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Amazon Eyes 'Warhammer 40,000' Series With Henry Cavill Set to Star

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
Considering Amazon are ploughing ahead with The Boys and Invincible, I reckon they may be the best placed to even somewhat create the 40k world well. They could also do with a few more shows that really make them stand out.

Yes, they have their diversity quota shite like WoT and RoP, with their inclusiveness and social justice rubbish. And yes, The Boys did touch on the latter a bit. But they know brutal and how to do it.
I don't know a thing about warhammer 40k, but it seems to be a universe that can be very diverse without compromising any of the lore.


God of War and now 40K. Seriously what mentally ill clown at Amazon is approving this shit.
Amazon Lol GIF by FullMag


Gold Member
Astartes absolutely IS canon now. It's been made official GW media. The Retributor Astartes in the film are descendents of the Imperial Fists.

That's the joy of 40k. It's so enormous,with so many different factions, set across so much time and space, it can all be canon.

The story was also based on an ancient white dwarf short story about the orbs, so honestly even before the pick up it fit into canon as perfectly as anything officially produced.

In reguard to Henry, I would love to see him play Ciaphas Cain, he's got the body and history to play the larger than life hero of the imperium but also the skill to bring out Cain's inner common sense and understanding that he has always been 2 seconds away from death and keeps trying to escape it.

Give the books a go, there great. I recommend the Omnibusses as they collect story's from across Cain's history of service into a focussed narrative that might have him complete actions 50 years ago he only resolves in later life, there fun.

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Writes a lot, says very little
He’s producing it and he’s a hardcore Warhammer nerd who paints his own miniatures.
nah trust me, that is not enough for neck beards.

You need a PHD in Warhammerisum in order to produce shows now

begotten begotten ?? huh?

Soooooo Amazon, Netflix, HBO etc are bidding on shows, as in...God Of War was going to get made, has a studio and Amazon saying no means Netflix will fund it or HBO etc, thus...AMAZON is not doing what you think sir, they are outbidding other companies to get the contract to fund the show so its on Prime.

If the say no, it merely means you get God Of War on HBO or Netflix or something by the same fucking studio...

As in...Sekiro being made or not had nothing to do with Activision saying yes or no to funding, marketing, publishing etc, Sony would have just said yes or Namco etc. So I don't fully get why gamers don't actually get how this works ,as it works very similar to how gaming works a lot. Amazon as a of late has merely been more aggressive with bidding to get those shows that otherwise would have been on HBO or Disney or Apple etc.

So...God Of War on Amazon.
The Last Of Us on HBO
Horizon Zero Dawn on Netflix

Sir...does that sound to you like AMAZON is making all that happen or simply Sony looking for streaming services to distribute something that was already going to be made?
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The story was also based on an ancient white dwarf short story about the orbs, so honestly even before the pick up it fit into canon as perfectly as anything officially produced.

In reguard to Henry, I would love to see him play Ciaphas Cain, he's got the body and history to play the larger than life hero of the imperium but also the skill to bring out Cain's inner common sense and understanding that he has always been 2 seconds away from death and keeps trying to escape it.

Give the books a go, there great. I recommend the Omnibusses as they collect story's from across Cain's history of service into a focussed narrative that might have him complete actions 50 years ago he only resolves in later life, there fun.


I don’t think he has the comedy chops to play Caiphas. Gaunt, maybe. But still think Eisenhorn is the best character for him.


nah trust me, that is not enough for neck beards.

You need a PHD in Warhammerisum in order to produce shows now

begotten begotten ?? huh?

Soooooo Amazon, Netflix, HBO etc are bidding on shows, as in...God Of War was going to get made, has a studio and Amazon saying no means Netflix will fund it or HBO etc, thus...AMAZON is not doing what you think sir, they are outbidding other companies to get the contract to fund the show so its on Prime.

If the say no, it merely means you get God Of War on HBO or Netflix or something by the same fucking studio...

As in...Sekiro being made or not had nothing to do with Activision saying yes or no to funding, marketing, publishing etc, Sony would have just said yes or Namco etc. So I don't fully get why gamers don't actually get how this works ,as it works very similar to how gaming works a lot. Amazon as a of late has merely been more aggressive with bidding to get those shows that otherwise would have been on HBO or Disney or Apple etc.

So...God Of War on Amazon.
The Last Of Us on HBO
Horizon Zero Dawn on Netflix

Sir...does that sound to you like AMAZON is making all that happen or simply Sony looking for streaming services to distribute something that was already going to be made?

Enjoy your soulless 7.0 IMDB cashgrabs.
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This is being reported incorrectly,GW newsletter they sent one out about this says Cavill is not only starring but has creative control, he’s the Executive Producer. For once a show is getting made by a lore nerd…


This is being reported incorrectly,GW newsletter they sent one out about this says Cavill is not only starring but has creative control, he’s the Executive Producer. For once a show is getting made by a lore nerd…
A lore nerd has no bearing on how good this will be, if anything, Henry Cavill does not have the expertise to build a show like this.

He's the perfect fit in marketing terms for being a true fan and being well-known within 40K fandoms, but someone who enjoys potatoes does not automatically make a potato farmer.


Writes a lot, says very little
Enjoy your soulless 7.0 IMDB cashgrabs.

but how do you know? What are you basing this off of?

The fact that you even think this is based on Amazon "approving this shit" tells me you don't even actually know how this is being made, so any of the butthurt, "soul" or "charm" or "love" shit that many seem to jump to when they've run out of real metrics and units of measurement to use, isn't really going to help your point here bud.

The fact that its being made by a person who is a fan of the IP to the point of painting and making miniatures and that isn't enough apparently, you'll need to do a better job telling us who has the um "soul" to fucking make this.


Writes a lot, says very little
And Lauren S. Hissrich does...?

I trust Cavill.


If a person based on what ManaByte ManaByte has explained is a nerd of this IP and massive fan, also 20 plus years in film and television doesn't have the expertise to do this, I don't know who would even fit this role based on such nonsense.
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Stop tarring eveything with Rings Of Power’s shit brush. The people hired to make it are the problem. Amazon also produce some fucking great TV.

It was a billion dollar investment, you can bet your ass that amazon was more involved in it than any other show in the service ever, by far.


Writes a lot, says very little
It was a billion dollar investment, you can bet your ass that amazon was more involved in it than any other show in the service ever, by far.

ok but.....do you guys not understand that many studios are merely contracted by Amazon, Netflix, Apple, HBO etc? Most of what they put out, is not MADE by them, as in Lord Of The Rings was already being made by New Line, they shopped around and Amazon won the bid, bought the tv rights etc...

It would just be a Netflix show if they didn't lol

So their funding, marketing, distribution etc.

The Tolkien Estate was used to make this and even the fucking grandson oversaw this.

So Amazon being involved is moot, they own the TV rights and are funding this, the issue here in regards to this context is really is it BAD because Amazon....what is happening DIRECTLY from Amazon that anyone can point to and say THAT is what made something bad? Could it not merely be that the Tolkien Estate and his grandson just made a meh story or show or something?

How the fuck do you know this wouldn't be the same result if it was on HBO or Netflix?

So with all due respect man, have a real discussion so we can get to the bottom of this hyperbole instead of this bias and trying to connect fake dots to attack one company or another.
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ok but.....do you guys not understand that many studios are merely contracted by Amazon, Netflix, Apple, HBO etc? Most of what they put out, is not MADE by them, as in Lord Of The Rings was already being made by New Line, they shopped around and Amazon won the bid, bought the tv rights etc...

It would just be a Netflix show if they didn't lol

So their funding, marketing, distribution etc.

The Tolkien Estate was used to make this and even the fucking grandson oversaw this.

So Amazon being involved is moot, they own the TV rights and are funding this, the issue here in regards to this context is really is it BAD because Amazon....what is happening DIRECTLY from Amazon that anyone can point to and say THAT is what made something bad? Could it not merely be that the Tolkien Estate and his grandson just made a meh story or show or something?

How the fuck do you know this wouldn't be the same result if it was on HBO or Netflix?

So with all due respect man, have a real discussion so we can get to the bottom of this hyperbole instead of this bias and trying to connect fake dots to attack one company or another.

The fact that there is such a difference in quality between different studios and streaming services should tell you that these services are responsible for the quality of their output. It's not a coincidence that the vast majority of Netflix is woke generic crap while HBO's quality is much better in general. It's not a coincidence that almost every Disney movie and show uses the same safe recipe. They are involved and sometimes way more than usual and there's not way in hell a billion show franchise would be trusted to those rookie showrunners, they chose them specifically because they were new so that they can fully control them and since the suits are delusional they majorly fucked up. And sure, I'm not 100% certain about that but I'm putting 2 and 2 together, it's not that hard.


Writes a lot, says very little
The fact that there is such a difference in quality between different studios and streaming services should tell you that these services are responsible for the quality of their output.

No sir, that is you trying to force a narrative that some company MUST be doing something in a project to make you hate it or like it etc without actually knowing if it was the studio itself that had to do with those exact factors...

That isn't a fucking "should tell youz" that is an assumption and I've yet to see anyone actually prove any of this. Merely reaching to conclusions as if you alone knows 100% this would be different at HBO or Netflix or something, when in reality it might end up being just the same as the key factors may have already been established long before Amazon or some company step in to fund, distribute etc

Its like saying to avoid Sekrio cause you hate MTX and loot boxes and I mean, its Activsion "should tell youz" lol

It's not a coincidence that the vast majority of Netflix is woke generic crap while HBO's quality is much better in general

None of that even makes sense cause some of the same fucking studios at Netflix are ones that did shit on HBO and vice versa lol

Soooo you'll be singing a different toon when The Last Of Us comes out and now its HBO that must have been "wokez"

Sir...I don't think you know what makes those shows and its funny hear folks try and reach and disregard that some of the shit they are talking about from 1 service, is literally being made by studios that did shit for another lol

So...with this odd logic that seems to have zero understanding of how any of this works, good luck avoiding Sekrio, you wouldn't want to get battlepasses and COD stuff in there right? lol When you actually fucking know whats going on, you'll know why what you are saying actually makes little to no sense.

HBO's quality?

The fucking lolz, who is HBO? As in, what team? Director? When you find that out, you'll know exactly why 99.9% of what you are saying makes very little sense.

Next thing you know you going to be telling me how Wal Mart Doritos tastes worse then Target Doritos all cause you have no idea how retail to vendor works...

In order to discuss this, you need to know WHO is fucking making the work and who is merely funding.

sure, I'm not 100% certain about that
Annnnnnd this is exactly what I mean btw ^^^

As to why none of that is going to make sense until you actually read how that is done....

I mean, shit you going to tell us you'll avoid Amazon and not watch Fallout? How can they compete with HBO's quality though right? When you get what I'm referencing, you'll get why this idea is absurd.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

If a person based on what ManaByte ManaByte has explained is a nerd of this IP and massive fan, also 20 plus years in film and television doesn't have the expertise to do this, I don't know who would even fit this role based on such nonsense.
He's only an executive producer so he's going to have to follow the rules of people above him and even people below him.

I have faith in Henry Cavill but I feel like the people in charge are really going to ruin the show. You can expect them to make it for "modern audiences" as I've mentioned before and we all know what that means.
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Writes a lot, says very little
He's only an executive producer so he's going to have to follow the rules of people above him and even people below him.

I have faith in Henry Cavill but I feel like the people in charge are really going to ruin the show. You can expect them to make it for "modern audiences" as I've mentioned before and we all know what that means.

I'm not too sure.

People tend to exaggerate this a whole lot and its hard to get them to understand how that business is run.

Amazon is chasing Netflix (most of the streaming industry is btw) so they are doing the Netflix playbook to a T. They are bidding aggressively to get contracts ie Fallout, God Of War, The Boyz etc, but more importantly, they are allowing that creative freedom as Amazon has NOTHING to gain by getting in between those creators, their goal is to have the best Lord Of The Rings show or the best Warhammer show, thus they'll get those that know the IP, give them the money in hopes it does well.

I see zero evidence of this "modern audiences" regarding many of those streaming brands as neither of them have any ode to tell a studio HOW to make something, they merely want what they were going to create.....thats it.

To have someone who is a nerd about Warhammer produce very much means Amazon wants it to be like Warhammer...not like "Amazon packages with smiley faces on drawfs" lol

Apple getting that WWII show is not going to have fucking ipods and airpods and shit, its going to be what HBO would have gotten if they outbid...as its by the same studio that did Band Of Brothers and The Pacific.

Netflix getting Shonda Rhimes doesn't mean its NOW going to be some forced different thing, her shows have merely been the same drama filled things they've always been. The Irishmen film isn't some "woke" thing cause its on Netflix, is as Scorsese as can be. When the Discovery ID license lapsed with Netflix, care to take a guess at what studios started to do all those documentaries that went viral? =) What "woke" things is happen in Tiger King? Aaron Hernandez Doc? John Wayne Gacy doc? Dahmer? (that was a light troll for those who know) lol

Amazon getting the Fallout deal will still have the show have a dark gritty quality, as its being done by the studio that did Chernobyl on HBO.

Thus, the Netflix model is to contract a studio that is doing a project that they'll just doe else where....for you...thats it. Not all follow this mind you as Disney is a massive outlier and I'd say CW, but most seek this as their goal is to win the bid, buy the IP, have the team make the best show, film etc.

Amazon, Netflix, Apple, HBO. Most of their content is contracted and those studios work for many companies.

So seeing the "Amazon" in a show or "Netflix" in a show is like saying you could see the Sony in Nioh (yup JUST like uncharted, almost a clone of it really lol) or you could see the EA in Titanfall 1.

So Disney and I'd say CW is like Nintendo here, they mainly put out stuff they literally make themselves.
Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Apple and many more, mainly contract studios and bid on projects, like we saw from Sekiro or Bloodborne. I'm sure those games would be exactly what they were if Activision didn't publisher or Sony, they'd just be under Namco..., but I think most gamers have a hard time getting this with streaming services, I sorta get how things can get muddy here mind you, but I try my best to give examples so people understand to look deeper then just...oh Amazon Prime or "Netflix" etc.

What studio? Director? Producer etc. We do that in gaming, its not much to do the same with film and shows.

(sorry for the baby tree dark lol)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm not too sure.

People tend to exaggerate this a whole lot and its hard to get them to understand how that business is run.

Amazon is chasing Netflix (most of the streaming industry is btw) so they are doing the Netflix playbook to a T. They are bidding aggressively to get contracts ie Fallout, God Of War, The Boyz etc, but more importantly, they are allowing that creative freedom as Amazon has NOTHING to gain by getting in between those creators, their goal is to have the best Lord Of The Rings show or the best Warhammer show, thus they'll get those that know the IP, give them the money in hopes it does well.

I see zero evidence of this "modern audiences" regarding many of those streaming brands as neither of them have any ode to tell a studio HOW to make something, they merely want what they were going to create.....thats it.

To have someone who is a nerd about Warhammer produce very much means Amazon wants it to be like Warhammer...not like "Amazon packages with smiley faces on drawfs" lol

Apple getting that WWII show is not going to have fucking ipods and airpods and shit, its going to be what HBO would have gotten if they outbid...as its by the same studio that did Band Of Brothers and The Pacific.

Netflix getting Shonda Rhimes doesn't mean its NOW going to be some forced different thing, her shows have merely been the same drama filled things they've always been. The Irishmen film isn't some "woke" thing cause its on Netflix, is as Scorsese as can be. When the Discovery ID license lapsed with Netflix, care to take a guess at what studios started to do all those documentaries that went viral? =) What "woke" things is happen in Tiger King? Aaron Hernandez Doc? John Wayne Gacy doc? Dahmer? (that was a light troll for those who know) lol

Amazon getting the Fallout deal will still have the show have a dark gritty quality, as its being done by the studio that did Chernobyl on HBO.

Thus, the Netflix model is to contract a studio that is doing a project that they'll just doe else where....for you...thats it. Not all follow this mind you as Disney is a massive outlier and I'd say CW, but most seek this as their goal is to win the bid, buy the IP, have the team make the best show, film etc.

Amazon, Netflix, Apple, HBO. Most of their content is contracted and those studios work for many companies.

So seeing the "Amazon" in a show or "Netflix" in a show is like saying you could see the Sony in Nioh (yup JUST like uncharted, almost a clone of it really lol) or you could see the EA in Titanfall 1.

So Disney and I'd say CW is like Nintendo here, they mainly put out stuff they literally make themselves.
Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Apple and many more, mainly contract studios and bid on projects, like we saw from Sekiro or Bloodborne. I'm sure those games would be exactly what they were if Activision didn't publisher or Sony, they'd just be under Namco..., but I think most gamers have a hard time getting this with streaming services, I sorta get how things can get muddy here mind you, but I try my best to give examples so people understand to look deeper then just...oh Amazon Prime or "Netflix" etc.

What studio? Director? Producer etc. We do that in gaming, its not much to do the same with film and shows.

(sorry for the baby tree dark lol)
I hope you're right but I remain skeptical just because of some of the stuff on Amazon that pretty much looks like it's appealing to modern audiences, once again.

I mean it's great Henry Cavill is involved and nobody else but a true fan should be. Part of the problem is you have people running projects where they are not fans and he's definitely the exception.

But you know there's people above them that are probably still going to dictate what he can and can't do so I remain skeptical, for now.


Writes a lot, says very little
I hope you're right but I remain skeptical just because of some of the stuff on Amazon that pretty much looks like it's appealing to modern audiences, once again.

I mean it's great Henry Cavill is involved and nobody else but a true fan should be. Part of the problem is you have people running projects where they are not fans and he's definitely the exception.

But you know there's people above them that are probably still going to dictate what he can and can't do so I remain skeptical, for now.

Put it like this, its cause they have studios that are about that modern audience life lol You'll find those same studios likely do work for CW, Hulu, Netflix etc.

None of that means that will happen with Warhammer as those are just different studios.

I agree with people running projects that may not be fans or don't have an interest, but to get Henry, even with the Lord Of The Rings show, to consult the grandson of the series shows they simply want the right people making what they already know how to make.

As in, you'd get Gordon Ramsey for your Hotel, why? Cuz that bitch ass Hotel across the street got that Guy Feirer dude lol, how'd they get him? Oh they let him make what every he wants and he was happy.

Thus....why would you hire Gordon and then TELL HIM how to cook? If your job is getting folks in the Hotel, you'd follow the model across the street. That is what Amazon is doing here, its why the even bought MGM, cause they want that talent, not cause they want to tell others how to create, otherwise why consult the grandson of the person who made Lord Of The Rings? Why get Henry on board with Warhammer? So, I get it, I get why Amazon is going this route and I think many are just cynically regarding theses things thinking a Amazon package will be used as a weapon in the show lol

So I do think there are people saying what can and can't be done, but that is moot and standard with such big projects, I don't believe its going to overstep anything and Amazon merely wants what they were going to create, last thing they need is someone saying THEY fucked up a show.

Who will side with them if HBO and Netflix are offering 100 million and creative freedom?


A lore nerd has no bearing on how good this will be, if anything, Henry Cavill does not have the expertise to build a show like this.

He's the perfect fit in marketing terms for being a true fan and being well-known within 40K fandoms, but someone who enjoys potatoes does not automatically make a potato farmer.
Executive Producer…He has control over Cast, Director, Writers, so yes he absolutely does have a bearing on how good it will be. You are right that he himself lacks expertise, but this at least means no writers pushing gender politics, it means writers who respect the canon and likely means directors with a passion like him which at the very least is a step above most adaptations.


Executive Producer…He has control over Cast, Director, Writers, so yes he absolutely does have a bearing on how good it will be. You are right that he himself lacks expertise, but this at least means no writers pushing gender politics, it means writers who respect the canon and likely means directors with a passion like him which at the very least is a step above most adaptations.
Actually, gender politics will probable be in this and it will probably fit too. The sororitas and astartes are all a single gender. Extreme racism will be there too. Class issues too. This is the first show where that all makes sense to be in it. The imperium are not the good guys…


I think they meant from the behind the camera.
Probably, I’m just pointing out that this a series where it makes sense to actually include all of it. They are all a part of the grim dark.

Fanboys will love how they can actually war… about a show where there is only war!


Actually, gender politics will probable be in this and it will probably fit too. The sororitas and astartes are all a single gender. Extreme racism will be there too. Class issues too. This is the first show where that all makes sense to be in it. The imperium are not the good guys…

Er... no they're not! The Adeptus Sororitas are all warrior monk women and the Adeptus Astartes are all big fucking dudes.

The biggest issue they are actually going to run into is the way religion is depicted. The Imperium Of Man is an ultra religious authoritarian, fascist state, whose iconography is directly lifted from the Catholic Christian tradition. The Emperor himself was a staunch atheist, and the great irony of the whole damn thing is that he is now treated as a god. He would have fucking hated it.

The whole thing is a parody of Christianity. God botherers are going to be extremely pissed off by this, if they make it right.


Er... no they're not! The Adeptus Sororitas are all warrior monk women and the Adeptus Astartes are all big fucking dudes.

The biggest issue they are actually going to run into is the way religion is depicted. The Imperium Of Man is an ultra religious authoritarian, fascist state, whose iconography is directly lifted from the Catholic Christian tradition. The Emperor himself was a staunch atheist, and the great irony of the whole damn thing is that he is now treated as a god. He would have fucking hated it.

The whole thing is a parody of Christianity. God botherers are going to be extremely pissed off by this, if they make it right.
Sorry i wasnt clear. I was meaning the nuns with guns are women and the Astarte an are dudes. Looking back it wasn’t clear.

As for the emperor… I’m not very at he would be of the same mind set. I’m on team he planned this all so that he could fully manifest in the warp to become a literal god.

The only thing I really care about is if the due the castodes right, they are not Worf , and never ever actually revive the emperor.
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Sorry i wasnt clear. I was meaning the nuns with guns are women and the Astarte an are dudes. Looking back it wasn’t clear.

As for the emperor… I’m not very at he would be of the same mind set. I’m on team he planned this all so that he could fully manifest in the warp to become a literal god.

The only thing I really care about is if the due the castodes right, they are not Worf , and never ever actually revive the emperor.

Ah. Interesting. That's the other major interpretation, and I do see how it also makes sense. I guess I see him as ultimately being an infallible human being, who made mistakes, and ended up as the thing he most hated. I love the irony of it.

His staunch atheism is always the thing that makes me pull back from agreeing with the 'it was all in his masterplan' hypothesis. But it's certainly a valid one, given what we know about his ego.

And no, the emperor should never be revived. I know they're moving things on a bit with Guilliman, but the corpse god needs to stay right where he is.


Ah. Interesting. That's the other major interpretation, and I do see how it also makes sense. I guess I see him as ultimately being an infallible human being, who made mistakes, and ended up as the thing he most hated. I love the irony of it.

His staunch atheism is always the thing that makes me pull back from agreeing with the 'it was all in his masterplan' hypothesis. But it's certainly a valid one, given what we know about his ego.

And no, the emperor should never be revived. I know they're moving things on a bit with Guilliman, but the corpse god needs to stay right where he is.
Agreed. The only way I can see him coming back is if they are going to do another “dark” age where he comes back but isn’t on his throne, earth goes bye bye warp travel fails. Man is in even more of a complete shit show and collapses… again. Then they can kind of restart the lore with many small “kingdoms” and the emperor being this thing in the backgroUnd like he was before the crusade. They could have the fear of the Tyranids looming over everything as the “bad”.

They could start selling new minis then and do 50k!

Even then it sounds like rinse and repeat too much.

Just pull the stc from the black cells!


Executive Producer…He has control over Cast, Director, Writers, so yes he absolutely does have a bearing on how good it will be. You are right that he himself lacks expertise, but this at least means no writers pushing gender politics, it means writers who respect the canon and likely means directors with a passion like him which at the very least is a step above most adaptations.
They gave him full control because he plays 40K and is famous. Not sure that is a good sign.

I hope this is gonna be great, but some of you guys buy into everything.


Actually, gender politics will probable be in this and it will probably fit too. The sororitas and astartes are all a single gender. Extreme racism will be there too. Class issues too. This is the first show where that all makes sense to be in it. The imperium are not the good guys…
They will never dare to go into that. This is not gonna be the real 40K.

This is gonna be the sort of story where the empire does something nasty and the main character will be like "that's so wrong" and shake his head. Everything that's horrible or politically wrong will always have some character there to "morally" guide the viewer with some sort of comment about how wrong it is.


They will never dare to go into that. This is not gonna be the real 40K.

This is gonna be the sort of story where the empire does something nasty and the main character will be like "that's so wrong" and shake his head. Everything that's horrible or politically wrong will always have some character there to "morally" guide the viewer with some sort of comment about how wrong it is.
You are probably right. I wish they did an animated show that properly showed the scale of one of the battles


Actually, gender politics will probable be in this and it will probably fit too. The sororitas and astartes are all a single gender. Extreme racism will be there too. Class issues too. This is the first show where that all makes sense to be in it. The imperium are not the good guys…
Actually thats a excellent point, but yeah I did mean behind the camera.
One can only Hope they show the Imperium as the repugnant, fascist regime that its supposed to be.
I have a feeling the show will be about Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Cavill has said previously its the role he most wanted, good opportunity to show how dark the universe is.


Writes a lot, says very little
I think they meant from the behind the camera.

And you'd be able to tell...how?

Its funny cause folks will cry about this shit and it likely belongs in the show based on its actual core concept, but they'll just say it MUUUUUUUUST be secret world domination agenda.

So unless any of you can read people's minds, not sure how you'll know and not sure why any of that shit matters tbh.


ידע זה כוח
And you'd be able to tell...how?

Its funny cause folks will cry about this shit and it likely belongs in the show based on its actual core concept, but they'll just say it MUUUUUUUUST be secret world domination agenda.

So unless any of you can read people's minds, not sure how you'll know and not sure why any of that shit matters tbh.
I won't be able to tell, but there's def an agenda and a push for diversity. Which I think is good in theory as it should create new ideas which will be unexpected and elevate the stale.

However, judging by the recent output of creative entertainment, seems like it's not working out so great so far.


IMO if Cavill is the boss of the WH40K cinematic universe then Amazon only needs to block the writing by committee, like they did for Reacher and Terminal List.

The new LotR is pretty bad and so is the Wheel of Time IMO, but those aren't the only series at Amazon.
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