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Altered Beast PS2 release date set for Japan


The japanese version of Altered Beast PS2 will be released January 27th.

I was a big fan of the original for Mega Drive. (genesis)






belgurdo said:
Look towards Shining Tears and Feel the Magic and watch the pain go away
A PS2 Shining Soul and a love based Wario Ware? No thanks, both look pretty empty.

The most exciting Sega products on the horizon are old GC ports I'd say (SMC+ & SMBDX) and a nice arcade port (Outrun2). Everything else... meh. 2004 will go down as Sega's worst year ever I'm afraid...


Look fine to me. For a PS2 game that is. The 2 first screen show that some stuff might be good visually, the wall texture are great.

Of course, if they changed the gameplay too much it's no help. The original was all about a tradoff of risking to be hit to be able to get the white wolf orb.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
I hope they keep the original "power up amongst flames" animation, as partially implemented in my avatar.

The lackluster gameplay of the original.. eh... they can leave that out.


the only Altered Beast game that I really loved was the original coin-op arcade game from 1988, that I played alot of in 1989-1990.

I was disappointed in the Genesis conversion. it was too different from the coin-op in both graphics and gameplay-difficulty. coin-op was 19-20 megabits, genesis was 4 megabits. no wonder.


surprisingly, the PC Engine release was a better effort concidering the hardware. seemed like the developer strived to make it as close to the coin-op as possible, unlike the technically superior Genesis version


It's interesting to note the GBA game is actually larger than the coin-op both in # of levels and rom size.

anyway back to topic, i'm looking forward to the PS2 game on one level but dont expect much of the old Sega to come shining through.
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