tony doing god's work
Gonna go off a little rant since I dropped full price on it: Iron Brigade was likely the worst game I played last year, I was very disappointed with it.
I really wanted to like it too as I normally enjoy Double Fine's games. I also enjoy customizable mech stuff and tower defense games, especially the third person/co-op variety. However, it's just so cludgy and not in the fun, lumbering mech sort of way. Most of the mission structure and enemies and solutions to it all are just completely mundane in a sleep inducing kind of manner and the the fact that it's also very poorly tuned doesn't help, especially in a tower defense game that revolves around upgrading parts on a mech. Another real surprise for me was that, for DF game, I found the art and story bits to be just downright lousy. Like something you've never heard of out of a PSone bargain bin, there's just no charm or inspiration or humor.
Luckily it's a fairly short trip but it still manages to feel tiring when it's over. I would probably have quit earlier into it if a friend didn't wanna clear it just for the sake of clearing it. It's a shame, because it's a cool concept, third person tower defense with a customizable mech; there's a very good game in that idea, it just wasn't here, for my tastes at least. Luckily Orcs Must Die 2 was purchased shortly after and managed to scratch the itch that Iron Brigade couldn't, for us.
Anyhow, moving on...
Mark of the Ninja alone makes the pack worth buying, such a great game, I didn't like Shank, and I still don't care for the art in the game, myself, but it really is one of the best stealth games in years.
Deadlight I cracked on during the Steam sale, found it disappointing, didn't hate it, but it was uneven and had some really wasted potential. Game is drop dead gorgeous at times, too. If it didn't crumble as it went and they got a more talented writer there is a really top tier product hiding in it, instead of a pretty game with a few moments, good and bad.
Never tried the others, but I've heard good things about ITSP and... nothing about the other. I have no idea what it even is.
So Iron Brigade is bad? That's disappointing. It was one of the main reasons I was looking forward to buying that MS pack (that and Mark, which I may buy by itself now). I just might buy the THQ pack in that case...
So Iron Brigade is bad? That's disappointing. It was one of the main reasons I was looking forward to buying that MS pack (that and Mark, which I may buy by itself now). I just might buy the THQ pack in that case...
You ask opinion on a game on GAF.
50% will love it
50% will hate it
50% will have no opinion but just come here to say they have nothing to say
Buying the Microsoft Bundle but already have Mark of the Ninja. Anyone want to trade something for it?
Buying the Microsoft Bundle but already have Mark of the Ninja. Anyone want to trade something for it?
Have Plants vs Zombies, Defence Grid, Orcs Must Die, King's Bounty: The Legend and Trine Steam gifts if you're interested in any of them. Also Sleeping Dogs, but I wouldn't trade that for Mark alone.
Tomorrow, iirc.Did that Microsoft bundle already come out? It says $70 for me. Did I miss the sale, or hasn't it happened yet?
I can't give you Ninja, but would you be interested in any of the other bundled games (except Deadlight) in exchange for Defense Grid?
Bought Syndicate and Crysis bundle.
I don't like shooters.
What the hell is wrong with me?
They register on origin. Correct? Wheres the deal? ANd any on Steam?Bought Syndicate and Crysis bundle.
I don't like shooters.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Will the Microsoft bundle price drop happen at midnight? Or is it a random time?
Bought Syndicate and Crysis bundle.
I don't like shooters.
What the hell is wrong with me?
What are the chances this gets swarmed and sold out before the morning?
Can you sell out of something that's digital?
I'm pretty sure I have exactly two coupons left. I'll try to let you know Sunday once I buy my copy of the MS bundle.
What happened to the Fable bundle, is it not happening? Can't seem to find a mention of it on the CAG amazon op.
So the MS bundle comes up in a few minutes apparently?
Were we given a date for when it should be going live then?They're waiting for keys for the Fable 3 DLC.
fuck it. grabbing mark of the ninja.And it's live.
Edit: Hey wtf, it was $9.99 just now and it went back to 69.99 again.
Tried to buy it at 9.99, checkout page said 69.99 instead.