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Aliens Versus Predator Official Thread of Interspecies Carnage and Bill Paxton Quotes


Alien, Aliens and Predator are fucking classics. I won't forgive anyone for badmouthing them. What I've seen so far from this game is that it doesn't measure up to the first movies and would fit better with the later... entries.

The lighting and sound design is awesome, though.
luka said:

BattleMonkey said:
But they do. The alien in Aliens 3 was considered different and much more agile than previous aliens. Also many of the novels and comics that have ran for years feature aliens who adopt traits from species they implant into.

The Alien 3: http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Dog_Alien

I had no idea. Wow.

And no, "stick around" is definitely predator. The guerrilla is trying to sneak out and dutch nails him with his survival knife.
BravoSuperStar said:
I had no idea. Wow.

And no, "stick around" is definitely predator. The guerrilla is trying to sneak out and dutch nails him with his survival knife.

You are correct. I was thinking of the amazingly awesome line "let off some steam"?


TheExodu5 said:
Preditor is pretty terrible too. 8|

"alright guys let's attempt a hostage rescue....AND BLOW SHIT UP"

Predator is one of the best action movies of all time. To say it is terrible means you fail at life and also as a man.


Haven't played the game yet but the Predalien in AVP: Requiem had Predator elements to it (Size, strength and what would appear to be increased intelligence):

[insert another admission of my unabashed love for AVP: Requiem]


Unlimited Capacity
I just played the multiplayer demo for the first time. 2v2, as a predator against 2 aliens and I got completely steamrolled. 90% of my deaths, an alien insta-killed me from behind or something. NO idea what I was doing :lol
Tokubetsu said:
Haven't played the game yet but the Predalien in AVP: Requiem had Predator elements to it (Size, strength and what would appear to be increased intelligence):

[insert another admission of my unabashed love for AVP: Requiem]
Dreds make it look stupid.
Got to play a little bit last night for the first time, and it was fun once I finally got on border of getting the hang of the controls. Definitely will dig into this even though I have never watched the Aliens movies or Predators movies (I know, I know.....)

Complete noob question: How do you fire the disc? (360) I got them last night with the predator, pushed the left arrow on the Dpad, and couldn't for the life of me understand how to throw them.


TheApatheticOne said:
Got to play a little bit last night for the first time, and it was fun once I finally got on border of getting the hang of the controls. Definitely will dig into this even though I have never watched the Aliens movies or Predators movies (I know, I know.....)

Complete noob question: How do you fire the disc? (360) I got them last night with the predator, pushed the left arrow on the Dpad, and couldn't for the life of me understand how to throw them.

Select it with D-Pad and then the right trigger throws it. The disc follows the path of the laser marker you project, so you can make it go around corners etc.
Thanks Raide!

In terms of the 360 population, I will say last night wasn't great. We actually quit playing because we either couldn't get into a game for various reasons (room was full, game has started, server issue, etc. and then each time, kicked all the way back to the initial screen) or it would throw us into a random game type when the room we selected was for a different game type (we mainly stuck with Infestation and Mixed Species TDM). Another thing that was not exactly encouraging was that when we looked at those two game types, it was like 10-15 rooms with 1 person in almost each room, with maybe 2 rooms with a decent amount of people but a bad connection.

I hope it picks up. While just like anything else, it may not be for everyone, but I honestly think there is a fun multiplayer here worth playing and is just a "clean up" patch or two away from being very solid.


About the pausing/stuttering that me and a few others have experienced, I found a post from someone at rebellion:

daPing said:
We are currently investigating this issue, which unfortunately wasn't found during extensive compatibility testing. We believe a few things may be contributing to this:

1) A combination of driver issues and the video memory manager that's used in Vista and Windows 7 under DX10 and 11. We're talking to Nvidia and ATI about this. This may also be responsible for the extreme memory usage that some people are seeing.

2) People using settings that are too high for the amount of VRAM in their video cards. Please note that if you adjust the texture detail settings then you must restart the game for this to take effect. There should be a dialog that advises you of this. Please try using the default Normal setting and seeing if that solves or reduces the problem.

3) The V-Sync and/or Reduce Mouse Lag options. The latter is found under the Controls options menu, not Video. Turning both of these off may help on Nvidia cards. This may be related to the problem described in point 4.xiv in the ReadMe.

As has been noted in this thread, playing the DX9 version instead should also solve this stuttering.

With regards to the low process priority that some people have noticed, this is intentional when you Alt-Tab out of the game, unless you are playing multiplayer. When you Alt-Tab back in, the process priority should return to normal.

I got the stuttering in DX9 mode too.


Strummerjones said:
Shockingly bad game.

Awful post Half-life 2 scripted monster closet gameplay that destroys any kind of tension or atmosphere, absolutely bizarre obsession with clumsy melee combat (remember how Ripley punched out the Alien Queen with her bare hands? Apparently that's what happened in Rebellion's copy of Aliens, as you do pretty much just that in this game), terribly paced bitty level design with extra dead empty areas tagged on for the pointless collectathon bits, some of the worst boss battles I've ever seen in a videogame with mechanics like shooting barrels next to an enemy's head as if it were a lazy 2D platform game from 1993, appallingly bad story, dialogue and voice acting, with Michelle Rodriguez's performance jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor. I really could go on.

I can only conclude some of you have been locked up away from videogames for the last 20 years (or at least not played any first person shoot em ups past Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold or something) to find any of this even vaguely enjoyable.

At least Rogue Warrior had that so-bad-it's-good rap song.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the whole "LOL CONSOLES" stuff being trotted out in here, I've got the PC version, and the only way the XBox/PS3 ones could be any worse is if the boxes were packed with anthrax spores.
I haven't finished the marine campaign yet, but so far I've had a completely different experience.

I agree that the melee system doesn't make a whole lot of sense within the context of the universe as a whole, but it's there for gameplay reasons: to stop you from from becoming completely overwhelmed when several aliens close in on you at once.

As a result, you can have incredibly frantic close range battles, in which you're spraying bullets everywhere, constantly turning and knocking aliens back, and finally have to resist being eaten alive, after an alien manages to grab you. I imagine the alternative you want, is death. And that's fine, but it would result in combat being in one respect less satisfying, as you wouldn't get the satisfaction from surviving these sorts of encounters.

So overall, I'm not finding that there's anything mechanically wrong with the game, at least as far as the basic combat goes, and that's helped by the fact that the visual feedback you get during combat is great. Firing the pulse rifle feels incredibly satisfying, especially when you're using it to progressively cripple an alien. Most games that are considered 'broken' don't even get these basics right: they fail as shooters on the most fundamental level. AVP doesn't. And as a result I've had a ton of satisfyingly frantic firefights, with aliens coming at me from every direction, as I try not to get overwhelmed.

I agree that the rest of the game can be a bit uninspired, though I don't see what's particularly wrong with the level design (the indoor bits are just like every other corridor shooter, and I'm quite enjoying the openness of the outdoor sections), or the story, which consists mainly in trying to reunite up with the remaining survivors. Though, perhaps I am actually the only one who wanted to rescue Tequilla!

Overall, though, it seems like a satisfying but unimaginative shooter, not the worse game ever made.


With Bill Paxton in the thread title and all...did he even do any voice work in this game? Or are his famous quotes just used? Or neither?


sk3tch said:
With Bill Paxton in the thread title and all...did he even do any voice work in this game? Or are his famous quotes just used? Or neither?

His quotes are all over the game, even as achievements, but the actor himself isn't in it.


sk3tch said:
With Bill Paxton in the thread title and all...did he even do any voice work in this game? Or are his famous quotes just used? Or neither?
I heard a marine yelling "We're Screwed!"


Sill4 said:
I heard a marine yelling "We're Screwed!"

The first thing I noticed was someone saying that it was a bug-hunt. :lol

The game has a few bits and bobs that are really nods to Aliens and Predator.


^ good deal, thanks guys. I'm a huge fan of both franchises so I am sure I'll have fun.

The postman just dropped it off. Can't wait to try it out tonight (360).
So far most of the complaints I've heard have been about the single player campaigns, which is disappointing but so have been a lot of sp campaigns in recent shooters.

From what I've played with friends of the mp it's pretty fun. What have been people's complaints about mp?

I know it isn't exactly MW, but what do people think about it?


The marine campaign on Nightmare is really tense. Aliens take a truckload of bullets to kill and even when dying they're still a threat (acid shower anyone?). Couple this with the no checkpoints throught the level setting and you get yourself a pretty intense scenario where each and every bug might be the death of you.


GillianSeed79 said:
So far most of the complaints I've heard have been about the single player campaigns, which is disappointing but so have been a lot of sp campaigns in recent shooters.

From what I've played with friends of the mp it's pretty fun. What have been people's complaints about mp?

I know it isn't exactly MW, but what do people think about it?

- Length is a little short.
- Controls take some time to get used to; also, they don't feel 'tight'/'polished' compared to MW2 or Halo.
- Crawling all over everything as an alien can really make you sick.
- Story is loosely tied to the first AVP movie (the worst of the lot, really).
- Can get lost pretty easily, or objectives are confusing.
- Voice acting is bleh.
- Alien AI is really wonky. Also, the floating severed alien body is the strangest glitch I've ever seen.
- Enemy AI in general is kind of bleh. During the alien campaign, NPCs wouldn't react if they found a dead body or the guy you just killed let out a death scream.
+ Fun playing as each species, each with a different play style. Marine is similar to survival/horror and alien is almost like Splinter Cell.
+ Most sounds and some dialog taken from movies.
+ Atmospheric; music/sound effects are decent.

+ Survivor mode is awesome with 4 players. I could play this for hours on end.
+ Tons of modes to keep you busy for a while.
+ The races seem balanced so far; I personally think the predator is the weakest of the bunch though.
+ Melee combat is pretty balanced, even if it seems 'stupid' on paper.
+ Focus systems with the predator are great when you get used to them. They help with melee attacks and movement.
- Weapon pickups for predator? I guess some of them are pretty powerful, but the predator seems weak @ spawn with just your claws.
- Stealth play isn't as prevalent as it is in single player: each race has a pretty strong mechanism for detecting enemies.
- Stealth/finishing moves keep you stuck for 5+ seconds, rendering you defenseless for that period.
- Almost all of the maps I've played through seem directly ripped from the single player campaigns (yawn).
- Lack of maps (only 2 for Survivor if you bought the regular version? WTF?).
- Don't really understand the ranking/XP system.
- Only unlocks are skins?

As a whole package, I give it 7/10. Single player stuff is really standard fare, but it's still fun (also a good way to practice/get used to each species). The multi will keep me coming back for a while, even though the map variety isn't so great. Survivor is amazing with 3 others (esp. if everyone has a mic), Species TDM is hectic, and Infestation has definitely provided some scary/thrilling matches.
TheApatheticOne said:
Thanks Raide!

In terms of the 360 population, I will say last night wasn't great. We actually quit playing because we either couldn't get into a game for various reasons (room was full, game has started, server issue, etc. and then each time, kicked all the way back to the initial screen) or it would throw us into a random game type when the room we selected was for a different game type (we mainly stuck with Infestation and Mixed Species TDM). Another thing that was not exactly encouraging was that when we looked at those two game types, it was like 10-15 rooms with 1 person in almost each room, with maybe 2 rooms with a decent amount of people but a bad connection.

I hope it picks up. While just like anything else, it may not be for everyone, but I honestly think there is a fun multiplayer here worth playing and is just a "clean up" patch or two away from being very solid.

I could be wrong but it sounds like you are playing unranked matches. On the 360 I have had no trouble finding matches at all and I have played nothing but ranked. I think for a while, as long as everyone is still trying to get the achievements, people will mostly stick to ranked.

I finished the marine and the Predator campaigns on hard. I am really impressed by the Alien AI on hard. The will attack in packs way more, and they will use one alien as a decoy, and then have the rest try to flank you. The Predator campaign on hard reminded me a lot of Tenchu from back in the day. It is a lot of following one enemy and waiting until he is alone to drop in behind him and execute him.
Rebellion boss: AvP is a critical success, sequel in discussion

Speaking to Develop, Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley made it clear that his company is delighted with the success of Aliens vs Predator. The game recently landed in the number one sales position in the UK -- reason enough to be pleased, no doubt -- but Kingsley is also pleased with AvP's critical reception. "We wanted Aliens Versus Predator to be a critical success as well as a commercial success," said Kingsley, "which we think we have achieved."

Kingsley's words might seem a little puzzling to anyone that's glanced at AvP's Metacritic average. Even the PC version, which has the highest average score, only manages a "mixed or average reviews" rating of 73. However, Kingsley noted that the game has received "three totally shit reviews by some Americans, which is a bit odd," adding that some of the reviews were "inexcusably bad." Said Kingsley, "If you discount those poor reviews AvP is averaging high for us."

Whatever the overall scores, it seems Rebellion is bullish to keep pushing the franchise, with Kingsley noting that the company is already in discussions with Sega about a possible sequel. "We would love to work with Sega again," said Kingsley, "there were a lot of things we couldn't fit into the original." We're guessing these were things Rebellion couldn't fit into its 1994, 1999, or 2007 iterations either.

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/02/22/rebellion-boss-avp-is-a-critical-success-sequel-in-discussion/

good news. :D


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
I still don't understand why people keep complaining about the length of trophy kills. It's called trophy kills for a reason. It's just a way to humiliate your opponent since he/she didn't bother to check their backs. You should always be going for melee kills unless you know for sure nobody else is around you when you initiate the trophy kill.

Pete Rock

AmericanNinja said:
However, Kingsley noted that the game has received "three totally shit reviews by some Americans, which is a bit odd," adding that some of the reviews were "inexcusably bad."
Jangaroo said:
I still don't understand why people keep complaining about the length of trophy kills. It's called trophy kills for a reason. It's just a way to humiliate your opponent since he/she didn't bother to check their backs. You should always be going for melee kills unless you know for sure nobody else is around you when you initiate the trophy kill.

I haven't played yet, but I don't see why the trophy kills shouldn't give you a "buff" or grant you a short spat of immunity or increased defense or something. That would discourage people from killing you during and probably discourage them from waiting around to kill you, as well.


Trophy kills give you extra XP and are a way to humiliate your opponent. On top of that, they are a guaranteed kill when you knock your enemy down (whereas regular attacks are not). No further buff is needed.


Playing through the Pred. missions first... then Alien... then marine. Online I played with Dave1986? (honestly dude... great games) and had a blast but biggest gripes about online are:

- No host migration. What the shit is this? 2010 and this is not built in? Patch it!
- Spawn points need to be fixed as they can be exploited pretty easy
- Camping. Wow... I'm not sure if they can really do anything about this... but we had one match yesterday that resulted in the 3 marines camping in the hanger which I suppose you could argue is a tactic but got old quick.
- Predator plasma canon spamming against... really either the Alien or Marine. Bullshit and half. Get knocked down... lines up another shot, toast. I'm not exactly sure why they even have the charge shot for the insta-kill when really, 2 shots and you're done... I guess it's their way of just f'ning with you.
- Time getting into a game. I finally DMZ'ed my PS3 to try and speed up all of my online gaming (from SF4 to Killzone 2 to now AvP) and for whatever reason, the match making is just super, super slow. Hope they patch that.
- Trophy Kills --- Seems like the pacing of the match can swing from tactical to QTE's of people cluster-f'ning each other just to get a kill... I'm hoping they fix the spacing of the ability to pull off a trophy kill so it doesn't get abused.

Other than-- Really fun stuff.

Feel free to add me on PSN.

PSN ID: Pctx


Probably not going to be a popular opinion but - I would love to see AvP in the hands of a top tier developer.

Still have nightmares of the shit fest that is Shellshock 2. I mean Im not saying the game is bad but it should of been so much more. It all feels so dated and playing through I cant help thinking every 5 minutes that Ive done this all before except better.

Would love somebody like Epic Games to have a crack at the franchise. Their style would fit very well with the OTT action.


Loves Robotech S1
Pete Rock said:

The reviews were terribly written, especially the infamous GI review. There is no questioning that.

Safe Bet said:
I take personal offense to evolution's perfect product being referred to as a 'bug'.


It's better than the way every AvP movie/game keeps referring to them as 'serpents.' Christ, NOTHING about them is remotely reptilian. Every aspect about them and their biology - behavior, life cycle, hierarchy, EXOSKELETION, etc. - is insectoid. They are not serpents! :mad:


Shogun PaiN said:
Probably not going to be a popular opinion but - I would love to see AvP in the hands of a top tier developer.

Still have nightmares of the shit fest that is Shellshock 2. I mean Im not saying the game is bad but it should of been so much more. It all feels so dated and playing through I cant help thinking every 5 minutes that Ive done this all before except better.

Would love somebody like Epic Games to have a crack at the franchise. Their style would fit very well with the OTT action.

Epic? Lol
adding that some of the reviews were "inexcusably bad."

maybe you shouldn't make such inexcusably bad games then!

the only halfway decent campaign is the marines. the other two are shit.

terrible kill everyone in this area objectives, bland and repetitive environments, and a retarded melee system (marine can block a pred WTF!!) make this game a stinker.


MMaRsu said:
Epic? Lol

Yeah Epic. The guys who make ''Bad Ass'' action games. Its only an opinion but hardly lol worthy. They have a much better resume than Rebellion put it that way.

In fact Ill ask you to explain what exactly is wrong with epic - Unless your going down the Gears 2 multiplayer route.


luka said:
The reviews were terribly written, especially the infamous GI review. There is no questioning that.

It's better than the way every AvP movie/game keeps referring to them as 'serpents.' Christ, NOTHING about them is remotely reptilian. Every aspect about them and their biology - behavior, life cycle, hierarchy, EXOSKELETION, etc. - is insectoid. They are not serpents! :mad:


Shogun PaiN said:
In fact Ill ask you to explain what exactly is wrong with epic - Unless your going down the Gears 2 multiplayer route.

No track record of good campaigns. No track record of good working P2P multiplayer.

I'd have went with Monolith (even though I'm perfectly happy with Rebellions effort).

Safe Bet

Jangaroo said:
I still don't understand why people keep complaining about the length of trophy kills. It's called trophy kills for a reason.
It would be nice if trophy kills were interruptible from both the offensive and defensive side.

It would allow the attacker to drop the animation and flee if necessary and allow for cool "I got your back buddy!" moments for those being attacked.


not tag worthy
Haunted said:
Alien, Aliens and Predator are fucking classics. I won't forgive anyone for badmouthing them. What I've seen so far from this game is that it doesn't measure up to the first movies and would fit better with the later... entries.

The lighting and sound design is awesome, though.

I love you man :D


Loves Robotech S1
Safe Bet said:
It would be nice if trophy kills were interruptible from both the offensive and defensive side.

It would allow the attacker to drop the animation and flee if necessary and allow for cool "I got your back buddy!" moments for those being attacked.

Just don't use them. Whenever you knock someone down and get a chance for a trophy kill it would be faster and safer to just hit him with one or two more light attacks as he gets up instead of pushing E. Don't press it! RESIST THE URGE. I KNOW IT'S HARD BUT YOU CAN DO IT.

Safe Bet

luka said:
Every aspect about them and their biology - behavior, life cycle, hierarchy, EXOSKELETION, etc. - is insectoid.
I personally prefer to think of them as Spiders but you are right.

Their social behavior and biology is very ant-like.


kamspy said:
No track record of good campaigns. No track record of good working P2P multiplayer.

I'd have went with Monolith (even though I'm perfectly happy with Rebellions effort).

The Gears of War campaigns are very good mindless action especially in co-op and have acted as somewhat of a template for other games to copy this gen - people wont like it but Uncharted also borrows aspects of Gears. I can understand people having doubts about Epic but I just feel this franchise needs a refresh and at this point I would settle for any top tier developer taking over.

There just seems so much wasted potential with this franchise.
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