On console, its easily a 2 out of 10. It's an insult.
Yup, looks passable on PC, but on the consoles it's atrocious.
On console, its easily a 2 out of 10. It's an insult.
Sent Randy a direct message on Twitter asking why Aliens fans were mislead. Will post here if he responds.
Wait, I just finished the campaign. Now granted, I wasn't paying attention to the story, it seemed kinda bad... but did I basically see that the game doesn't really have an ending?... more of a to be continued ending, they expect people to buy the ending or something?
He finally speaks for the first time in three days; mayhaps we get some answers:
He finally speaks for the first time in three days; mayhaps we get some answers:
The world should block him for the insult that was Aliens: Colonial Marines, and the threat of damage done to the Aliens brand.
The world should block him for the insult that was Aliens: Colonial Marines, and the threat of damage done to the Aliens brand.
It is still the best representation of the Aliens brand in a very long time. It is better than AvP from 2010 and it is better than quite a few other games with the name Alien attached to them. It has the atmosphere, the gameplay and the nods that make it really stand out. Get it if you can.
Gearbox helped develop it too.
LOL, didn't they just (publicly) outsource it to WayForward? What the fuck did they do to it?
I must admit I'm tempted to get this just to see how bad it is. Someone shoot me.
Just Redbox it man. I had the same twisted urge and it passed. Don't spend 60 beans. Just spend a few instead.
And anyway... might as well rent some games while you still can.
lol there's probably an online code, so you can't even try the mp which apparently is the least shit
Aliens: Infestation is a truly great little game. It's got some problems, but it packs more genuine love and heart for the Aliens license than most Aliens games of recent years. It's pretty damn hard, too. If you think Xenomorphs have been treated as little more than cannon fodder in videogames, this one will set you right.
He finally speaks for the first time in three days; mayhaps we get some answers:
I actually liked AVP 2010. The SP was pretty short and nothing to write home about, but still fun. The marine campaign was the best but the Predator and Alien one's were decent. The MP was a blast, although. I loved playing the Predator or Xenomorph. From what I've seen of A:CM, AVP 2010 definitely looks like it was the more enjoyable of the two.
It's funny because he seems to see his job as being the guy who 'sells' the games, to investors, press, consumers etc, when his actual role should be to ensure the quality of the final product.
I can't believe nobody took stock of what they had in the days before the game went gold and said "we shouldn't be releasing this".
I must admit I'm tempted to get this just to see how bad it is. Someone shoot me.
Randy the E3 demo is nowhere to be found in Aliens CM. We were told that was actual gameplay. Please elaborate?
Randy claims he never lied and seems to hint something changed after they made those videos. Well GAF do we believe him? I just sent him the following:
Still the best Alien game and you can't even buy it anymore. The best single player and multiplayer. The mode where you start as a facehugger was so fun. Why the fuck is it so hard to replicate this????
The other three core franchises Sega talked about were Total War, Football Manager and Sonic the Hedgehog. And with their acquisition of Relic and the Company of Heroes IP, it's probably a safe bet that CoH will be a core franchise too.So what franchises does Sega have left after this debacle?
This is brutal.
Does Sega have the Warhammer 40k license?