So. Adventure Gamers made a top 100 graphic adventures list. Basically, it includes anything published in the English language (so, very few European or Asian games). They offer similar follow-ups to placing entries to encourage people to explore more obscure titles.
The good things about the list are that they include non-placing follow-ups to specific games and that more than 1 entry per series is allowed.
The bad thing about the list is that they exclude similar entries in a series SOMETIMES and the list's point-of-view is, um (localized titles, not original titles):,1401/p,1
001. Grim Fandango
002. The Longest Journey
003. Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
004. Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
005. Myst II: Riven
006. Day Of The Tentacle
007. The Last Express
008. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
009. Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
010. Portal 2
011. Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis
012. Zork: Grand Inquisitor
013. King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
014. The Secret Of Monkey Island
015. Syberia 1
016. Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Fathers
017. Machinarium
018. Myst
019. Beneath A Steel Sky
020. Still Life
021. Blade Runner
022. The Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes: The Case Of The Serrated Scalpel
023. Quest For Glory IV: Shadows Of Darkness
024. Police Quest 2: The Vengeance
025. Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
026. Heavy Rain
027. Discworld Noir
028. Sam And Max Hit The Road
029. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
030. Bad Mojo
031. Portal
032. Gabriel Knight: Blood Of The Sacred, Blood Of The Damned
033. L.A. Noire
034. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
035. The Neverhood
036. Sanitarium
037. Stacking
038. Full Throttle
039. Last Window: The Secret Of Cape West
040. Myst IV: Revelation
041. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
042. Conquests Of The Longbow: The Legend Of Robin Hood
043. John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles
044. Simon The Sorcerer
045. The Curse Of Monkey Island
046. The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy Of Time
047. Professor Layton And The Curious Village
048. Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers
049. Sam And Max Beyond Time And Space
050. Infocom's text adventures
051. Zork: The Forbidden Lands
052. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
053. Return To Mysterious Island
054. Samorost 2
055. Syberia 2
056. In Memoriam
057. Indigo Prophecy
058. Star Trek: Judgment Rites
059. Myst III: Exile
060. Another Code: 2 Memories
061. Loom
062. Obsidian
063. Black Dahlia
064. The Book Of Unwritten Tales
065. Hotel Dusk: Room 215
066. Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
067. Pepper's Adventures In Time
068. Shadow Of Destiny
069. I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
070. Amber: Journey's Beyond
071. Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love For Sail
072. Maniac Mansion
073. Discworld: Missing, Presumed
074. Shadow Of The Comet
075. Kings Quest I: Quest For The Crown
076. Drawn: The Painted Tower
077. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
078. Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
079. Gemini Rue
080. Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
081. Quest For Glory II: Trial By Fire
082. The 7th Guest
083. Black Mirror 1
084. The Colonel's Bequest: A Laura Bow Mystery
085. The Dark Eye
086. Dark Fall
087. Penumbra: Black Plague
088. Simon The Sorcerer 2: The Lion, The Wizard, And The Wardrobe
089. The Journeyman Project 2: Buried In Time
090. Spycraft: The Great Game
091. The Feeble Files
092. The Dig
093. Toonstruck
094. Faust
095. Ripley's Believe it Or Not: The Riddle Of Master Lu
096. Gold Rush
097. Runaway: A Twist Of Fate
098. The Space Bar
099. Nancy Drew: Curse Of Blackmoor Manor
100. Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time
I won't editorialize too much in the original post, but I've soured on Adventure Gamers over the past 3 years. Here is one reason why!
The good things about the list are that they include non-placing follow-ups to specific games and that more than 1 entry per series is allowed.
The bad thing about the list is that they exclude similar entries in a series SOMETIMES and the list's point-of-view is, um (localized titles, not original titles):,1401/p,1
001. Grim Fandango
002. The Longest Journey
003. Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
004. Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
005. Myst II: Riven
006. Day Of The Tentacle
007. The Last Express
008. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
009. Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
010. Portal 2
011. Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis
012. Zork: Grand Inquisitor
013. King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
014. The Secret Of Monkey Island
015. Syberia 1
016. Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Fathers
017. Machinarium
018. Myst
019. Beneath A Steel Sky
020. Still Life
021. Blade Runner
022. The Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes: The Case Of The Serrated Scalpel
023. Quest For Glory IV: Shadows Of Darkness
024. Police Quest 2: The Vengeance
025. Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
026. Heavy Rain
027. Discworld Noir
028. Sam And Max Hit The Road
029. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
030. Bad Mojo
031. Portal
032. Gabriel Knight: Blood Of The Sacred, Blood Of The Damned
033. L.A. Noire
034. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
035. The Neverhood
036. Sanitarium
037. Stacking
038. Full Throttle
039. Last Window: The Secret Of Cape West
040. Myst IV: Revelation
041. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
042. Conquests Of The Longbow: The Legend Of Robin Hood
043. John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles
044. Simon The Sorcerer
045. The Curse Of Monkey Island
046. The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy Of Time
047. Professor Layton And The Curious Village
048. Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers
049. Sam And Max Beyond Time And Space
050. Infocom's text adventures
051. Zork: The Forbidden Lands
052. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
053. Return To Mysterious Island
054. Samorost 2
055. Syberia 2
056. In Memoriam
057. Indigo Prophecy
058. Star Trek: Judgment Rites
059. Myst III: Exile
060. Another Code: 2 Memories
061. Loom
062. Obsidian
063. Black Dahlia
064. The Book Of Unwritten Tales
065. Hotel Dusk: Room 215
066. Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
067. Pepper's Adventures In Time
068. Shadow Of Destiny
069. I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
070. Amber: Journey's Beyond
071. Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love For Sail
072. Maniac Mansion
073. Discworld: Missing, Presumed
074. Shadow Of The Comet
075. Kings Quest I: Quest For The Crown
076. Drawn: The Painted Tower
077. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
078. Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
079. Gemini Rue
080. Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
081. Quest For Glory II: Trial By Fire
082. The 7th Guest
083. Black Mirror 1
084. The Colonel's Bequest: A Laura Bow Mystery
085. The Dark Eye
086. Dark Fall
087. Penumbra: Black Plague
088. Simon The Sorcerer 2: The Lion, The Wizard, And The Wardrobe
089. The Journeyman Project 2: Buried In Time
090. Spycraft: The Great Game
091. The Feeble Files
092. The Dig
093. Toonstruck
094. Faust
095. Ripley's Believe it Or Not: The Riddle Of Master Lu
096. Gold Rush
097. Runaway: A Twist Of Fate
098. The Space Bar
099. Nancy Drew: Curse Of Blackmoor Manor
100. Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time
I won't editorialize too much in the original post, but I've soured on Adventure Gamers over the past 3 years. Here is one reason why!