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Advance Game Port (GBA -- Cube) Fun


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Don't know wether this is old or new or how it compares to Nintendos one.




As regular readers know, Advance Game Port lets you play Game Boy Advance games on your GameCube. Just insert the Advance Game Port into your Cube's second memory card slot, and a game controller in Port One, and you're away! If you get our regular email newsletter, you also know we've a new version. This incorporates Action Replay for GBA technology to let you use Action Replay codes while playing GBA on your GC, and even create your own using Advance Game Port's Cheat Construction Kit. So why are we telling you all over again? Two reasons - firstly, the new version of Advance Game Port is out now, and available at the codejunkies shop. Secondly, we've a great new feature to tell you about - Snapshot!

The Snapshot feature lets you save your game any time, anywhere. With a press of a button, you can store your game position to a GameCube memory card, whether you were at a game's save point or not. It's incredibly useful. For example, if a game only lets you save at the end of a level and you're halfway through a fight with the end-of-stage baddie just as your favourite TV show comes on, no problem - with AGP, you can save anyway. It also means you don't have to write down ridiculously-long level codes when playing a GBA game that hasn't got a built-in battery.
Yeah I was going to make a thread about this today, I need to know if it's better than the official Nintendo GB Player... maybe image quality?
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