The biggest question is: Is Pendleton Ward writing it? Ever since he stepped down from being the main writer of the show, the quality has dipped.
Hope Ward is on board, the show has been up and down lately.
I would be ok with 3D.
It would be a nice change of pace from the Pixar/Dreamworks artstyle.
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Involvement. But is he giving them ideas or helping set up the plot and jokes? There's a big difference.From the article.
"Cartoon Networks Studios will be involved in the production as will Ward, who will have some involvement in writing and producing the feature version."
What were the particular bad story decisions people keep talking about that happened after Ward left?Glad to see Ward is on board. I kinda stopped watching after some bad story decisions this, or last, season.
I was also kinda burnt out. I need to catch up.
What were the particular bad story decisions people keep talking about that happened after Ward left?
I didn't mean to imply a connection. I stopped after the arm arc was causally brushed under a rug after being built up for seasons.
I've been waiting for season 6 to finish before burning through it. If that means what I think it means, that is a terribly disingenuous plot development that would be at odds with Adventure Time's history of dealing with less kid-friendly themes with more honesty than the average cartoon.
Season 6 is nothing like that. Not to imply that they handled the arm plot well, because they didn't. If anything season 6 is TOO adult.I've been waiting for season 6 to finish before burning through it. If that means what I think it means, this could prove to be a terribly disingenuous plot development that is at odds with Adventure Time's history of dealing with less kid-friendly themes with more honesty than the average cartoon. Basically throwing away the concept of consequence and making feel Finn more like a Looney Tune and less like a human being in the process.
Suppose we'll eventually find out how big a role he has hopefully. Do hope he has a big part in it though. Don't want another The Last Airbender type film please WB.Involvement. But is he giving them ideas or helping set up the plot and jokes? There's a big difference.
I've been waiting for season 6 to finish before burning through it. If that means what I think it means, this could prove to be a terribly disingenuous plot development that is at odds with Adventure Time's history of dealing with less kid-friendly themes with more honesty than the average cartoon. Basically throwing away the concept of consequence and making feel Finn more like a Looney Tune and less like a human being in the process.
That being said, I haven't seen what you are talking about yet so I might be overreacting.
The biggest question is: Is Pendleton Ward writing it? Ever since he stepped down from being the main writer of the show, the quality has dipped.
You know, it would make sense for franchises like Spongebob and Adventure Time to bring back traditional animation to cinema. People eating up those cartoons as kids, then developing an appreciation for hand-drawn animation as they grow older.
edit: Didn't realize Spongebob underperformed.
Welp. As long as the show continues I guess I can tolerate the movie being 3D.
Still though, I can't help daydreaming about what a glorious return to the artform a theatrical 2D Adventure Time film could be.
Wha? Spongebob made oodles of money. It beat the first movie handily.edit: Didn't realize Spongebob underperformed.
No kidding, there is an Adventure Time episode that reminded me of The Last of Us. It also happens to be my favorite.
What if it's multiple styles?
The show has done multiple styles. There was the 3D episode, the anime episode, and there's a stop-motion episode coming up.
Yeah, Season 6 is uneven and I really don't like just abandoning what appeared to be the main plot, but it had some strong episodes and I really like a lot of the latter ones.
No target date? The MLP movie was announced a few months ago but won't come out until 2017. I imagine that this movie will come out in the same year, though perhaps later on.
Though I wonder how they intend to solve the problem with the previous attempt at a TV movie, in that they couldn't find a way to make a long story work in a way they like it. Granted, they were being very gimmicky with the way they attempted to make the film, giving each segment to a different crew to do with it as they pleased.
This is the biggest problem I would have with an Adventure Time movie. The 11 minute episode format is exploited to perfection in AT. Episodes (for the most part) feel fast paced, frantic, and perfectly balanced, and usually always end on a bizarre abrupt moment that feels satisfying for whatever reason.
70-90 minutes of this might mean they spread the absurdity of a normal AT well past its welcome or that they will invite a different type of storytelling that might not mesh well with how the TV series portrays things.
Either way, excite.
Finn is a fair bit older than 12 at this point right?
Anyway, good stuff. Love Adventure Time.
If this were to happen I would be mad hyped.Open world, Kingdom Hearts combat mechanics, 3d Zelda gadgets and puzzles
Nah. Platinum Games presents: Adventure Time: Quest for the Lich SkullOpen world, Kingdom Hearts combat mechanics, 3d Zelda gadgets and puzzles
Isn't Finn around 15 years old at this point?
I didn't mean to imply a connection. I stopped after the arm arc was causally brushed under a rug after being built up for seasons.
Open world, Kingdom Hearts combat mechanics, 3d Zelda gadgets and puzzles
You know, I've never actually seen a single episode of Adventure Time. Is it worth marathonning on Netflix?
You know, I've never actually seen a single episode of Adventure Time. Is it worth marathonning on Netflix?
Oh my glob... this is going to be awesome!
I need to catch up on Adventure Time... last episode was the wholeFinn's arm being regrown from a flower thanks to a bee.
Adventure Time and a bunch of other Cartoon Network shows are leaving Netflix on March 30.You know, I've never actually seen a single episode of Adventure Time. Is it worth marathonning on Netflix?
Involvement. But is he giving them ideas or helping set up the plot and jokes? There's a big difference.
Adventure Time and a bunch of other Cartoon Network shows are leaving Netflix on March 30.