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All I can say is WOW.. (Star Wars Inside)

I've only played the Battle of Yavin game, just now.. I and I am SEVERELY impressed for what it is. It's alot of fun, well made. runs VERY smoothly (although It seems to have overclocked my computer 8 times as there are 8 reclock properties icons in my tray :lol)

Check them out!

Star Wars Games

I can't wait to check out the other one on there. and there are more coming!


Tag of Excellence
Thanks Felidae_Khrall! These freeware games are indeed awesome. I'm currently enjoying the Battle of Yavin and I love that they managed to capture the feel of the more popular console/pc titles.
Ok people... I want you to play battle of Endor off this site, and tell me your high scores, because it's REALLY hard, I wanna know if I suck badly or not. 168 Tie's Stage 5 is my best to date.


Don't mean to derail the thread, but isn't it a shame that World of Warcraft is now synonymous with the acronym "WOW?"

Like the title of this thread, you can't say wow without Warcraft coming to mind now. It sucks.

Ecrofirt said:
Wait, these are on Xbox? What?

No, they're freeware downloadable from the link.

Update: I got 212 Ties down, (Stage 6)

Man, the super star destroyer is STACKED. So hard to get there and then, another huge wave of Tie fighters and this monster destroyer.

Finally beat it, was a bit easier than I thought.. Was using the wrong plan of attack. Beat it with only 173 tie kills.


Chili Con Carnage!
yeah so
to you Felidae, thinking i was trolling.


This just reminds me of how MUCH I want a new original triology space simulation with mouse control as sweet as Freelancer's (my favorite aspect of that game... it controlled like butter)


Gold Member
Mashing said:
This just reminds me of how MUCH I want a new original triology space simulation with mouse control as sweet as Freelancer's (my favorite aspect of that game... it controlled like butter)

You describe Jump to Lightspeed. It's a MMO and requires SWG, but it's basically an online XvT with mouse control like Freelancer (you can use a Joystick though). It's developed by what remains of the team that did Privateer.
I have still been unable to beat the trench run , since Darth MOTHERFUCKER cheats his ass off and there's no way to avoid his shots that I can see.
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