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Alabama man deeply regrets getting "Feel The Bern" tattoo on his genitals

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A 28-year old man from Birmingham, Alabama has made headlines after he took to Facebook to share his regret over a decision made in May this year to get a Bernie Sanders tattoo. Joshua Hughes, a resident of Fairfield, explained that he’d been inspired to get the tattoo as a way of showing his support for Senator Sanders, who at that time was locked in a fierce contest with Secretary Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Mr Hughes is hardly alone, with thousands of other Sanders supporters across the United States having also gone under the needle to get behind the popular senator with their own Bernie-inspired tattoos. However, what makes Mr Hughes’ story unique is the location of his tattoo, which was drawn across the length of his penis.

The photo originally posted to Facebook by Mr Hughes, which has since been deleted for failing to meet that network’s community standards, revealed the ‘Feel the Bern’ slogan that has been associated with Senator Sanders campaign stencilled along Mr Hughes’ penis. The text accompanying the image was a lament by Mr Hughes, in which he expressed regret at the decision to get the tattoo.

“Well it seemed like a good idea at the time,” he wrote.
“But with Bernie now well and truly out of the race I went threw [sic] all that pain for nothing.” Mr Hughes shared how he’d experienced difficulty getting the tattoo in the first place. “I had to go to three tattoo artists before I found someone who agreed to write it on my d**k. The others told me to get it on my ankle, or my shoulder, but it just wouldn’t have the same effect.”

The tattoo artist hired by Mr Hughes spoke to Alabama Observer but declined to be identified, raising concerns that the story would be ‘bad for business’. “I thought it was a dumb idea for a tattoo, and a stupid place to get it,” he told our reporter. “But at the end of the day, if you’ve got the cash, which he did, and you’re over 18, then it’s not really my place to turn down a customer.”

The artist said the job was ‘no more difficult’ than a normal tattoo, but said that his client made things harder by ‘squirming constantly’ during the procedure, which caused the design to appear smudged. “I warned him it was going to hurt, but he just couldn’t handle the pain. In a way, I guess he really did feel the burn.”

In his Facebook post, Mr Hughes expressed a desire to get the tattoo removed through laser surgery, a procedure that experts believe would be challenging given the sensitive location. “It’s a well-known fact that laser removal of a tattoo can be quite a bit more painful than the initial tattooing process,” said one tattoo removal specialist. “In the case of [Mr Hughes], he may be better off just leaving the tattoo in place.”


He should just get herpes or some other disease that makes it burn when he pees. At least he could keep the tattoo that way.


“I warned him it was going to hurt, but he just couldn’t handle the pain. In a way, I guess he really did feel the burn.”
He's been waiting to use that line since that guy left his shop.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
While I love tattoo's on people there are many many times I think someone probably should have thought better about getting a certain tattoo whether its the content or the placement or what not.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
At what point was it ever a close race? Especially in May...

If it wasn't on his genitals, I'd say keep it. You liked the campaign, losing shouldn't change that.


I don't know why but my first thought to click on this thread was hoping for a picture of said tattoo. I need to rethink my priorities. That's going to hurt to get is lasered.
No pics? Dang.
Well, he can't say he wasn't warned, anyone who stops and things for more than a few seconds would see that's a terrible location for a tattoo, especially one that says that.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
This seems like a case of poor judgement.
“Well it seemed like a good idea at the time,”


He did this in May too, when it was clear to everyone sane in March Hillary locked it down. Double embarrassing.
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