Keep fightin the good fight, Al.
God dammit.. i wanted to quote only the silly lines.
I ended up with the whole damned column :lol
The NHL is trying to create a new economic system. It has decided that the age-old concept of supply and demand is not viable for its endeavours. (The system has worked since cave men traded mastodon meat for stone axes, but it's not good enough for the NHL.)
The players provided the league with a perfectly workable system back on Dec. 9 and even offered to roll back salaries to the level that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman had demanded. But Bettman turned down that offer for the simple reason that he couldn't trust the owners to use common sense.
And no matter what you might have read in some of the other newspapers, they haven't come to terms on the numbers that will be used in that agreement. All they have are the concepts -- what you can do and what you can't.
When this document is finished, it will be far beyond the comprehension of most general managers.
And the fans? The fans won't have a clue what's happening.
The complexities of the new CBA will be far beyond them. They will be told if a trade has been made, but they will have no idea why so many other trades failed or why their favourite team is incapable of addressing its shortcomings.
The NHL has long been a league operated largely by lawyers. Now, it will be a league totally dominated by lawyers.
No wonder the new CBA is taking so long to hammer out. The lawyers are busy creating their ground rules for the league they will run.
God dammit.. i wanted to quote only the silly lines.
I ended up with the whole damned column :lol