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Ace Combat Infinity |OT| You are cleared to engage.


Played first two missions. Neat enough I may bite on the $20 pass. Can you team up with a friend to play co-op and earn credits collaboratively? I need to read the seminar...


8 missions seem really little though. Are the missions lengths generally longer than past single player campaigns?


Played first two missions. Neat enough I may bite on the $20 pass. Can you team up with a friend to play co-op and earn credits collaboratively? I need to read the seminar...

yea, you can team up with friend in the competitive online co-op mode.


The pay 2 play supplied fuel system just annoys me to no end. It's just despicable and I'm never going to buy any of them. I don't even think that I'm ever going to use the fuel earned from challenges either just out of spite, unless an emergency mission pops up or a solid S-rank lobby appears.

How is the difficulty in the single player campaign? Does it have difficulty levels? The first two levels were easy back in beta. I was one of those suckers who bought and greatly enjoyed all of the Ace of Aces missions for AC6 so I'll probably get the campaign pass just to support Project Aces.


The pay 2 play supplied fuel system just annoys me to no end. It's just despicable and I'm never going to buy any of them. I don't even think that I'm ever going to use the fuel earned from challenges either just out of spite, unless an emergency mission pops up or a solid S-rank lobby appears.

How is the difficulty in the single player campaign? Does it have difficulty levels? The first two levels were easy back in beta. I was one of those suckers who bought and greatly enjoyed all of the Ace of Aces missions for AC6 so I'll probably get the campaign pass just to support Project Aces.

I found this on US PSN, which would be on EU PSN too

This seems to remove the Fuel limitations leaving you with just having to unlock everything the uh grindy usual way I believe.


Speak for yourself I love Assault Horizon and played it as many times I did the previous games

And your point being? Personal enjoyment doesn't mean Bamco is right with their decision regarding their own series direction. Do you know what things that mostly popped up by almost nearly everyone whenever Ace Combat come to talk? Mobius-1, Galm-1, or any other of its character. Since almost noone ever talked about the stupid former Russians and Bishop it shows how clueless Bamco are by chasing the CoD craze.


And your point being? Personal enjoyment doesn't mean Bamco is right with their decision regarding their own series direction. Do you know what things that mostly popped up by almost nearly everyone whenever Ace Combat come to talk? Mobius-1, Galm-1, or any other of its character. Since almost noone ever talked about the stupid former Russians and Bishop it shows how clueless Bamco are by chasing the CoD craze.

Pretty much. I hated almost everything that had to do with Assault Horizon. I hated its story. I hated the lack of interesting characters. I hated being in the real world. I hated the horrible helicopter missions. I hated DFM.

I found there was little to no redeemable factors in the game and that it was the complete opposite of what I expect out of an Ace Combat experience.

I don't want to crap on the people that DID enjoy it as that's certainly their right to do so. But for me, personally, it was just awful. 4, 5, Zero and to a lesser extent 6, were all done as well as I can imagine a game being so to piss on all of that to go after a market that didn't even notice was a bit of a slap in the face. This f2p nonsense is similar, but at least it's a title I can enjoy playing - I mean, really, the basis of my complaints is that I can't play it as much as I want to.


Pretty much. I hated almost everything that had to do with Assault Horizon. I hated its story. I hated the lack of interesting characters. I hated being in the real world. I hated the horrible helicopter missions. I hated DFM.

I found there was little to no redeemable factors in the game and that it was the complete opposite of what I expect out of an Ace Combat experience.

I don't want to crap on the people that DID enjoy it as that's certainly their right to do so. But for me, personally, it was just awful. 4, 5, Zero and to a lesser extent 6, were all done as well as I can imagine a game being so to piss on all of that to go after a market that didn't even notice was a bit of a slap in the face. This f2p nonsense is similar, but at least it's a title I can enjoy playing - I mean, really, the basis of my complaints is that I can't play it as much as I want to.

I liked the Dubai stage if only for the fact it takes place in Dubai >_>; I enjoyed AH when I played it but I dunno if I'd go back to it again.

Not Spaceghost

And your point being? Personal enjoyment doesn't mean Bamco is right with their decision regarding their own series direction. Do you know what things that mostly popped up by almost nearly everyone whenever Ace Combat come to talk? Mobius-1, Galm-1, or any other of its character. Since almost noone ever talked about the stupid former Russians and Bishop it shows how clueless Bamco are by chasing the CoD craze.

You can't really blame them, as long as the gameplay is intact and most of the ace combat regular craziness is in I'll play it.

Ace Combat is a series that's completely lost on the people who grew up on PS3/360/Wii

There is no viable way to introduce the series to those people outside of an F2P game which is why AC:I exists.
I'd go as far as to say that even in the PS2 era the series was already extremely niche now it's even more niche. There are people who don't understand what the series is and think it's a flight sim when it's really more of an arcade shooter.

I had a friend who mainly plays warthunder tell me that he was intimidated by ace combat because he thought it was something closer to DCS A10 WARTHOG.

Project Aces would probably do their own thing if they could but they've got to figure out how to make a profit with a product whose audience is probably smaller than anything else.

Look at how many replies Ace Combat threads get on GAF, a forum that's hardcore on video games. The fact that this game didn't even have any meaningful threads before release should be an indicator as to how small the ace combat fanbase is.

Sure it's not a free pass for them to fuck up as hard as they did with assault horizon but you can understand why they do what they do. Was chasing after the CoD crowd misguided? Yes. Will punishing them for it bring back the Ace Combat you want? No. Feedback will bring it back which is why Ace Combat Infinity went back to classic style for game play.

If you ask me, Ace Combat Infinity is likely the last Ace Combat release we will see for at least 7 years, unless it does particularly well, and I don't foresee it doing that well.

Man Assault Horizon was such a piece of shit, it really soured everyone on the series, I really resent that game it's probably my most hated game of all time for that reason alone.


I refused to acknowledge Assault horizon as part of the ace series. AC6,the worst of the numbered series, at least felt part of the AC universe. Even the usually reliable Kobayashi's work on AH felt a bit half heartered.


Speak for yourself I love Assault Horizon and played it as many times I did the previous games

Assualt Horizon took the tried and true formula of Ace Combat and shat on it hard. They tried to appeal to a non existing crowd and in the process destroyed a good brand.


I haven't seen it yet but supposedly there is a Moby Dick Pursuit III. It's a yellow Aigaion that forgoes nimbus flak for tls laser point defense. Stonehenge remix still plays for it.


Has anybody played Moby Dick lvl 3 yet ? I can't wait to see the beast :)

update: Bloody hell, it really pisses me off when fighters decide it's a good idea to target ground units instead of emergency planes :/


Are any of the bundles on the PSN store worth considering? They have infinity+assault horizon, or infinity+joint assault. I think the prices are the same as buying the games separately (so no discount) but you get a little extra fuel for infinity


Played for an hour today.

Not bad at all. I seem to get annihilated (score wise) in co-op, but im guessing ive yet to unlock anything past the noob stuff.

Can see the 4 hour timer pissing people off big time. Need to cut that down a lot.


Are any of the bundles on the PSN store worth considering? They have infinity+assault horizon, or infinity+joint assault. I think the prices are the same as buying the games separately (so no discount) but you get a little extra fuel for infinity

I never noticed these bundles. What region are you in ?

Anyway, just get Inifinty and the bundles specifically for the game unless you really want to play Assault Horizon, which is not a bad game but it is a bit different from all the other Ace Combat games.


I never noticed these bundles. What region are you in ?

Anyway, just get Inifinty and the bundles specifically for the game unless you really want to play Assault Horizon, which is not a bad game but it is a bit different from all the other Ace Combat games.

EU. They are oddly worded too, the vita version says 'joint assault + infinity DLC'. The description says for vita only, which implies that infinity is also onVita, but presumably that is just badly worded and it is just a bundle of the vita and PS3 games.


EU. They are oddly worded too, the vita version says 'joint assault + infinity DLC'. The description says for vita only, which implies that infinity is also onVita, but presumably that is just badly worded and it is just a bundle of the vita and PS3 games.

Well, I don't know what to say, really. But you should invest in Infinity while the game is still fresh and there are a lot of players to play with.


Had fun with the Campaign last night (bought the Pass). Didn't take me too long and the missions weren't hard.

I want to try online Co-op but i'll probably wait for the weekend, after I move to a place with better internet connection.

I like what i've seen so far (haven't started unlocking / researching stuff yet), but the fuel thing still rubs me the wrong way.

I did get a healthy amount of fuel by doing the challenges and finishing the current Campaign, so it's not too bad for now.


EU. They are oddly worded too, the vita version says 'joint assault + infinity DLC'. The description says for vita only, which implies that infinity is also onVita, but presumably that is just badly worded and it is just a bundle of the vita and PS3 games.

Joint Assault is a PSP game, so it shows Vita as a playable platform. For some reason it just won't be compatible with PSP although the version without Infinity DLC works with both Vita and PSP. None of the bundles say what DLC is included.

What sort of scores are you guys getting on average? I'm getting about 15k points per round, which is really bad compared to some 35k+ players I've encountered.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I couldn't play Assault Horizon after the secomd time I was forced to be a helicopter gunner. That shit isn't Ace Combat. I don't understand why developers do things like this. They alienate the core base, they fail to attract new comers, and they effectively hurt the franchise in the long run.


What sort of scores are you guys getting on average? I'm getting about 15k points per round, which is really bad compared to some 35k+ players I've encountered.

I keep flying with my F-4e phantom and I get about 30k+ on normal missions and about 20k on Moby Dick


I tried playing Assault Horizon because it was on sale on gog...... Could not get used to dfm and subsequently dropped it after mission 2. So glad infinity doesn't use that.


I tried playing Assault Horizon because it was on sale on gog...... Could not get used to dfm and subsequently dropped it after mission 2. So glad infinity doesn't use that.

Because Infinity is made like a classic Ace Combat game, while on the other hand Assault Horizon was built around the DFM. Both games just play differently.

Not Spaceghost

What sort of scores are you guys getting on average? I'm getting about 15k points per round, which is really bad compared to some 35k+ players I've encountered.

I usually get scores somewhere between 15k to 20k, 15k seems to be the average score most players do. While anything over 20k seems to be considered good and anything below 11k seems to be considered embarrassing.
Because Infinity is made like a classic Ace Combat game, while on the other hand Assault Horizon was built around the DFM. Both games just play differently.

Not really? DFM is just an extra mechanic, it doesn't change how the rest of the game plays.

Well at least that's what it looks like to me considering how Infinity looks exactly like AH with the DFM mechanic ripped out upto and including the stupid fluid spray on the camera when you splash an aircraft.

Edit: "*The effects of this item will remain active for missions up to mission 8 which will be made available at a later date." $20 for 8 missions? Considering how short the first two are, that seems a bit much.


Not really? DFM is just an extra mechanic, it doesn't change how the rest of the game plays.

It is not just an "extra mechanic". The whole game completely depends on it and everything revolves around it. Most enemies can't be killed without it and a lot of story events take place during DFM.

It is clear that the DFM has always been the foundation of Assault Horizon, that is also why most people don't like it, because it totally changes the way you play and most people can't stop playing it as a normal Ace Combat game and it really can't be played like any other Ace Combat game, I tried and that is why I hated the game at 1st.

I usually get scores somewhere between 15k to 20k, 15k seems to be the average score most players do. While anything over 20k seems to be considered good and anything below 11k seems to be considered embarrassing.
So...when I score 50k+ what does that make me ?
Haven't played the PS2 trilogy!? 0_0

I'd suggest flying to the nearest eBay link and ordering those games ASAP!

THIS. I wholeheartedly second this.

As for the AH beating...I didn't find the helicopter missions that annoying (felt like a 90s FPS, circle-strafing EVERYTHING), what really pissed me off was the on-rails shooting gunner sequences (specially the AC130 one; also hated it in H.A.W.X 2)


Played with "mcz117chief" early today the guy is a beast a true ace it was really fun, too bad i used up all my fuel tokens so couldn't play more
It is not just an "extra mechanic". The whole game completely depends on it and everything revolves around it. Most enemies can't be killed without it and a lot of story events take place during DFM.
This is not true at all but yes you are right some specific enemies do require you to use DFM.
It is clear that the DFM has always been the foundation of Assault Horizon, that is also why most people don't like it, because it totally changes the way you play and most people can't stop playing it as a normal Ace Combat game and it really can't be played like any other Ace Combat game, I tried and that is why I hated the game at 1st.
Quiet a large portion of the game can be played like any other Ace Combat game even with the DFM. You can blame DFM all you want but that's the least of the games problems with feeling like any other project aces game. The inclusion of on rail turret sections and helicopter levels are far more disruptive in comparison.

Edit: Additionally I would hardly say everything "revolves" around DFM when they couldn't even be bothered to properly integrated all the control schemes with it. Sure the game leaned heavily on it but considering how poorly designed and implemented it was seems to indicate that they didn't spend a lot of time and effort on it.


Godlike, you were the top scorer consistently when we played.

It makes you Mobius 1

Played with "mcz117chief" early today the guy is a beast a true ace it was really fun, too bad i used up all my fuel tokens so couldn't play more

This makes me feel so happy, thank you so much, guys, I love you :3

Not Spaceghost

This makes me feel so happy, thank you so much, guys, I love you :3

Now you've got to share your secrets!

What do you usually fly with? What parts do you run? Do you rush high priority targets or just blow up everything you see? Do you prefer planes with ground targeting special weapons or do you exclusively hunt enemy fighters?


I had no idea this was coming out. I'll check it out, loved the older games but haven't played one since maybe the PSP title 5 years ago or so.


Now you've got to share your secrets!

What do you usually fly with? What parts do you run? Do you rush high priority targets or just blow up everything you see? Do you prefer planes with ground targeting special weapons or do you exclusively hunt enemy fighters?

Well, if you want maximum score then hunt ground targets. Even though air targets generally give you more points, it takes you a lot longer to engage and destroy them and there is a lot less of them. But since most emergency missions are air-centric you want to have some AA power to so I usually roll with...drumroll....wait for it....you won't believe it....F4-e Phantom...*crickets*.....yeah the basic plane. Since it is multirole I can take down both ground targets and air targets, priority on ground if I am chasing after points, but since dogfights are a lot more fun I sometimes ignore ground targets and focus on enemy planes, which of course heavily impacts my score (usually around 25k+) but it is a lot more fun.

Also a few tricks I found out: There is a challenge concerning hosting a game, you can do it by simply starting a room and leaving it, no need to actually play a mission (works for me since my upload is abysmal and nobody would even dream to play with me).

Also, if there is a challenge for which you have already completed the requirements then just go to the main menu, click on hangar and then go back to the main menu, the challenge system will refresh if you do this and your challenge will be cleared.

Another thing, ADSF-01 Morgan: Pretty bad plane at lvl 1, TLS (Tactical Laser System) is !!! horrendous !!! it only has 1 shot and does almost no damage. I know (read "hope") the plane will be a beast at lvl 7, it has to be ! It also has a huge capacity for parts, so in time it can be boosted to obscene levels :)

Anything more you would like to ask ? Feel free !

Last thing, has anybody played Moby Dick lvl 2 or 3 ?
Got the Tomcat.

DAYUM! now that's a fighter. Also I think I played with a Namco developer? It had a Project Aces logo the lobby. He obviously won and was MVP lol

Not Spaceghost

Well, if you want maximum score then hunt ground targets. Even though air targets generally give you more points, it takes you a lot longer to engage and destroy them and there is a lot less of them. But since most emergency missions are air-centric you want to have some AA power to so I usually roll with...drumroll....wait for it....you won't believe it....F4-e Phantom...*crickets*.....yeah the basic plane. Since it is multirole I can take down both ground targets and air targets, priority on ground if I am chasing after points, but since dogfights are a lot more fun I sometimes ignore ground targets and focus on enemy planes, which of course heavily impacts my score (usually around 25k+) but it is a lot more fun.

Another thing, ADSF-01 Morgan: Pretty bad plane at lvl 1, TLS (Tactical Laser System) is !!! horrendous !!! it only has 1 shot and does almost no damage. I know (read "hope") the plane will be a beast at lvl 7, it has to be ! It also has a huge capacity for parts, so in time it can be boosted to obscene levels :)

I had a feeling multirole planes would actually just be superior for co-op, since there is no telling what the special targets might be it's actually easier to just hunt down high priority ground targets for high points. What level do you have your F4-E at?

Also how much did you have to pay to unlock the Morgan once you finished the challenge? Or was it free?


Got the Tomcat.

DAYUM! now that's a fighter. Also I think I played with a Namco developer? It had a Project Aces logo the lobby. He obviously won and was MVP lol

There's the Elite Pack DLC which gives you four Additional Plant Investment contracts, four Elite Mercenary contracts, 20 units of stocked fuel and a Project Aces emblem + badge next to your name in rooms.


I had a feeling multirole planes would actually just be superior for co-op, since there is no telling what the special targets might be it's actually easier to just hunt down high priority ground targets for high points. What level do you have your F4-E at?

Also how much did you have to pay to unlock the Morgan once you finished the challenge? Or was it free?

Well, they are not superior, they are just what they are, multirole. If somebody is going to rock A-10 with FAE bombs then you will not catch up, no way, mate. I just played with a deadly squadron and we managed to get an S rank with more than 30 seconds still left on the clock, they almost literally nuked the whole Dubai.

My F4-e is almost 5 but still 4.

Morgan costs something, forgot how much.

ALSO, JUST ABOUT TO PLAY MOBY DICK LVL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish me luck !

Not Spaceghost

Well, they are not superior, they are just what they are, multirole. If somebody is going to rock A-10 with FAE bombs then you will not catch up, no way, mate. I just played with a deadly squadron and we managed to get an S rank with more than 30 seconds still left on the clock, they almost literally nuked the whole Dubai.

I need this.


I am the type who love dogfights i rarely go after ground targets thats why i always roll with Fighter-type i know ground targets are easier to destroy and gives decent amount of points but nothing match the excitement of Arial combat even if my score gets a hit i just love dogfights :)


YES ! WE did it. We have beatean Moby Dick II with an !!!!! S !!!! rank and I was the one who destroyed it's core !

Call me Captain Ahab of the skies ! Wait....wasn't Ahab eaten by Moby Dick in the end ? I totally forgot the ending, but I think that Moby Dick won, isn't that right ? In that case, just call me Galm 1 ;)


YES ! WE did it. We have beatean Moby Dick II with an !!!!! S !!!! rank and I was the one who destroyed it's core !

Call me Captain Ahab of the skies ! Wait....wasn't Ahab eaten by Moby Dick in the end ? I totally forgot the ending, but I think that Moby Dick won, isn't that right ? In that case, just call me Galm 1 ;)

lol congratz man, the sky is yours well until i get my baby the SU-47 Berkut :D
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