001. Grim Fandango
My favorite Point and Click game ever, jumping into 3D with an amazing art style and ambitiously far reaching narrative.
004. Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
Another great pick, the music and hand drawn art alone should put it high on this list let alone being the game that introduced George Stobbart.
016. Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Fathers
Should be higher then 2, a proper art style and Tim Fucking Curry alone puts it above its sequel
021. Blade Runner
Shame westwood never got another chance at an adventure game, their ideas of randomness and allowing the player to effect the narrative were of to a strong start.
025. Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
Got this in the GOG sales and so far its getting FMV right in the way most get it worng.
026. Heavy Rain
Glad to see it on the list; filled with amazing moments even if in retrospect what held those moments together was a very flimsy story.
029. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
I agree with most of the games I see on the list, and am interested by the games I never heard of before by virtue of their company.
What that list is telling me is that Gemini Rue isn't worth getting (I was thinking about doing a steam gift trade for it).
GR is great, this is top 100; if you get a chance to play something from it, do so.