Base price for the standard edition download of RoS is $20 direct from Blizzard.
What happened to Tony?
Lol reminds me of prime day
Thor: The Dark World is not on sale.
Looking at PS4 games and this sale is garbage. They are PSN sale prices without the plus discount applied. Not really worth hyping a sale with worse sale prices.
Titanfall 2.
PC: $39.99
PS4: $29.99
And guess what that means zero 1st party titles are on sale![]()
It's Thor 2: The Dark World
Also I don't really see the Marvel films on sale much because they are Disney.
That's some disappointing shit. Everyone is always hyping the fuck out of all of these PSN sales; I think I've seen two 1st party games on sale so far. This Amazon sale is just salt on the wound.
It's only a matter of time until amazon tries to force us to use their own digital distribution platform ala steam, isn't it?
I mean for real - they are probably not happy selling steam keys & co when all they need is their own digital distribution platform to siphon off even more profit.
How is ff xiii on pc?
How is ff xiii on pc?
Will there be a UK sale?
This is just a Steam sale. Selling Steam keys at the same prices as Steam - why bother?. Lame.
Tony sales were soooo good.
Miss them.