and get more details about the game and why they did or didn't like it. Also don't have to worry about any of the users basing their reviews on console warring.

I never said I wanted that and specifically said I like coming here to talk about games. No one goes to Steam reviews for an echo chamber anyways that doesn't make sense.

Steam stuff get review bombed all the time. People freak out when they have to sign into a launcher. Obviously that happens everywhere but you get to know folks around these parts, warts n all.

Whatever work for you though of course.


Gold Member
I think the whole "I fell asleep because it's boring" is just 100% bullshit and hyperbole

You didn't fall asleep because it's boring. You fell asleep because you were tired

A game (or movie) isn't automatically boring or bad because you fell asleep
While true, you can become tired from monotonous tasks.

Brain gets bored, in an almost hypnotic state.
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Gold Member
Not really. You can become tired from monotonous tasks.

Brain gets bored, in an almost hypnotic state.
For most people monotony alone won’t make them "suddenly" fall asleep unless they're already predisposed due to tiredness or a health condition

And therefore, the whole "this movie/game is boring, so I fell asleep" is mostly bullshit.

You were tired, that's all.


Gold Member
I just wonder how many units were sold without being bundled with a console.

And it was most likely put on PS+ so quickly because of the lower than expected sales.


Not really. You can become tired from monotonous tasks.

Brain gets bored, in an almost hypnotic state.
If that's 90% of games, it sounds like the brain has ADHD and needs the chaos of Helldivers (or multiplayer games) to stay engaged. Seriously, he needs a doctor!

Or it's just the wrong hobby for him 🤷‍♂️
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While I agree with the majority here that the game is indeed boring and worse than the first one, it could have sold a little bit more had it not released in the same week as a certain other very obscure, not well known game:



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