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Ace Combat: Assault Horizon gameplay trailer



Yes, that's actual gameplay. Seems like you get locked in some sort of invisible corridor where you target with your guns and do QTEs to avoid obstacles and do maneuvers. Plane destruction is good. Music is bad.

The new features keep on coming, with what looks suspiciously like a QTE prompt flashing up when you're tailing a bogey. "It's not," reassures Kono. "It's actually a part of the manoeuvre system, and the prompts depend on which aircraft you're flying.

They occur when you're chasing enemies during dogfights - when you're trying to take each other's tails." Erm, well, that sounds like a QTE to us... doesn't it have an effect on balancing? "Well, it doesn't mean you'll always succeed with a single button press. We simply want people who can't control jets to pilot them without any stress."





Will accept better trailer source.


I don't know how they're going to make this 'upclose' action when you can take down planes from miles away. Will they have some sort of "We can't get a lock until 20 meter away!"?


watership said:
I don't know how they're going to make this 'upclose' action when you can take down planes from miles away. Will they have some sort of "We can't get a lock until 20 meter away!"?

minovsky particles man


I guess the CVG article didn't really describe it, but the idea was this: the Ace Combat series has stagnated a little bit, and most missions you're just picking off planes from far away with a quick lock-on and a few missiles. You can still play it that way if you want, but now, when you get close, you hold L1+R1 to enter this kind of over-the-cockpit's-shoulder view, and as long as you keep the plane inside the targeting circle, you'll have limited maneuverability. You can then take them down with machine gun fire and are rewarded with a kind of Burnout-style kill cam of the plane breaking up and a big ass explosion.

If a plane gets on your six, you have a chance (they said 33% in the demo) that you'll be able to put on the airbrakes and flip around to get a lock on them, which then rewards you with a sort of mini-cutscene of your missile bays opening up and then the camera follows a rocket volley right into the tail of the plane that almost ended you. It's pretty damn satisfying.

Also, the music during the gameplay demo was epic, but then the series has always been good about that. Think of it kinda like Burnout meets After Burner. It's After Burnout.


Corporate Apologist
From the trailer I see no reason why you actually need to get close for normal enemies. You still lock on from long range. My hope is that this is more geared for the "Combat Enemy Ace Team" mission that in past Ace Combat games can take about 20 minutes of trying to get behind all the enemies and shoot them.
I will give the game a shot but I hope it is pulled off well.

I mean maybe we can go into the follow mode and then pull off the Top Gun upside down "improving international relations"

I just hope it doesn't turn out like HAWX. Too scripted for me.


It's no "Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3" on my hype scale, but this needs to come out now as well. Keep 'em coming Bandai Namco...


I'm a fan of traditional Ace Combat games. Looks like I'm not really the target audience for this one.

I'll keep my eye on it, but it's giving me HAWX vibes right now. :c
SleazyC said:
So.... hopefully thats just trailer music. Music in the Ace Combat series has always been pretty awesome.
I love the music from AC6. Hope they don't stray too far from it with this one.

The few seconds that I was allowed to see, I heard a techno beat...
Graphics Horse said:
It's symbolism for blood (I'm not making that up)
I'm not sure if this happens in combat though I imagine it could, but fighter jets do leak fuel from their openings. Older models like the F-14 are particularly bad about this.


this of ALL games better have a 3D option.

look I'm a HUGE Ace Combat fan since the beginning...but hey I've given up on my expectations of the series.

I'm sure it will play great, but it seems that it will never be the same again.....so at least throw 3D in there as well.


Can CVG get a video player that doesn't suck ass? Wrong aspect ratio plus buffering with my connection speed is pretty unacceptable...

That being said, it does look cool. The dog fight seem to have a really visceral feel to them. The "oil bleeding" doesn't bother me. I think it is a cool effect.
Anslon said:
I would like to be able to go 599 speeds as well.

What is a speed btw? This will effect my buying decision.

I think it's meant to be knots, but it's best not to pay much attention to the real world speeds, Ace Combat has supersonic Warthogs.
man that trailer looked AWESOME :D it might not be a flight sim but i doubt anyone could make fighter jets any cooler than that...


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Noisepurge said:
i vote for more oil & debris! there is never enough particle effects! :D
I like the debris. The oil flying everywhere is just silly...


Unlike new Ridge Racer I like where this is going. More Steel Carnage please. Not sure how I feel about the new gameplay.
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