Alan wake 1 was a solid third person poltergeist shooter, I’ll wait years before I play the sequel I’m 100 % convinced sequels aren’t as good as the original (fear 2, dead space 2, evil within 2 etc.) to name a few.
Evil Within 2 is FAR better than 1. The characters are actually fleshed out (particularly Sebastian himself, whereas the first game left all his characterization in notes that didn’t manifest in the first game proper at all), the villains are more interesting than edgy budget Assassin’s Creed cosplayer, the story is actually compelling rather than the nothing that was the first game’s “story” (“ooh, we’re in a brain, whose could it be-“ It’s Ruvik, obviously. For fucks’ sake, was this supposed to be surprising?), the game begins properly actually setting up gameplay rather than the first game’s beginning levels being an overly long Outlast ripoff that barely is used in most of the rest of the game, exploration is far more rewarding and offers unique encounters and rewards, there’s far more frequent use of clever scares with impossible space and such, the game doesn’t fall completely on its ass in the final third like the first game did (seriously, some of those sequences were embarrassingly bad), it doesn’t have a stick up its ass like the first game in being 100% super-serious but actually has some humorous moments and even RE-style cheese, the game didn’t launch with a bunch of bugs (apparently the PC version never fully fixed this, wow) and a forced stupid “cinematic” screen mode that was so hated by even fans of the game that they changed it to optional, etc.
Evil Within 1 had some good stuff but was plagued by so much bullshit and clearly needed far more time in the oven. Evil Within 2 actually feels like a complete vision realized. It’s not even close which one is superior in my book.