MrS you realise this is your fault right?
"Altered Carbon" Canceled By Netflix
Netflix has canceled the body-swapping sci-fi series “Altered Carbon” after two seasons. Thise first two seasons remain available to stream. The decision reportedly was unrelated to the pandemic, but rather the cost of producing another season vs. the viewership numbers not being high enough
I'm a pretty good show binger, and season two took me a few weeks to get through. I'm a survivor!Enjoyed S1, couldn't make it through S2 despite multiple attempts.
they don’t last because they keep changing shit, instead of using what worked in the first placeMost Netflix series don’t last that much. I guess they don’t want to pay the actors more when they start becoming famous.
So was the CGI anime trash as well or nah? Just wondering.
You go from a great season one to diversity hire season two bullshit and killed a great show. No worries, we got Cuties, guys!
You won't last an episode.I haven't seen season 2 yet, probably won't watch it now. But you mean just the main character was a diversity hire?
Everyone saying that season 2 is terrible is making me want to watch it.
s01 was good, s02 was miserable
similar feeling, had concerns about it jumping to another medium for this reasonexactly my thoughts. I think the nature of the sleeves is asking too much of your audience to get fully commited into an actor and the next season have it look like someone else but supposed to be the same person. It was just weird. I can see it working in a novel but not a tv series. The writing was a lot worse too.
Also, since i'm back on Neogaf I can fully embrace my prevy side and say- Ortega's body was fucking insane. Holy shit.
Me as well. Didn't care about the main character, it was too slow, they didn't do anything to offset the slowness like have action segments, and it was scifi based on a gimmick that never seemed to do anything with the gimmick.I couldn't get past a few episodes. Found the mc to be unlikable.
Best costars of the whole first season. When she went bucko nakedo... good heavens.User Banned(Duration Pending): Boy's club rhetori...
...*nod*, welcome back.
Yeah I liked Kinnamans performance, he is a bit wooden, but he sold the don't give a fuck attitude, and he can really sell any line with the word 'fuck' in it. That's why Mackie didn't work for me, you just couldn't imagine him being the same guy who would buy a kids backpack full of illegal drugs and then go on a massive bender.Hm at people not liking kinnamans performance, personally i loved it.
I really wanted to like season 2, but it was a shitfest casting and storywise.