Here is what I hate about 1/6th scale figure collecting. Anything or any accessory that cannot be displayed over long periods of time. For example:
Anything with batteries. Any real collector is going to tell you that you shouldn't leave batteries in your figures for fear of acid leaking. It's a pain in the ass to put batteries in and out for most of these things anyways. Until batteries in the base can power figures, they should do without them and cut the cost. They won't though, it's probably cost them $5 to design an electronic feature and they charge us $50 for it. I never once put batteries into my talking/light up Vader yet, I payed close to $70 for these features. Light up sabers are cool for photography but just as easy done in photoshop without having to install batteries and new arms.
The only example I own is Rey but in the instructions, it's says to not leave her scavenging head wrap on for prolonged periods of time due to the material messing up the paint app. Reading that right there eliminated any chance of ever trying that. I liked the look too but it's not worth the risk for me to even try it a few days.
Don't get me wrong, I know some people enjoy these features but going by the majority of people I see at SideshowFreaks, not many people are displaying with these features either. It's like we're paying for stuff that really, only toy photographers use. But once again, toy photography is just free advertisement so the moral is, we are always going to pay for stuff we don't want.