Alan Wake 2: Lack Of Sales Update Suggests It Didn’t Sell Too Well

You can't want a game to flop if it's already sold well, people are just saying it hasn't sold as much as expected or much as people are saying and some just can't handle that.
In the last two weeks people have said the game has sold 15mill (just like Ragnarok has done in a year) but that number is an assumption.
The game is a success regardless of the official numbers or the assumed.
There is no need to do gymnastics with revenue to prove this.
But the fact still remains that half of the userbase that bought the original hasn't bought the sequel.
And that can be for many reasons including not actually liking the original.
Expected according to who? Sony? You? The game has sold more than its predecessor launch aligned and with less promos than the first game. You can buy the first game in 4 platforms at this point and it costs like 10 bucks plenty of times on the PS Store. Right now the second game is at 40 bucks...

If a forum member had bigger expectations then that's on them. The game could be selling like Uncharted 4 which reached 16M copies sold in 3 years and half. TLOU2 had sold over 10M copies 2 years ago...who knows where it's sitting at right now?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If a forum member had bigger expectations then that's on them. The game could be selling like Uncharted 4 which reached 16M copies sold in 3 years and half. TLOU2 had sold over 10M copies 2 years ago...who knows where it's sitting at right now
Given my opinion on it why would I expect it to sell more?
I think it sold more then enough, and I ain't inflating the numbers.
It's probably sold 20mil but we don't know until ND announces it
And that's the point, they haven't
I personally don't view SM2 to be woke either, but we are in the minority here on that according to GAF. And from that Insomniac thread, I have no idea what to make of it. To some degree it's a bit creepy, but I have no idea what that will mean when it comes to their next game. It may have no overall effect for all we know.

I'll keep an open mind and not allow "The Internet" to dictate how I feel about something just because it has a narrative or message to push down my throat. And trust, many on GAF have just as much of an agenda to push as the crazies on REEEEE.

- If it was up to REEEEE Hogwarts 2 wouldn't be made. They hate J.K. Rowling.
- If it was up to some on GAF, TLOU3 wouldn't be made either. They hate Druckman.
Personally, I'm displeased by him and his actions.

I'm not very happy with the direction he and the "new dogs" went with in TLOU2. TLOU2 character assassinated a well liked character and retconned him in a very flimsy way. TLOU's original ending was ambigious and open to interpretation which is why it had so much impact. TLOU2 straight up threw all that out of the window. As it stands, the story that came to be in TLOU2 made the overaching storyline incoherent and inconsistent. If that's what Druckmann perceives as great storytelling, then he's a poor writer. If he wants to remedy that, then he ought to do something like a TLOU prequel that shows another side of Joel we hadn't seen before to justify the way he went out. Honestly, that would probably be the better option they got right now to somewhat save the series' face after the amount of reputational damage its taken.

I'll give him the benefit of doubt and assume that TLOU2 was a half-finished rush job due to the security breach that occurred around the same time which forced the studio to release it earlier than expected.
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I feel like Alan Wake cause whenever I think about this game now, I can't get disturbing images out of my head that are reminiscent of someone named Sam Lake dancing on a stage. At least he thinks it's dancing.
The nightmare ends when I look into my game library and see that I still haven't made this purchase.


Personally, I'm displeased by him and his actions.

I'm not very happy with the direction he and the "new dogs" went with in TLOU2. TLOU2 character assassinated a well liked character and retconned him in a very flimsy way. TLOU's original ending was ambigious and open to interpretation which is why it had so much impact. TLOU2 straight up threw all that out of the window. As it stands, the story that came to be in TLOU2 made the overaching storyline incoherent and inconsistent. If that's what Druckmann perceives as great storytelling, then he's a poor writer. If he wants to remedy that, then he ought to do something like a TLOU prequel that shows another side of Joel we hadn't seen before to justify the way he went out. Honestly, that would probably be the better option they got right now to somewhat save the series' face after the amount of reputational damage its taken.

I'll give him the benefit of doubt and assume that TLOU2 was a half-finished rush job due to the security breach that occurred around the same time which forced the studio to release it earlier than expected.
joel murderd half the people in hospital.
Tess says they were shitty people for what they did on the past
Tommy says they did horrible things in past part of the reason why they weren’t talking
Joel and Tommy were both Hunters. all of this is in the first game.
What more do you need to know that joel was a shitty person. what side of joel are looking for in a prequel?
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Digital-only and Epic-exclusive basically mean I will never even try the game.

It's actually concerning that developers are willing to limit themselves in this fashion. Sure, Remedy secured funding, but at the cost of their game simply becoming "content" on a single digital platform: an ephemeral raindrop in a constantly swirling ocean of games. It's as though Remedy made this game with the goal of earning a salary, not creating a video game.

Why should I invest my money and time on a game that the creators themselves do not trust on the open market?


Gold Member
Given my opinion on it why would I expect it to sell more?
I think it sold more then enough, and I ain't inflating the numbers.
It's probably sold 20mil but we don't know until ND announces it
And that's the point, they haven't
- Then, what expectations didn’t it meet?

- Why do they have to announce that it sold a certain amount?


People just don't like the EGS, but in this case, they did fund it, so it's fair for it to be an exclusive, but it would have sold much better on Steam. The game was very good IMO, so hopefully we can get another at some point.


It's not techincally out yet on PC, so when (or IF) they decide to release it on Steam, it'll be up there in sales.


Digital-only and Epic-exclusive basically mean I will never even try the game.

It's actually concerning that developers are willing to limit themselves in this fashion. Sure, Remedy secured funding, but at the cost of their game simply becoming "content" on a single digital platform: an ephemeral raindrop in a constantly swirling ocean of games. It's as though Remedy made this game with the goal of earning a salary, not creating a video game.

Why should I invest my money and time on a game that the creators themselves do not trust on the open market?
I bet they tried to shop it around quite extensively and no one wanted to pick it up. Epic was left. So it was most likely literally a question of this game existing or not. I don't think Sam Lake et al. didn't know what Epic exclusivity means.


Gold Member
I was a fan of the original but decided to skip AW2 because I disliked the direction the game was headed.

There are multiple reasons for this...
  • Digital-only release
  • Involvement of Sweet Baby Inc.
  • Alan Wake only being playable for 50% of his own sequel
  • Race swapping of an existing character
  • Blatant racism i.e. out of place usage of 'white' as a pejorative
  • Feminist overtones i.e. Lead Agent's frequent and unrealistic deferment to subordinate Saga Andersson
It's a shame as I adored the original. Turns out this franchise isn't for me anymore and that's okay.
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Ulysses 31

joel murderd half the people in hospital.
In defence of Ellie since she wasn't given a choice to be on that operating table.

I might've given the Fireflies some slack if there was some ticking bomb in the story that the operation had to happen right then and there but there ain't so that makes them the aggressors IMO.
Tess says they were shitty people for what they did on the past
Tommy says they did horrible things in past part of the reason why they weren’t talking
Joel and Tommy were both Hunters. all of this is in the first game.
What more do you need to know that joel was a shitty person. what side of joel are looking for in a prequel?
Joel has done horrible things in the past and was IMO not a moral person but at least in TLOU2 he seemed on a path of redemption with him helping people on his patrols and Abby when she was running from a horde.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I don't really understand the hate boner for EGS, anyway.

Why is everyone so hung up on what launcher opens their games? Is it an OCD thing? Outside of the god awful launchers like Rockstar or the old EA Origin launcher, I literally couldn't care less.

Because launchers have different policies. And they do more than just "launch" the game.


Whats wrong with TLOU 2? Serious question- I really enjoyed it
Can't speak for others but for me (as in: it's subjective) it was the following:

  • I found the pacing of the game very bad in terms of story and character development.
  • I found the motivational events for Abby and her entire arc very forced.
  • I found the dialog less convincing and more on the nose/artifical-feeling than the first game.
  • I found the environments boring from a gameplay standpoint. And less atmospheric/less detailed than the ones in the first game
  • I found the depiction of violence forced and annoying, it came across as "let's do some gruesome gore shit here because it's shocking!". I don't mind gore. But I mind it when it's used as an obviously cheap trick.
  • I found the soundtrack less memorable.
  • I found the first game has a higher quality of "horror" (You can argue whether both games are horror games but they have at least some elements of horror in them); TLoU2 is a lot more jump-scary, whereas the first game attempted to build an uneasy atmosphere. Especially in one section (which I don't want to spoil)
  • Obviously, the shooting gameplay is slightly better/more fluid in TLoU2. Although I found the encounters less interesting but maybe that's related to the environments.
  • And, of course, the graphics and animations are better in TLoU2. It's a really good looking game.

I also want to say that I consider the The Last of Us 1 as one of my favorite games of all time (even though it's not the best Naughty Dog game, that's still Uncharted 2).
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
- Then, what expectations didn’t it meet?
The expectations of everyone one that butts in an says it's sold 15+mill when you quote the official numbers.
I think it sold very well, obviously doesn't have the legs of the original but still a success nonetheless
- Why do they have to announce that it sold a certain amount?
closure for those that insist it sold more, that way they can quote official numbers instead of making them up and have peace of mind.

For the record I do think it's sold more, I just don't agree with the insistent "trust me bro" numbers.
That's all.


Gold Member
The expectations of everyone one that butts in an says it's sold 15+mill when you quote the official numbers.
I think it sold very well, obviously doesn't have the legs of the original but still a success nonetheless

closure for those that insist it sold more, that way they can quote official numbers instead of making them up and have peace of mind.

For the record I do think it's sold more, I just don't agree with the insistent "trust me bro" numbers.
That's all.
The last numbers we have are from 2 years ago. The bottom line is the company that made the game said it met expectations. All that matters.


I was a fan of the original but decided to skip AW2 because I disliked the direction the game was headed.

There are multiple reasons for this...
  • Digital-only release
  • Involvement of Sweet Baby Inc.
  • Alan Wake only being playable for 50% of his own sequel
  • Race swapping of an existing character
  • Blatant racism i.e. out of place usage of 'white' as a pejorative
  • Feminist overtones i.e. Lead Agent's frequent and unrealistic deferment to subordinate Saga Andersson
It's a shame as I adored the original. Turns out this franchise isn't for me anymore and that's okay.
Jesus christ. It's like a bizarro Resetera itt. Play the fucking game people, get some actual context because half this thread is just an embarrassment.
I was a fan of the original but decided to skip AW2 because I disliked the direction the game was headed.

There are multiple reasons for this...
  • Digital-only release
  • Involvement of Sweet Baby Inc.
  • Alan Wake only being playable for 50% of his own sequel
  • Race swapping of an existing character
  • Blatant racism i.e. out of place usage of 'white' as a pejorative
  • Feminist overtones i.e. Lead Agent's frequent and unrealistic deferment to subordinate Saga Andersson
It's a shame as I adored the original. Turns out this franchise isn't for me anymore and that's okay.
Which character was race swapped?

Also, it's spelled out clearly at the very start of the game that Saga has been in the force for a long time (not a novice) and that Nightingale, her partner, is on his last legs (approaching retirement) so he happily gives Saga the lead on this case.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Which character was race swapped?
Saga was introduced in the Teaser for Alan Wake 2 in Quantum Break

She was previously portrayed by Malla Malmivaara

She reminded me of Willows from CSI.
But I think the fact that people was already introduced to the character and the current time we live in make us more critical of the change.
I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid if she was introduced as Melanie Liburd.
Saga was introduced in the Teaser for Alan Wake 2 in Quantum Break

She was previously portrayed by Malla Malmivaara

She reminded me of Willows from CSI.
But I think the fact that people was already introduced to the character and the current time we live in make us more critical of the change.
I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid if she was introduced as Melanie Liburd.

So the character was introduced 10 years ago in short video with no context when Alan Wake 2 was nothing more than just a concept in Sam Lake's head. I doubt 99% of people who have played Alan Wake 2 even know this short video exists. Not to mention Sam Lake is the lead creative behind these games and the final decision on who plays his characters is his. This is nothing like the other cases in Hollywood where firmly established characters like The Little Mermaid get race swapped.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
So the character was introduced 10 years ago in short video with no context when Alan Wake 2 was nothing more than just a concept in Sam Lake's head. I doubt 99% of people who have played Alan Wake 2 even know this short video exists. Not to mention Sam Lake is the lead creative behind these games and the final decision on who plays his characters is his. This is nothing like the other cases in Hollywood where firmly established characters like The Little Mermaid get race swapped.
You asked dude, I didn't ask for a defense for it
The only thing stopping me from buying it is there is no physical version
I just roll my eyes at the rest, I think I can live with a pallette swap and a racist remark.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Jesus christ. It's like a bizarro Resetera itt. Play the fucking game people, get some actual context because half this thread is just an embarrassment.

I'm saying! People like this care about the dumbest fucking shit.

Fuck this got to do with the actual game? lol
Saga was introduced in the Teaser for Alan Wake 2 in Quantum Break

She was previously portrayed by Malla Malmivaara

She reminded me of Willows from CSI.
But I think the fact that people was already introduced to the character and the current time we live in make us more critical of the change.
I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid if she was introduced as Melanie Liburd.

If you never found this, I would have never known anyway lol

You react like you are on Resetera.

Nah, I'd say your post is deep into that shit.

Its their game.
If they felt this wasn't that important and decided to change the look of the character, they are free to do that. Only time that should matter is if it actually plays a factor into the actual story and only those writing the story would know that in the first place.
I do this myself all the time, I might make a piece of concept art and years later change the gender or race of a character, but clearly I would fucking know if such a thing was a massive factor or not as I'm the fucking person making simply sounds like people making a big deal or crying over some shit for the sake of crying.

So the character was introduced 10 years ago in short video with no context when Alan Wake 2 was nothing more than just a concept in Sam Lake's head. I doubt 99% of people who have played Alan Wake 2 even know this short video exists.
I'm saying. Its like, if the people who made it don't give a fuck, i see no reason for folks to cry over this shit.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If you never found this, I would have never known anyway lo
And that's what I mean, if you didn't know you & didn't exist you wouldn't give a fuck.
But if you know and given the time we live in, you have to draw to conclusions.
And that rubs people the wrong way, it's not because they did it, it's why they did it that's the problem.
So you can rub it off as nothing(because it is on the surface), but that's ignoring the underlying issue in the mentality of the people making those games/films.
and they should not be rewarded for it.


I mean, it’s a sequel to a game barely anybody played 10 years later. With some esg put a chick in it and make it gay and lame. Is it really a shock it didn’t do well? The real shock might be that it one any awards at all, except that the awards are 90% bs anyways. This game never should’ve been at the awards show.
Digital-only and Epic-exclusive basically mean I will never even try the game.

It's actually concerning that developers are willing to limit themselves in this fashion. Sure, Remedy secured funding, but at the cost of their game simply becoming "content" on a single digital platform: an ephemeral raindrop in a constantly swirling ocean of games. It's as though Remedy made this game with the goal of earning a salary, not creating a video game.

Why should I invest my money and time on a game that the creators themselves do not trust on the open market?
It was not up to them, and no one else was willing to fund the game, u can’t really blame them, just hope future games start making money for them, as breaking even really can’t be sustainable long term. P.s dump control, start fresh with a new ip, with a decent budget,


I’ve been playing it on PC. Beautiful looking game. Sounds great.

But, man, is it boring. I can’t seem to play more than 30-45mins at a time. Feel like I have to finish it because I really liked the first one. Hopefully it will pick up, but I have a feeling it isn’t.

Kind of surprised it got such great reviews.


Writes a lot, says very little
it's why they did it that's the problem.

I don't think any artist needs to explain why anyway. I make choices like this all the time simply based on just liking how a character looks over the other. Its not some deep thing or conspiracy or some exact secret reason or something.

For all we know, the character could look like anyone and that final design was up in the air because it wasn't tied to anything in the story. As in, they are not making American History X where the exact demographic matters, thus the character can be interchangeable. So they could have seen a bunch of different concept art by the character artist and randomly choose a different look.

I just don't believe any artist should always have to explain "why" simply to appease conspiracy type shit. When someone must disclose all the reasons why they choose to create a character and if not is a "problem" I'd argue, that is more worrisome and problematic in the industry then not knowing why in the first place.

So we need to get back to simply respecting the artist choice and enjoying games for what they are, instead of this weird witch hunt that goes on anytime someone sees a character change. This shit literally makes me not want to even show any of my concept art on any on going projects I'm working on cause its like some of you don't understand that artist do this privately all the time.

I can't even tell you how many times a character I drew changed so many times simply based on me liking a design better then the other during that process, but then have it questioned every damn time makes me feel like maybe some on are not a owed that sneak peak if its just going to be scrutinized like this.

I simply can't see an issue with this unless someone can prove it was done with malicious or ill intent.


Neo Member
I mean, it’s a sequel to a game barely anybody played 10 years later. With some esg put a chick in it and make it gay and lame. Is it really a shock it didn’t do well? The real shock might be that it one any awards at all, except that the awards are 90% bs anyways. This game never should’ve been at the awards show.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

I keep seeing comments about how woke this game is as if Saga were a boring "Mary Sue" like Rey in the new Star Wars movies or a race swapped character in a soulless Disney remake. I know this is happening in the AAA space right now but that is not my experience with this game at all.

Saga is actually a well written and fully developed character and she goes through some serious psychological trauma in her arc. I just don't know how someone who actually played Alan Wake 2 thinks that Saga fits the Kathleen Kennedy South Park meme.


I don't think any artist needs to explain why anyway. I make choices like this all the time simply based on just liking how a character looks over the other. Its not some deep thing or conspiracy or some exact secret reason or something.

For all we know, the character could look like anyone and that final design was up in the air because it wasn't tied to anything in the story. As in, they are not making American History X where the exact demographic matters, thus the character can be interchangeable. So they could have seen a bunch of different concept art by the character artist and randomly choose a different look.

I just don't believe any artist should always have to explain "why" simply to appease conspiracy type shit. When someone must disclose all the reasons why they choose to create a character and if not is a "problem" I'd argue, that is more worrisome and problematic in the industry then not knowing why in the first place.

So we need to get back to simply respecting the artist choice and enjoying games for what they are, instead of this weird witch hunt that goes on anytime someone sees a character change. This shit literally makes me not want to even show any of my concept art on any on going projects I'm working on cause its like some of you don't understand that artist do this privately all the time.

I can't even tell you how many times a character I drew changed so many times simply based on me liking a design better then the other during that process, but then have it questioned every damn time makes me feel like maybe some on are not a owed that sneak peak if its just going to be scrutinized like this.

I simply can't see an issue with this unless someone can prove it was done with malicious or ill intent.
It is not really art anymore. The decision is made for other reasons. But you know this. Games are made by huge teams and these decisions made in meetings by people in charge or in this case consultants. A box was checked.


The nicest person on this forum
Just like the original its flawed but unique and interesting experience, just like with most Remedy games.......but my original issue with original AW still exist in the sequel.....the enemy designs are soooooo boring.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

I keep seeing comments about how woke this game is as if Saga were a boring "Mary Sue" like Rey in the new Star Wars movies or a race swapped character in a soulless Disney remake. I know this is happening in the AAA space right now but that is not my experience with this game at all.

Saga is actually a well written and fully developed character and she goes through some serious psychological trauma in her arc. I just don't know how someone who actually played Alan Wake 2 thinks that Saga fits the Kathleen Kennedy South Park meme.
These people haven't played the game mate


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't think any artist needs to explain why anyway. I make choices like this all the time simply based on just liking how a character looks over the other. Its not some deep thing or conspiracy or some exact secret reason or something.

For all we know, the character could look like anyone and that final design was up in the air because it wasn't tied to anything in the story. As in, they are not making American History X where the exact demographic matters, thus the character can be interchangeable. So they could have seen a bunch of different concept art by the character artist and randomly choose a different look.

I just don't believe any artist should always have to explain "why" simply to appease conspiracy type shit. When someone must disclose all the reasons why they choose to create a character and if not is a "problem" I'd argue, that is more worrisome and problematic in the industry then not knowing why in the first place.

So we need to get back to simply respecting the artist choice and enjoying games for what they are, instead of this weird witch hunt that goes on anytime someone sees a character change. This shit literally makes me not want to even show any of my concept art on any on going projects I'm working on cause its like some of you don't understand that artist do this privately all the time.

I can't even tell you how many times a character I drew changed so many times simply based on me liking a design better then the other during that process, but then have it questioned every damn time makes me feel like maybe some on are not a owed that sneak peak if its just going to be scrutinized like this.

I simply can't see an issue with this unless someone can prove it was done with malicious or ill intent.
As I said you can easily rub it off as nothing but that's ignores the underlying issue that festers into something else.
That's how you end up with the current Disney.
We saw what was happening and rubbed it off and called out the people who was critical about it.
Flash forward and
Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF

Everything you said is still solid logic and I agree.
But if the last 7 years has taught me anything, is that you can't be naive in today's climate


Writes a lot, says very little
As I said you can easily rub it off as nothing but that's ignores the underlying issue that festers into something else.
That's how you end up with the current Disney.
We saw what was happening and rubbed it off and called out the people who was critical about it.
Flash forward and
Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF

Everything you said is still solid logic and I agree.
But if the last 7 years has taught me anything, is that you can't be naive in today's climate

I don't disagree that such a thing can happen, but how do you know that this has anything to do with that?

So...not only do both sides talk about this, they also want people to join camps and denounce this or explain that and by default if you don't you support this or that lol

I'm not even saying I fucking support that idea, I'm saying the very people that do, literally made this same fucking argument, or need I bring up Nathan Drake having his shirt tucked in as being a secret conspiracy to take over the world? lol

I just don't feel that as an artist, I need to explain why I made a character now to appease either side. It was ridiculous when bluehaired people did it, its just as odd now.

It is not really art anymore. The decision is made for other reasons

Oh its still art.

Unless you made it, you know not of what their reason is and its merely guessing and then throwing a bunch of conspiracies behind it ala bluehaired folks with Youtube series about said conspiracies lol

Not everyone creating art even gives a shit about any of this, you guys just think they all do lol Be like "why was that mans chin this diameter? Cause unless the artist gives us a valid reason, its clear they are an enemy of Amazon Prime and a fucking fanboy of peaCOCK!" lol

(I imagine someone that hates Peacock and has conspiracies about it would spell it in some derogatory way like "peaCOCK" or "pCOCK" lol )

I'm willing to question reasons if its against the artist original intent, I'm willing to question reasons if based on another source like the character MUST look a certain way, I'm just not willing to go into this crazy shit solely based on the exist of the character with fucking zero evidence that anything is involved with how they were made.

I just don't think you guys even fucking understand, almost NO CHARACTER from beginning to end regarding design is 100% the same. I don't even think I can give you an example of a character in any major game that was literally 1.1 the same from concept to final.
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Gold Member
I don't disagree that such a thing can happen, but how do you know that this has anything to do with that?

So...not only do both sides talk about this, they also want people to join camps and denounce this or explain that and by default if you don't you support this or that lol

I'm not even saying I fucking support that idea, I'm saying the very people that do, literally made this same fucking argument, or need I bring up Nathan Drake having his shirt tucked in as being a secret conspiracy to take over the world? lol

I just don't feel that as an artist, I need to explain why I made a character now to appease either side. It was ridiculous when bluehaired people did it, its just as odd now.

Oh its still art.

Unless you made it, you know not of what their reason is and its merely guessing and then throwing a bunch of conspiracies behind it ala bluehaired folks with Youtube series about said conspiracies lol

Not everyone creating art even gives a shit about any of this, you guys just think they all do lol Be like "why was that mans chin this diameter? Cause unless the artist gives us a valid reason, its clear they are an enemy of Amazon Prime and a fucking fanboy of peaCOCK!" lol

(I imagine someone that hates Peacock and has conspiracies about it would spell it in some derogatory way like "peaCOCK" or "pCOCK" lol )

I'm willing to question reasons if its against the artist original intent, I'm willing to question reasons if based on another source like the character MUST look a certain way, I'm just not willing to go into this crazy shit solely based on the exist of the character with fucking zero evidence that anything is involved with how they were made.

I just don't think you guys even fucking understand, almost NO CHARACTER from beginning to end regarding design is 100% the same. I don't even think I can give you an example of a character in any major game that was literally 1.1 the same from concept to final.
As a character artist, I appreciate this post! Spot. On!


Oh really? Is that why FF16 sold more physically?

The very article you link to states physical sales continue to fall 9% yoy, while digital sales are growing yoy.

One game barely selling more physical copies, doesn’t mean anything. You’ve got large brick and mortar retailers pulling out of the physical games market. That alone guarantees physical will continue its death spiral.

We’re in a thread for a big AAA release that didn’t even get a physical release.
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The very article you link to states physical sales continue to fall 9% yoy, while digital sales are growing yoy.

One game barely selling more physical copies, doesn’t mean anything. You’ve got large brick and mortar retailers pulling out of the physical games market. That alone guarantees physical will continue its death spiral.

We’re in a thread for a big AAA release that didn’t even get a physical release.
Since when is Alan Wake a big AAA? Epic are greedy that’s why they didn’t want to release physical. You can bet your candy ass they will either release a physical or gamepass/ps plus soon.


Since when is Alan Wake a big AAA? Epic are greedy that’s why they didn’t want to release physical. You can bet your candy ass they will either release a physical or gamepass/ps plus soon.

Physical? No lol. There’s no point.

Game pass and PS Plus? Of course. It’s a big check to make up for poor sales. And it’s digital.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't disagree that such a thing can happen, but how do you know that this has anything to do with that?
I'm not even saying it is, just raising the eyebrow.
And I agree with the artist intent and they shouldn't have to explain themselves like Kojima does time and time again when speaking to the western media
But we already know there is a 3rd party looking at their work and telling them to change stuff, but now you don't know what came from the original idea and what was "fixed"
It's a double edged sword


Remedy should've been bought by Rockstar and stuck with Max Payne.
They'd just be working on GTA in that case.
Can't speak for others but for me (as in: it's subjective) it was the following:

  • I found the pacing of the game very bad in terms of story and character development.
I feel like it's hard to offer 'objective' criticisms of games, but surely Last of Us 2 is as close to objectively bad pacing as can be. The whole thing builds to a climax and then you have to spend 12 hours with characters you don't care about (although some may grow on you) just to find out what happened. Not to mention the awfully long length.
I was a fan of the original but decided to skip AW2 because I disliked the direction the game was headed.

There are multiple reasons for this...
  • Digital-only release
  • Involvement of Sweet Baby Inc.
  • Alan Wake only being playable for 50% of his own sequel
  • Race swapping of an existing character
  • Blatant racism i.e. out of place usage of 'white' as a pejorative
  • Feminist overtones i.e. Lead Agent's frequent and unrealistic deferment to subordinate Saga Andersson
It's a shame as I adored the original. Turns out this franchise isn't for me anymore and that's okay.
I get where you're coming from, but Saga is pretty awesome so far, although I'm only a couple of hours in. Sam Lake hardly seems like an SJW.
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