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Amazon Kindle |OT| of eInk superiority

brentech said:
A lot of the recent reviews have people complaining about the kindle 3 not coming out of sleep mode. Makes them have to do a reset on it as if it has crashed.

Is sleep when you flick power or when you hold it? I haven't had any problems yet *knock on wood*.
It would be interesting to see if Amazon decides to announce their new Android tablet soon to try to steal away some of BN's thunder.

Not that the Amazon tablet and the new Nook would be direct competitors, but it would still steal a quite a bit of attention away from BN. And it's probably safe to say the Amazon tablet would be a pretty big threat to Nook color.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Is sleep when you flick power or when you hold it? I haven't had any problems yet *knock on wood*.
Dunno. Dont own one yet, was just what I was reading. Seemed all the 1star reviews were because of that issue. Maybe they had a bad lot go out. Seems others are happy with it.


brentech said:
A lot of the recent reviews have people complaining about the kindle 3 not coming out of sleep mode. Makes them have to do a reset on it as if it has crashed.

I had this problem happen to me and from what Amazon support told me, it has to do with the Kindle losing connection to a data connection while attempting to do some sort of sync or download. It ends up corrupting the RAM. Don't know if its entirely true or not, but it's what they said.


This might be a dumb question, but does the custom screensaver hack affect stuff like firmware updates from Amazon and whatnot? As of now I just get all that stuff automatically over Wi-Fi.


aka andydumi
womp said:
What format is the book file, MOBI right? This will work for both ePub and MOBI among others...The Kindle loves the MOBI format and ePub to MOBI look great. I recommend converting the eBook to MOBI first which you can do by right clicking on a book, choosing 'Convert' then 'Convert Individually' from the prompt. On the next window at the top right you will see a drop down option with the formats to convert to and MOBI should already be preselected. Click OK to commence.
There is absolutely ZERO reason to use that Amazon Kindle email conversion service, don't bother.

That is the process I go through as well. Start with mobi, end with mobi. But when I email the ebook to the kindle after following your instructions it retains the old cover.

If after your instructions I hit convert on the book, from mobi to mobi, it acquires the new cover and I can email it to the kindle with no issues.

Plus my screen looks different than yours, so I wonder if we are using different versions of Calibre, where yours auto updates the cover and mine does not. I just downloaded and installed it last week, so I don't imagine its out of date.

In any case, I updated all the covers I wanted, then hit select all, convert all, and they all have the custom cover now. No biggie, took a couple of minutes to process all the books.


AndyD said:
That is the process I go through as well. Start with mobi, end with mobi. But when I email the ebook to the kindle after following your instructions it retains the old cover.

If after your instructions I hit convert on the book, from mobi to mobi, it acquires the new cover and I can email it to the kindle with no issues.

Plus my screen looks different than yours, so I wonder if we are using different versions of Calibre, where yours auto updates the cover and mine does not. I just downloaded and installed it last week, so I don't imagine its out of date.

In any case, I updated all the covers I wanted, then hit select all, convert all, and they all have the custom cover now. No biggie, took a couple of minutes to process all the books.

Mine is actually an older version of Calibre...I'm lazy and well, it works. heh

And hey, whatever works for you, glad to hear you figured out a solution! :)
Raistlin said:
While I love my K3, once the new Nook is rooted and runs the Kindle App stably ... I'm probably dumping the Kindle on ebay.

I'm not so sure this will work. I thought apps didn't work on it. Is it even using Android? Unless you mean the Nook Color, but isn't that already rooted?


VistraNorrez said:
I'm still rocking a Kindle 2(and my wife got it for me when it was $279). I have no problems with it, th only thing I wish I had was that pearl e-ink screen and even then I don't think about it much. Seriously the thing that is going to matter most is the screen and they all use the same one now.
I hear you man. I was looking at the videos for the Kobo and Nook and sure page turns may be faster, but my Kindle 3 doesn't have me yearning for faster page turns. As fast as I need the text to refresh to keep reading it's refreshed. The screen is the same (pearl eink) so really its just the touchscreen that's the difference. Not really sure if I'd like that anyway. I've gotten used to using the 5 way navigator.
VistraNorrez said:
I'm not so sure this will work. I thought apps didn't work on it. Is it even using Android? Unless you mean the Nook Color, but isn't that already rooted?
The new Nook Touch runs Android 2.1.


Just un-boxed my kindle. This is my first experience with e-ink and I am very impressed. I definitely encourage people to give it a try if they are on the fence. First book I'm going to buy the kindle version of is either fight club or american psycho.
stvn0 @ mobileread said:
I got KSO few days ago from a friend, i don't expect the Kindle3 special offer version, frankly, the ADs don't very much bother me.

however, when i reviewed the forums and found still there're quite some people are looking the way to disable the ADs, and I also did some tests and found it is actually very easy


1. connect your KSO to computer
2. enter system folder on kindle (you may have to show all hidden folders and files)
3. there's a folder .assets (if you have already received ADs)
4. delete this folder or rename it (you may have to use command interface)
5. create a blank file name .assets (in windows command window, you can type copy con .assets, then press f6)
6. you don't even have to restart, but i will suggest you do so
7. ADs will not be downloaded anymore even if you connect to wifi

however, the screensave will always prompt you to download ADs. and banners too. i actually prefer it shows ADs

Most people seem okay with the ads, and some seem to even like them, but I saw this over at mobilereads and thought I'd pass it along.


Manics said:
Congrats man. You'll love it if you're an avid reader.

I'm not and that's why I decided to get one. I'm a bit of a binge reader. Maybe once or twice a year I'll actually sit down to read something but when I do, I'll plough through half a dozen or so. I'm excited though, for sure!
/added to the OP

Free (as in GPL2) translation dictionaries for the Kindle
I’ve had a Kindle for a little while and really like it, but one of the areas it seems to be somewhat lacking in is the availability of translation dictionaries, as such I knocked up a quick script to convert TinyLex dictionaries from the Apertium project into indexed Kindle dictionaries. The most useful of these is probably the German – English dictionaries as these are very complete (over 160,000 entries).
English -> Afrikaans 5165 entries
Afrikaans -> English 5195 entries

English -> Esperanto 12344 entries
Esperanto -> English 21316 entries

English -> French 6315 entries
French -> English 6304 entries

German (includes phrases)
English -> German 162004 entries
German -> English 166733 entries

English -> Polish 8107 entries
Polish -> English 9373 entries

English -> Portuguese 4759 entries
Portuguese -> English 4609 entries

English -> Spanish 8488 entries
Spanish -> English 8769 entries

English -> Welsh 6674 entries
Welsh -> English 8632 entries


Post Count: 9999
VistraNorrez said:
I'm not so sure this will work. I thought apps didn't work on it. Is it even using Android? Unless you mean the Nook Color, but isn't that already rooted?
Even the original Nook was android (though and old kernel). New one is 2.1 as mentioned, so a ton of apps could conceivably function.


Gold Member
Manics said:
Yeah I know if you start picking history books that aren't very poplular you're not going to find them pirated. Those are a given, any mainstream book that shows up on bestseller lists are pirated. Those books make up the majority of book sales so when people say pirating books is an issue, that's what they mean.

Oh you can find just about every popular novel that's offered in eBook format pirated, I'm sure. When you start getting into history, nonfiction and biographies, it may be near impossible.

Then again, you could purchase a used paperback on Amazon for pennies if you get lucky. I know I've both purchased, and sold a number of thrillers for $.1. It's a shame you can't resell a digital copy yet, I think there should be a limited used eBook re-selling program.
Raistlin said:
Even the original Nook was android (though and old kernel). New one is 2.1 as mentioned, so a ton of apps could conceivably function.

Well I knew the original one did but it had an LCD screen. I didn't think the new one would even need Android.

I'm really interesting in seeing how it takes advantage of it. It does not appear to support apps, though. But obviously people are going to root it.


Fjordson said:
This might be a dumb question, but does the custom screensaver hack affect stuff like firmware updates from Amazon and whatnot? As of now I just get all that stuff automatically over Wi-Fi.

Don't quote me on this, but I *THINK* it's saver to un-hack the Kindle BEFORE applying Amazon firmware updates. So if you have a screensaver hack you would:

a) remove the screensaver hack
b) remove the "jailbreak"
c) update firmware from Amazon

I have to find this out for certain since I applied the screensaver hack to mine. :)


Tokubetsu said:
I'm not and that's why I decided to get one. I'm a bit of a binge reader. Maybe once or twice a year I'll actually sit down to read something but when I do, I'll plough through half a dozen or so. I'm excited though, for sure!

Actually I was the same as you. Nice term, "binge reader". Never categorized myself like that before but now that I think about it, it fits. I used to read voraciously for books and books, like 6-7 books back to back, and then I would lose interest and not read for months and months. That's all changed with the Kindle though. Since I got the Kindle last October I've been reading almost every single day. I don't think i've gone more than 3 days in a row without reading now. I've put away over 20 books in the last 7 months. Kindle is awesome

Overnight it appeared that Amazon had some pretty strong magic at their disposal because they’ve bumped up the battery life of every single Kindle out there from one to two months...

This is the image on the website as of about 2 minutes ago:

Come on Amazon - get it together.

Edit: added image


Post Count: 9999
VistraNorrez said:
Well I knew the original one did but it had an LCD screen. I didn't think the new one would even need Android.

I'm really interesting in seeing how it takes advantage of it. It does not appear to support apps, though. But obviously people are going to root it.
I'm not sure what the lack of an LCD has to do with anything? Android is an OS, typically used in embedded devices.


HiroProtagonist said:

LOL, I guess the 2 month claims by B&N should have made me realize it was all playing with numbers. Half-hour reading vs. 1 hour per day. Cheap trick. But also shows that Amazon is actually a bit worried about people reading that Nook claim and thinking the battery is far better than the Kindle. Smart move I think.
Raistlin said:
I'm not sure what the lack of an LCD has yo do with anything? Android is an OS, typically used in embedded devices.

Apps are a big thing on Android devices yes? The new Nook does not do apps. So it didn't seem apparent that they would use Android if it wasn't going going to use apps. Of course it could be used.

And that two month battery life with a half-hour a day use is what the new Nook does as well. Unless the articles I'm reading are wrong (and they could be, I've seen a few get other details wrong). They should really publish page turn numbers though because all the fine print basically says battery life varies depending on everything.


Lissar said:
This made me think about how I used to spend a great deal of money on used books, before I got my Kindle. I still do occasionally (when I have time to drop by the store), but now when I want to try out a new author for cheaper I'm more likely to go and purchase the e-book version than anything else. My new book purchases haven't changed much though (books I'm looking forward to I pre-order the paper version.) I wonder how many people like me have changed their used book buying ways?
My local Friends of the Library store has ridiculous pricing so Kindle hasn't really curbed my modest acquisitions.

RE touch screen: I can't imagine reading quickly and not being able to just go click click click with the finger I'm already holding the device with. Ew.
I'm kind of interested but is it available in Sweden? That's my main issue, since it's first and foremost for buying books I think I wouldn't want to be tied to the UK store.


Post Count: 9999
VistraNorrez said:
Apps are a big thing on Android devices yes? The new Nook does not do apps. So it didn't seem apparent that they would use Android if it wasn't going going to use apps. Of course it could be used.
Oh sorry, you misunderstand me. I'm talking about rooting it. The original Nook, once hacked, did in fact run apps. Check out nook devs for info, and here for a list of apps.

The issue with the original were:
  • processing power
  • lack of touch screen
  • refresh rate
  • Used Android OS 1.5 (Cupcake)

These limits made using traditional Androids apps an impossibility, however the Android 1.5 SDK allowed custom apps to be written. While nothing too huge game out, we did see some simple games, Pandora streaming, a simple browser, a google reader, etc.

With the new Nook however, we now have a touch screen as well as aOS 2.1 (Eclair). With that in mind, some very useful apps actually become quite viable. Kindle, Email, Facebook, Google Music, Amazon MP3, etc. are all possibilities. Basically any app that isn't particularly taxing and doesn't require a high refresh rate could make sense here. The possibilities are pretty huge.
Proc said:
Just un-boxed my kindle. This is my first experience with e-ink and I am very impressed. I definitely encourage people to give it a try if they are on the fence. First book I'm going to buy the kindle version of is either fight club or american psycho.

If you like modern pulp kind of stuff try these two out:





Both are less than a buck and are awesome reads. The indie book scene on the Kindle is the best part of owning one. :)

If you're more adventurous try these!





And one of my all time favorites:


HiroProtagonist said:
WTF! I was planning on buying one based on battery life and what not.
So the battery life is only 30hrs long?
EDIT: Just checked out the new nook page, they too say that their e-reader has a two months batter. Is it true?
DesertEater said:
WTF! I was planning on buying one based on battery life and what not.
So the battery life is only 30hrs long?
Hell no. I had the damn thing on for at least a week recently and I think it got at lowest to 75%-80%.

Not directed at you, but if someone can't find the time to occasionally charge the Kindle once a week or so then they need to redo their schedule!


Where can I find a comparison between all the latest Kindle/Kobo/Nook devices? Thinking about getting one, not sure which one to get... Not sure if I should wait for Amazon's next device. Didn't even know Kobo existed until checking this thread!
B&N fires back at Amazon over Kindle battery life numbers

Mairu said:
Where can I find a comparison between all the latest Kindle/Kobo/Nook devices? Thinking about getting one, not sure which one to get... Not sure if I should wait for Amazon's next device. Didn't even know Kobo existed until checking this thread!


Nook Touch vs Kindle
Kindle vs Nook

Reluctant-Hero said:
Are there any photos if the various ads out there? I'd like to see what the KSO will be shoving in my face before I purchase one. It might be worth it to cough up the extra $25 to go Ad free...



The two things I like about that new Nook is the bookshelf option showing you cover art for a book, it's slick and looks like a eInk version of what is on my wife's Nook Color and the other is the expandable memory which for some reason Amazon removed from the Kindle after the first gen. Otherwise outside that I am happy with my Kindle 3...I am not digging the 'chunky' boxy look of the new Nook's form factor either plus the fact you cannot delete books from the Nook itself is borderline retarded and irks the hell out of me.

If I was going in as a new eReader buyer however? I would definitely have to ponder my decision.

At the end of the day, as someone who has a both a Kindle 3 and a Nook Color in the household, Amazon's store wins out big time and that to me is probably the most important factor here.


womp said:
The two things I like about that new Nook is the bookshelf option showing you cover art for a book, it's slick and looks like a eInk version of what is on my wife's Nook Color and the other is the expandable memory which for some reason Amazon removed from the Kindle after the first gen. Otherwise outside that I am happy with my Kindle 3...I am not digging the 'chunky' boxy look of the new Nook's form factor either plus the fact you cannot delete books from the Nook itself is borderline retarded and irks the hell out of me.

If I was going in as a new eReader buyer however? I would definitely have to ponder my decision.

At the end of the day, as someone who has a both a Kindle 3 and a Nook Color in the household, Amazon's store wins out big time and that to me is probably the most important factor here.
I was just about to post if I would be losing out a lot if I got a Nook considering the Amazon store vs B&N's alternative D:


Mairu said:
I was just about to post if I would be losing out a lot if I got a Nook considering the Amazon store vs B&N's alternative D:

I have compared the two quite a bit since my wife got her Nook Color for Christmas. IMO, Amazon can't be beat just by price alone - Just as a quick recent example for a popular book, Water for Elephants is nearly double the price for the Nook at B&N. They tend to seem to compete pretty heavily with the pricing but I guess not always.

EDIT: Well, of course as soon as I typed that they suddenly put it on sale for a few dollars less at B&N but it is still $2 more than Amazon.

That said, my wife enjoys the hell out of reading both books and her US Weekly sub on the thing though thanks to the full color LCD.

BTW, the more I look at it...I am hating the Nook 2 design even more. It's pudgy and reminds me of what Apple did with the Nano in its third generation design:


I much prefer the rectangular 'paperback' form factor used in most eReaders.


womp said:
I have compared the two quite a bit since my wife got her Nook Color for Christmas. IMO, Amazon can't be beat just by price alone - Just as a quick recent example for a popular book, Water for Elephants is nearly double the price for the Nook at B&N. They tend to seem to compete pretty heavily with the pricing but I guess not always.

EDIT: Well, of course as soon as I typed that they suddenly put it on sale for a few dollars less at B&N but it is still $2 more than Amazon.

That said, my wife enjoys the hell out of reading both books and her US Weekly sub on the thing though thanks to the full color LCD.

BTW, the more I look at it...I am hating the Nook 2 design even more. It's pudgy and reminds me of what Apple did with the Nano in its third generation design:


I much prefer the rectangular 'paperback' form factor used in most eReaders.


Looks like they just cut the Kindle's ugly keyboard off.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Does nook have a virtual keyboard then or nothing?

Virtual keyboard.

Snaku said:

Looks like they just cut the Kindle's ugly keyboard off.

It may seem ugly but it is faster to take notes and search with. Pressing the keys activate typing instantly. Personally? I rarely use it but I know others that do. Without a touchscreen what else can you do? Outside using a d-pad to select letters ala registering saves in a video game. :)


womp said:
It may seem ugly but it is faster to take notes and search with. Pressing the keys activate typing instantly. Personally? I rarely use it but I know others that do. Without a touchscreen what else can you do? Outside using a d-pad to select letters ala registering saves in a video game. :)

To each his own I guess, but I never had an issue navigating with nook 1's touchscreen. I imagine interacting with the page itself will be even less of a hassle.


womp said:
I have compared the two quite a bit since my wife got her Nook Color for Christmas. IMO, Amazon can't be beat just by price alone - Just as a quick recent example for a popular book, Water for Elephants is nearly double the price for the Nook at B&N. They tend to seem to compete pretty heavily with the pricing but I guess not always.

EDIT: Well, of course as soon as I typed that they suddenly put it on sale for a few dollars less at B&N but it is still $2 more than Amazon.

That said, my wife enjoys the hell out of reading both books and her US Weekly sub on the thing though thanks to the full color LCD.

BTW, the more I look at it...I am hating the Nook 2 design even more. It's pudgy and reminds me of what Apple did with the Nano in its third generation design:

I much prefer the rectangular 'paperback' form factor used in most eReaders.
Is Amazon expected to release a new Kindle since the Nook 2 was just released? Not sure if I should try to get a Kindle now then or just wait for what Amazon has next ;O
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