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Aliens Versus Predator Official Thread of Interspecies Carnage and Bill Paxton Quotes


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Just wanted to say brain_stew's good for his word; if anyone wants to buy the game for a 4-pack-ish price, take his offer!

Tried some Survivor and some 1-on-1 with a friend, and I can tell you this game is going to entertain me for a long time to come.

Predator > *! :lol


brain_stew said:
Since the last bunch all went through just fine, I'm happy to sort out cheap copies for as many as another ~6 GAFers. So anyone that wants to buy the PC version for $35US / $40AUD / $35 CAD, send me a PM asap and I'll sort it out for you. Basically what I'll do is put in an order to a UK retailer, get the game shipped to me for free within 2 days, then send the activation code to you via email and it'll be added to your Steam list. You can PM Lyphen or "I should be doing hw" if you need someone to verify I'm good on my word.

Any takers, then? :D

Really fucking tempting. I shoot you a PM in the next few days or so...Gotta peep finances and see how badly I want BC2 or if I can somehow swing both :lol
Well fuck me. After me and my friends screwed around in the BBC2 demo we decided to give this a shot. Played till about 3 am and had a blast. Problem is Heavy Rain comes out next week. Looks like I'll be trading in Dante's Inferno. Fun game if you give it a chance and realize it's just dumb fun.


ThaddeusMcGee said:
Only got to play a bit of the Marine campaign, and a few rounds of survivor. Is C Block
just one straight-up hallway

No, C Block opens up more as you survive more waves. Initially the large doors at the far end of the hallway open up into a larger room, however I dont know if that room ever opens up anymore or not, never survived long enough to find out. :lol Anyone know if it opens up any further?


Sullen said:
No, C Block opens up more as you survive more waves. Initially the large doors at the far end of the hallway open up into a larger room, however I dont know if that room ever opens up anymore or not, never survived long enough to find out. :lol Anyone know if it opens up any further?

The large room opens and you can head down the steps a few floors. Not a huge amount of space down there and it just makes the Aliens all funnel towards your team. :lol


GAF parliamentarian
Unicorn said:
Isn't it grand!?
So good. I just wish I could play it all day today, but I'm going to have to cave myself in and do an assignment. Super fun game, I just love the lighting and sound effects. Played a little of the Marine campaign last night, and hearing the Predator breathing and laughing before the Club part was just awesome.

And brain_stew is awesome!


About the Alien campaign ending
does #6 become a the praetorian? Did Groves do something to him? What the hell is a praetorian anyway?

Keep in mind I haven't finished the Marine and haven't even started Predator :)

luka said:
Praetorians are supposedly the final stage of the drone life cycle, unless they become the new queen,
which is what happened to number 6

Ah, I see. Thanks luka!


Loves Robotech S1
Sill4 said:
About the Alien campaign ending
does #6 become a the praetorian? Did Groves do something to him? What the hell is a praetorian anyway?

Keep in mind I haven't finished the Marine and haven't even started Predator :)

Praetorians are supposedly the final stage of the drone life cycle, unless they become the new queen,
which is what happened to number 6


Gold Member
Really disappointed with this game. It runs like total arse. The game stutters, hitches and pauses for 2 seconds at a time very frequently. It doesn't matter if my settings are all low or all high, it still persists. Changed the priority of the exe to normal, minimal improvement.

Can't use the latest nvidia drivers because they don't seem to support my native resolution properly (1440x900), displaying everything on the desktop in super low res. When in game, the viewing area gets zoomed in that whenever the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the screen it travels a little further to get to the actual edge of the screen.

Any help with this? Is the stuttering and hitching common? I'm playing via dx9, AMD PhenomII 2.4ghz quadcore, 2gig DDR2, 968mb Geforce 260GTX and windows XP updated.
Facism said:
Really disappointed with this game. It runs like total arse. The game stutters, hitches and pauses for 2 seconds at a time very frequently. It doesn't matter if my settings are all low or all high, it still persists. Changed the priority of the exe to normal, minimal improvement.

Can't use the latest nvidia drivers because they don't seem to support my native resolution properly (1440x900), displaying everything on the desktop in super low res. When in game, the viewing area gets zoomed in that whenever the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the screen it travels a little further to get to the actual edge of the screen.

Any help with this? Is the stuttering and hitching common? I'm playing via dx9, AMD PhenomII 2.4ghz quadcore, 2gig DDR2, 968mb Geforce 260GTX and windows XP updated.

Stuttering in DX9 mode? Hmm, I get it in DX11 but it runs smooth as butter in DX9 with a GTX 260. Strange.


Facism said:
Really disappointed with this game. It runs like total arse.

Runs quite good for me on my laptop with a 2.1Ghz C2D and a radeon 4650. Running at 1280x720 with shadows on low, no motion blur, but with textures at very high (1Gb of ram on the radeon). You don't have very much ram, maybe that's the problem?


Gold Member
Pimpbaa said:
Runs quite good for me on my laptop with a 2.1Ghz C2D and a radeon 4650. Running at 1280x720 with shadows on low, no motion blur, but with textures at very high (1Gb of ram on the radeon). You don't have very much ram, maybe that's the problem?

Says 2gig recommended on the box, not a problem running crysis on high with same system and getting 40+FPS even in the snow.

I'd like to sort out the issue with the latest nvidia drivers so i can test those and see if they help improve my performance. Like i said, i can push everything as low as they'll go, use the lowest res my monitor will take, and it still performs essentially the same.


Facism said:
Really disappointed with this game. It runs like total arse. The game stutters, hitches and pauses for 2 seconds at a time very frequently. It doesn't matter if my settings are all low or all high, it still persists. Changed the priority of the exe to normal, minimal improvement.

ditto, also in DX9. I think it's the motion blur. It's worst in the Alien campaign for me.


Gold Member
Zenith said:
ditto, also in DX9. I think it's the motion blur. It's worst in the Alien campaign for me.

Heh doesn't matter what settings i use it still stutters like a crying boy.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Facism said:
Really disappointed with this game. It runs like total arse. The game stutters, hitches and pauses for 2 seconds at a time very frequently. It doesn't matter if my settings are all low or all high, it still persists. Changed the priority of the exe to normal, minimal improvement.

Can't use the latest nvidia drivers because they don't seem to support my native resolution properly (1440x900), displaying everything on the desktop in super low res. When in game, the viewing area gets zoomed in that whenever the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the screen it travels a little further to get to the actual edge of the screen.

Any help with this? Is the stuttering and hitching common? I'm playing via dx9, AMD PhenomII 2.4ghz quadcore, 2gig DDR2, 968mb Geforce 260GTX and windows XP updated.

Lower texture detail. Fixed it for me. Its fucking stupid and I hate the way this engine is 'optimised', but lowering the texture detail should fix the pausing and stuttering.

I can run Crysis fine, but not this, despite the textures hardly being anything to rave about. Good job Rebellion.
Shockingly bad game.

Awful post Half-life 2 scripted monster closet gameplay that destroys any kind of tension or atmosphere, absolutely bizarre obsession with clumsy melee combat (remember how Ripley punched out the Alien Queen with her bare hands? Apparently that's what happened in Rebellion's copy of Aliens, as you do pretty much just that in this game), terribly paced bitty level design with extra dead empty areas tagged on for the pointless collectathon bits, some of the worst boss battles I've ever seen in a videogame with mechanics like shooting barrels next to an enemy's head as if it were a lazy 2D platform game from 1993, appallingly bad story, dialogue and voice acting, with Michelle Rodriguez's performance jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor. I really could go on.

I can only conclude some of you have been locked up away from videogames for the last 20 years (or at least not played any first person shoot em ups past Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold or something) to find any of this even vaguely enjoyable.

At least Rogue Warrior had that so-bad-it's-good rap song.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the whole "LOL CONSOLES" stuff being trotted out in here, I've got the PC version, and the only way the XBox/PS3 ones could be any worse is if the boxes were packed with anthrax spores.


Strummerjones said:
Shockingly bad game.

Awful post Half-life 2 scripted monster closet gameplay that destroys any kind of tension or atmosphere, absolutely bizarre obsession with clumsy melee combat (remember how Ripley punched out the Alien Queen with her bare hands? Apparently that's what happened in Rebellion's copy of Aliens, as you do pretty much just that in this game), terribly paced bitty level design with extra dead empty areas tagged on for the pointless collectathon bits, some of the worst boss battles I've ever seen in a videogame with mechanics like shooting barrels next to an enemy's head as if it were a lazy 2D platform game from 1993, appallingly bad story, dialogue and voice acting, with Michelle Rodriguez's performance jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor. I really could go on.

I can only conclude some of you have been locked up away from videogames for the last 20 years (or at least not played any first person shoot em ups past Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold or something) to find any of this even vaguely enjoyable.

At least Rogue Warrior had that so-bad-it's-good rap song.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the whole "LOL CONSOLES" stuff being trotted out in here, I've got the PC version, and the only way the XBox/PS3 ones could be any worse is if the boxes were packed with anthrax spores.
So the game is worse than Rogue Warrior, in your opinion? Duly noted.
Strummerjones said:
Shockingly bad game.

Awful post Half-life 2 scripted monster closet gameplay that destroys any kind of tension or atmosphere, absolutely bizarre obsession with clumsy melee combat (remember how Ripley punched out the Alien Queen with her bare hands? Apparently that's what happened in Rebellion's copy of Aliens, as you do pretty much just that in this game), terribly paced bitty level design with extra dead empty areas tagged on for the pointless collectathon bits, some of the worst boss battles I've ever seen in a videogame with mechanics like shooting barrels next to an enemy's head as if it were a lazy 2D platform game from 1993, appallingly bad story, dialogue and voice acting, with Michelle Rodriguez's performance jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor. I really could go on.

I can only conclude some of you have been locked up away from videogames for the last 20 years (or at least not played any first person shoot em ups past Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold or something) to find any of this even vaguely enjoyable.

At least Rogue Warrior had that so-bad-it's-good rap song.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the whole "LOL CONSOLES" stuff being trotted out in here, I've got the PC version, and the only way the XBox/PS3 ones could be any worse is if the boxes were packed with anthrax spores.

Yes FPS have evolved greatly since then GREATLY:.....:lol


Gold Member
For the guys telling me to reduce texture detail and whatnot, i've tried all of that, comp still shits a brick and stutters :lol

I think i'm just going to give up and wait for a patch. Would still like to use the latest nvidia drivers, but they won't let me use my monitors native resolution with any competence. Can't find any info on why it would display 1440x900x32 as if it were 1395x800 or whatever.


Facism- Does it stutter on multi-player maps? I experienced some stutter on one part of the single player like mentioned a few pages ago, but it seems fine everywhere else.
evalue said:
Reading this thread is frustrating. I really love these movies..

I just got done watching the 2nd Aliens VS Predator film. Just awful on every level, that and the last couple Aliens films have sucked. Fox has let a couple great franchises deteriorate into straight to video trash. And this is coming from someone who is willing to state in public that Terminator Salvation "isn't that bad".


not tag worthy
BravoSuperStar said:
I just got done watching the 2nd Aliens VS Predator film. Just awful on every level, that and the last couple Aliens films have sucked. Fox has let a couple great franchises deteriorate into straight to video trash. And this is coming from someone who is willing to state in public that Terminator Salvation "isn't that bad".

it isn't that good either :lol

as far as I am concerned only movies up to Alien Ressurection exist

Predator is a two film deal and AvP franchise is shite!!!!

The real question is Alien, Aliens, Pred 1 or 2??


Mafro said:
I watched it the other night, don't remember it being so terrible. it's basically just a teen slasher flick :lol

Watching Predator as I type!

my thoughts exactly, they just cut and paste the script and changed a few things


BravoSuperStar said:
I just got done watching the 2nd Aliens VS Predator film. Just awful on every level, that and the last couple Aliens films have sucked. Fox has let a couple great franchises deteriorate into straight to video trash. And this is coming from someone who is willing to state in public that Terminator Salvation "isn't that bad".

I watched it the other night, don't remember it being so terrible. it's basically just a teen slasher flick :lol

Watching Predator as I type!


evalue said:
Reading this thread is frustrating. I really love these movies..

Don't take any mind to it.

I have a mid range system, game runs great and I think it's a ton of fun.

Being a fan of the series, I'm probably gonna get maximum replay value out of it too. I can get a small Alien fix now with a little 20 minute campaign level replay now instead of sitting down for a movie.:D

If you like the concept of the game, I think you'll like the game. I don't think Rebellion was trying to make the next Half Life 2 here.


Had a few great games with Pctx tonight. However, those games have also brought up an issue that needs to be addressed asap: this game needs host migration...badly. There's nothing more annoying that to end a game abruptly because the host decided to leave.


The more I play this, the more angry I get at all the bad reviews. It's to the point that I think there is some kind of conspiracy to rate this game low. The atmosphere, the way the aliens behave (seems like they really try to stay out of your sight), the guns, everything just feels right.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Strummerjones said:
Shockingly bad game.

Awful post Half-life 2 scripted monster closet gameplay that destroys any kind of tension or atmosphere, absolutely bizarre obsession with clumsy melee combat (remember how Ripley punched out the Alien Queen with her bare hands? Apparently that's what happened in Rebellion's copy of Aliens, as you do pretty much just that in this game), terribly paced bitty level design with extra dead empty areas tagged on for the pointless collectathon bits, some of the worst boss battles I've ever seen in a videogame with mechanics like shooting barrels next to an enemy's head as if it were a lazy 2D platform game from 1993, appallingly bad story, dialogue and voice acting, with Michelle Rodriguez's performance jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor. I really could go on.

I can only conclude some of you have been locked up away from videogames for the last 20 years (or at least not played any first person shoot em ups past Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold or something) to find any of this even vaguely enjoyable.

At least Rogue Warrior had that so-bad-it's-good rap song.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the whole "LOL CONSOLES" stuff being trotted out in here, I've got the PC version, and the only way the XBox/PS3 ones could be any worse is if the boxes were packed with anthrax spores.
oh god, it's not nearly that bad. i play heaps of FPS games, and for all its shortcomings there's still fun to be had. each to their own i guess ;) i'm having a blast, but then again i play games to switch my brain off after work - maybe this stuff doesn't really register :lol

and 'jaw-droppingly phoned in and poor'? what did you expect? none of her dialogue has stood out as particularly cringeworthy so far.


Mafro said:
I watched it the other night, don't remember it being so terrible. it's basically just a teen slasher flick :lol

Preditor is pretty terrible too. 8|

"alright guys let's attempt a hostage rescue....AND BLOW SHIT UP"


GAF parliamentarian
So, is there a manual I can read online or something? I have so many questions as to how the MP works. What does the Alien's focus do? Can Marines destroy the Predator energy stations?

And when is the dedicated server coming, Rebellion? :(
TheExodu5 said:
Preditor is pretty terrible too. 8|

"alright guys let's attempt a hostage rescue....AND BLOW SHIT UP"

But the quips!

"Stick around" gets me every time. And who could forget the original "GET TO THE CHOPPA!".

The problem with AvsP2 was the nonsensical plotline and throwaway characters. It's just impossible to care about any of them. So shallow, one dimensional. Also the gestation time for an Alien seems to get shorter and shorter with each new movie. It's practically down to 10 minutes or so now. Was Kane's facehugger in the original a "special needs" alien?

The pred-alien was just absurdly silly as well. Why don't the aliens ever take on the characteristics of other species they impregnate? Probably asking questions here best answered by "A wizard did it" level of response....


TheExodu5 said:
Preditor is pretty terrible too. 8|

"alright guys let's attempt a hostage rescue....AND BLOW SHIT UP"

Heathen! D:

I'm not sure which Predator film I prefer, I watched 2 on Blu-ray the other nigth and I think that might just edge it ever so slightly. I like the city setting more than the jungle.

I just wish those shitty AvP films never happened, and they did a proper one in the future on another planet incorperating the Colonial Marines.

Was Predator: Concrete Jungle any good? Quite tempted to pick that up, I need a Predator fix after this :lol
Pimpbaa said:
The more I play this, the more angry I get at all the bad reviews. It's to the point that I think there is some kind of conspiracy to rate this game low. The atmosphere, the way the aliens behave (seems like they really try to stay out of your sight), the guns, everything just feels right.

"press LB + RB to block"

"wait, a marine can 'block' an alien? .... How?"

[later on]

"oh god, it's not just an extra feature, it's the core of the game. They expect you to cockblock aliens and preds... WITH YOUR ARMS."

[plays as alien]
"what, I just walk to the exit like that?"
(gets sudden Sonic Adventure flashbacks)

"how the hell am I supposed to beat a predator if it cockblocks ALL of my moves, including a fucking stealth grab?"
[dies some more]

[finally beats the pred using a silly 'stun effect' caused by the heavy attack at mid-range. It feels cheap, it is cheap and nothing else works]

[plays Predator]

"oh great, now I'm getting cockblocked by marines AND aliens, when I can see the pointy, razorsharp blades right in my very screen..."

[tries to play the game in a 'hunting' fashion]
"how the hell can these marines see me when I'm not moving or even close to them while cloaked?"

[finally gives up, and starts using a 1-2 with the cannon and grab. Only thing that works against cockblocking...]

And then the good shit only comes in the final two stages, at which point you hardly even get to use them and quite frankly, you shouldn't care anymore. It just isn't fun and you won't be crapping your pants like it's 1999.

"Feels right", my ass. There are very few games that actively made me think "this feels wrong", but that's what happened to me in this one.


GAF parliamentarian
Zeitgeister, I thought I was pretty terrible at the MP, but you're just a baby.

BattleMonkey said:
Finished Marine campaign, it was pretty shitty. Nice visuals, they got the atmosphere down, but the campaign was just not much fun.
\/ I'm enjoying it, mostly. But it just feels like whenever I'm finally getting "immersed" in the game and enjoying being a colonial marine, that horrible voice actor for Tequila pipes up. God, she has no idea what the context for any of her lines are. The delivery is worse than amateur Japanese translations. \/
Game stuttered like crazy in random parts of the game as well. For the most part game ran fine 30-40fps and higher but would randomly start stuttering in certain sections. Settings don't really seem to do much for me.

Finished Marine campaign, it was pretty shitty. Nice visuals, they got the atmosphere down, but the campaign was just not much fun.


Lyphen said:
So, is there a manual I can read online or something? I have so many questions as to how the MP works. What does the Alien's focus do? Can Marines destroy the Predator energy station?
Focus for alien is to help with pounce attacks. Also seems to help with lunging to surfaces, but that could just be an illusion. Don't think marines can destroy the recharge stations like the aliens can, unless you try shooting; wonder if that works.
BravoSuperStar said:
But the quips!

"Stick around" gets me every time. And who could forget the original "GET TO THE CHOPPA!".

The problem with AvsP2 was the nonsensical plotline and throwaway characters. It's just impossible to care about any of them. So shallow, one dimensional. Also the gestation time for an Alien seems to get shorter and shorter with each new movie. It's practically down to 10 minutes or so now. Was Kane's facehugger in the original a "special needs" alien?

The pred-alien was just absurdly silly as well. Why don't the aliens ever take on the characteristics of other species they impregnate? Probably asking questions here best answered by "A wizard did it" level of response....

I thought that "stick around" was from Comando?


BravoSuperStar said:
The pred-alien was just absurdly silly as well. Why don't the aliens ever take on the characteristics of other species they impregnate? Probably asking questions here best answered by "A wizard did it" level of response....
Wasn't this actually established in Alien 3? The Alien in that was more streamlined and ran on all fours a lot. In the original movie, it gestated in a dog, and in the extended edition, it was an ox.
BravoSuperStar said:
The pred-alien was just absurdly silly as well. Why don't the aliens ever take on the characteristics of other species they impregnate? Probably asking questions here best answered by "A wizard did it" level of response....

But they do. The alien in Aliens 3 was considered different and much more agile than previous aliens. Also many of the novels and comics that have ran for years feature aliens who adopt traits from species they implant into.

The Alien 3: http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Dog_Alien
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