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Alien wreck found at Tunguska , say Russian scientists

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try this link.

Russian scientists claim to have discovered the wreck of an alien device at the site of an unexplained explosion in Siberia almost 100 years ago, the Interfax news agency has reported.

The scientists, who belong to the Tunguska space phenomenon public state fund, said they found the remains of an extra-terrestrial device that allegedly crashed near the Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908.

They also claim to have discovered a 50 kilogram rock which they have sent to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk for analysis.


Everyone should download BugMeNot if they have FireFox just to deal with these stupid news site logins :p

There are no pics! :(
Russian scientists claim the wreck of an alien device has been found at the site of an unexplained explosion in Siberia almost 100 years ago.

Interfax news agency said the scientists, who belong to the Tunguska space phenomenon public state fund, said they found the remains of an extra-terrestrial device that allegedly crashed near the Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908.

They also claim to have discovered a 50 kg rock which they have sent to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk for analysis.

The Tunguska blast, in a desolate part of Siberia, remains one of the 20th century's biggest scientific mysteries.

On June 30, 1908, what was widely believed to be a meteorite exploded a few kilometres above the Tunguska river, in a blast that was felt hundreds of kilometres away and devastated over 2,000 square kilometres of Siberian forest.

But the exact nature of the body that exploded and its origin remain a mystery which has spurred countless theories and controversies.



Fuck it, I'm becoming a "scientist" too. It can't be that hard, I'm going to create the Western Canada Fund for Phenomena Studies, and call myself Head Scientist. Maybe get some business cards made up, then I can be on all those lazy paranormal shows with the other credulous PhD's who find Nostradamus "impossible to disprove".


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Well we just need more proof than some article.

I believe that aliens could already be on earth. If they are advanced enough to get here, they're advanced enough to disguise themselves extremely well.


Gold Member
teh_pwn said:
Well we just need more proof than some article.

I believe that aliens could already be on earth. If they are advanced enough to get here, they're advanced enough to disguise themselves extremely well.

There's a cave in Dulce, New Mexico you should check out ;)

Just make sure your last will is in order first.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm not getting the reference, if there is one.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Sounds like a bunch of junk.

I mean a species that's ages ahead of us in a facility using cameras as security? Come on...

If there are any aliens, they are not hostile. They'd have the military power to crush us in hours.



I knew they were onto something!


Gold Member
teh_pwn said:
If there are any aliens, they are not hostile. They'd have the military power to crush us in hours.

Research President Eisenhower and Edwards AFB in 1954.

There are 18 known species. One is so hideous looking that guards at the facilities they are found in have to be gradually introduced to what they look like. They are shown pictures of something close, but not quite it until they get used to it before seeing the real thing. This is done because two guards had heart attacks when two members of this species walked down the hallway unexpected.


Gold Member
IJoel said:

I knew they were onto something!

Funny thing is, Chris Carter based the entire X-Files Mythology arc on this stuff, especially the conspiracy behind why Dulce is there.
for someone looking to get into x-files (i've seen random episodes and loved them).. what is the best place to start? season 1 episode 1? or should i jump right to a season?
ManaByte said:
Research President Eisenhower and Edwards AFB in 1954.

There are 18 known species. One is so hideous looking that guards at the facilities they are found in have to be gradually introduced to what they look like. They are shown pictures of something close, but not quite it until they get used to it before seeing the real thing. This is done because two guards had heart attacks when two members of this species walked down the hallway unexpected.

Haha, I heard about this


LuckyBrand said:
for someone looking to get into x-files (i've seen random episodes and loved them).. what is the best place to start? season 1 episode 1? or should i jump right to a season?

The best place is season 1 episode 1 , because from then on its just random bullshit side stories and once in awhile every few episodes youll get something that pertains to the main thing. Thats how i remember it. The first episode about aleins, then comes The bullshit. A episode about vampires, and then gargoyles, then a killer fish, killer bees, a killer clown, killer dogs, another type of offbeat killer exotic animals, then 1 more about aliens and Mulders family or whatever. More killer animals, killer pornography and Mulder gets addicted to it. The best one is the one with the killer video game. That wins for me. I think they managed to tie a hooker into that story somewhere. It was cool.

X-Files is such an awesome show. I need to take a home equity loan and buy them on DVD.
Many Humans are also being implanted with brain tranceivers. These act as telepathic communication "channels" and telemetric brain manipulation devices. This network was developed and initiated by DARPA.


Save us snaaaaaake!
LuckyBrand said:
for someone looking to get into x-files (i've seen random episodes and loved them).. what is the best place to start? season 1 episode 1? or should i jump right to a season?

It depends whether you want it for the stand-alone episodes or the overall alien conspiracy arc. If it's the latter, then yes you should start from the beginning (though I suppose you could start with the last episode of Season 1, "The Erlenmeyer Flask"). If you enjoy the standalone, not-necessarily-alien-but-something-weird episodes, then IMO the best are 3, 5, and 1. Anything after 6 is pretty much only OK to terrible, and 6 is iffy. The movie takes place between seasons 5-6, but it's pretty silly.


Time ta STEP IT UP
ManaByte said:
There are 18 known species. One is so hideous looking that guards at the facilities they are found in have to be gradually introduced to what they look like. They are shown pictures of something close, but not quite it until they get used to it before seeing the real thing. This is done because two guards had heart attacks when two members of this species walked down the hallway unexpected.

Wah wah WHAT?!
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