zarkand said:
How is I have never ordered anything online before until I ordered the Fullmetal alchemist Vol. 1 DVD from Amazon and that will come, by their estimates, until March 31 - April 2 and it is in the shipping soon phase. So I wont know what condition it is in. I also notcied that they charged my debit card when its status was changed to shipping soon. But I noticed they have not charged me any sales tax for my order. When will I be charged sales tax if at all? Does sales tax not apply if you live in a certain state? I live in Illinois, and in their help it says they only charge tax to people who live in the states of Kansas, North Dakota, or Washington.
I believe debit cards work differently than credit cards. Amazon will not charge your card until the item ships, however, once it gets to shipping soon, that's when they ask for an authorization on the card, wherein if it fails, they notify you by E-Mail that they'll try the card again a few times, but to go look at the order or contact customer service if changes need to be made.
So when the charge is seeking authorization to see if funds are available, it normally just digs into your "available credit" until the actual charge is made when the item is shipped. With debits, I don't think they can check your checking balance, so it puts a temp charge, which it then nullifies. Or something like that, I know debits just work differently.
Anyway, the order will be overpackaged. When I order shampoo from them, they end up either taping the nozzle shut, or shrinkwrapping it. For glass, they wrap it up completely in bubble wrap so it can't crack. For everything else they either vaccum seal it, or use lots of air bubble coushins.
As for tax, I thought it was Washington only, I've never heard anything about Kansas or North Dakota.
In the future, use Amazon's search engine,, which uses Google's results anyway, to activate a 1.57% discount on your orders. It stays active as long as you search a few times a week with, with an account cookie active.