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Am nervous about dying. Any advice?

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Lately, I've found myself thinking a lot about death, and I've been getting really scared lately of dying, what's after death, etc. Does anyone have any advice that they could give me?


The only advice I can give you is to not get advice from a message board. (not any)

Talk about this with someone you care about.


Don't die. The thing is, everyone dies. No sense in getting worked up about it. LIVE. That's the best advice anyone could give.

ps-everyone worries about this at some point, usually it comes after the "I'll never die" phase in your teens. I'm scared shitless to die, but there's nothing I can do about it. So I smoke another cig, drink another vodka+coke, and hopefully mix in a blunt. In between all that, I gotta figure out how to live. One day I'll figure it out, or I'll be dead. It's all the same to me.

BTW before you die, how about joining the queue for free ipods/ free flat screens for us. We could use all the help we can get ;)


You have to go sometime, it's inevitible. Just don't think about, and when it happens, it doesnt matter anyways because it's all over. Just live life the way you like to do.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Everyone having to die shouldn't detract from your fear of dying. If you're afraid of dying, you're right on the money. IT'S FUCKIN SCARY, and anyone who tells you "hey d000d everyone dies just accept it, i have and I'm happy with it" IS FULL OF SHIT. Should you be afraid of your short existence ending for all of eternity? Hell yes. Just make that short existence as good and fun as possible, I suppose.

/my most spell error=free drunk post yet


I couldn't help you, I have never feared death. The pain, sure, but death itself? Nah. I'm not worried about where I am going, if anywhere.


There's probably no after life...

that means, no matter what you've done, everything will not only end the same for everyone... but it would've been like you've done nothing at all when you're dead... from a personal point of view.

But that's not a reason to kill yourself... rather it means that your life that you live is a free oppurtunity to experience... life. So what you make of it is upto you. You get one shot; if you hit, it'll be a great shot while in flight. if you miss, it doesn't matter too much.


DJ_Tet said:
BTW before you die, how about joining the queue for free ipods/ free flat screens for us. We could use all the help we can get ;)

something about subscribing to your news letter and liking your idea?

where do i sign up
Wellington said:
First and last warning.

Gaime: It's a phase.

Very true, i went through this just over a year ago, I got extremely depressed (suicidal for a short time) and all i could think about was death, dying and is there a god? I got out of it but i think im better for it.


Everybody dies, so don't worry about it. Just don't get sent to jail for 40 years or pick up some addiction, since you'll be wishing for an early death then and you likely won't get it
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