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Amazon UK sellers hit by nightmare as glitch cuts prices to 1p

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It's not greed, it's hunan instinct. If there's one thing 2014 has taught me, it's that to survive in this world, you need to do what you can, including making the most of a bad situation. If that means benefitting from someone else's downfall, so be it. In a way, it's survival of the fittest, manipulating the system to your advantage. I stand by my comment - those who are saying they would never do it are just butthurt they missed out.

I don't see how buying 59 mobile phones for 1p plays into this human instinct for survival.


It's not greed, it's hunan instinct. If there's one thing 2014 has taught me, it's that to survive in this world, you need to do what you can, including making the most of a bad situation. If that means benefitting from someone else's downfall, so be it. In a way, it's survival of the fittest, manipulating the system to your advantage. I stand by my comment - those who are saying they would never do it are just butthurt they missed out.

Oh wow, you're really full of it. Human instinct to buy 1 penny software and phones. lol


I don't see how buying 59 mobile phones for 1p plays into this human instinct for survival.

Nope, nor do I. Oh no wait.



You don't do it because your fucking over small business holders not a multinational billion dollar company like Amazon.

Sure if Amazon's own stock got put on of 1p go for it because I can guarantee that not one thing would have left the shipping centre.
Who you're screwing over shouldn't make a difference
I might have bought the odd thing had I the chance to but I think buying 100 of something is taking the piss a little and I am a die hard bargain hunter.


Nope, nor do I. Oh no wait.


What does that have to do with human survival? MOST of those people are not stealing stuff, they are taking advantage of sales that the store wants to sell. I don't think some of you understand what human survival instinct means.


What does that have to do with human survival? MOST of those people are not stealing stuff, they are taking advantage of sales that the store wants to sell. I don't think some of you understand what human survival instinct means.

The people taking advantage of this glitch aren't stealing stuff either. And of course Black Friday is intertwined with human survival instinct. That's literally why people fight over stuff; to get as much as they can for as little as they can.
It's not greed, it's hunan instinct. If there's one thing 2014 has taught me, it's that to survive in this world, you need to do what you can, including making the most of a bad situation. If that means benefitting from someone else's downfall, so be it. In a way, it's survival of the fittest, manipulating the system to your advantage. I stand by my comment - those who are saying they would never do it are just butthurt they missed out.
I support small business and shop locally, even if this does mean paying 10-20% more than supermarket/amazon prices.


Does Amazon have insurance for events like this? Like they can cover those wrong priced items that were already dispatched.

This gonna suck for those 3rd party sellers. damn.


The people taking advantage of this glitch aren't stealing stuff either. And of course Black Friday is intertwined with human survival instinct. That's literally why people fight over stuff; to get as much as they can for as little as they can.

Oh wow, thank you professor for the enlightenment. The store WANTS to sell at the price advertised so I don't know how you don't see what the difference is. You do realize that Black Friday was not a free for all even 30 - 40 years ago, so I guess people didn't have those instincts then. Black Friday became so big because of retailers tapping into people's need for an adreneline rush. The sales have very little to do with it anymore. In fact this years Black Friday is starting to show the waning of public interest in it.


I support small business and shop locally, even if this does mean paying 10-20% more than supermarket/amazon prices.

That's a flawed comparison considering a significant amount of "Fulfilled by Amazon" products are pushed on product pages ahead of Amazon's own stock. To the end consumer, it's no different.


Oh wow, thank you professor for the enlightenment. The store WANTS to sell at the price advertised so I don't know how you don't see what the difference is. You do realize that Black Friday was not a free for all even 30 - 40 years ago, so I guess people didn't have those instincts then. Black Friday became so big because of retailers tapping into people's need for an adreneline rush. The sales have very little to do with it anymore. In fact this years Black Friday is starting to show the waning of public interest in it.

There is no difference. Exhibit A.


There is no difference. Exhibit A.

What is your point? That some take advantage of others? No Kidding, the point I was orignally making was when a poster were calling others liars when they said they wouldn't take advantage. And then you turned into some convoluted theory of Black Friday and human survival instinct going hand in hand.


What is your point? That some take advantage of others? No Kidding, the point I was orignally making was when a poster were calling others liars when they said they wouldn't take advantage. And then you turned into some convoluted theory of Black Friday and human survival instinct going hand in hand.
Thou doth protest too much.


What is your point? That some take advantage of others? No Kidding, the point I was orignally making was when a poster were calling others liars when they said they wouldn't take advantage. And then you turned into some convoluted theory of Black Friday and human survival instinct going hand in hand.

My original point sought to address the oh-so-moral people in this thread who seem adamant they'd never take advantage of pricing errors.
That's a flawed comparison considering a significant amount of "Fulfilled by Amazon" products are pushed on product pages ahead of Amazon's own stock. To the end consumer, it's no different.
I don't shop on Amazon, I buy locally and pay the extra.

Seth C

As horrible as this sounds, I'm gutted I missed out. Anyone who says they wouldn't take advantage of a glitch as good as this is lying through the skin of their teeth.

Would I order a miss-priced TV from Wal-Mart or Best Buy? Sure I would. But I wouldn't order 500 1 cent items from some small resellers. That could put them out of business.


Would I order a miss-priced TV from Wal-Mart or Best Buy? Sure I would. But I wouldn't order 500 1 cent items from some small resellers. That could put them out of business.

Maybe, but when most consumers see a 'Fulfilled by Amazon' listing that looks no different to a normal Amazon listing, they might not be so inclined, especially if it's a clear pricing error where impulses are fast.


Maybe, but when most consumers see a 'Fulfilled by Amazon' listing that looks no different to a normal Amazon listing, they might not be so inclined, especially if it's a clear pricing error where impulses are fast.
It's useless trying to reason with them. Apparently looking out for yourself and saving a shitload of money in the process is frowned up on.

Seth C

It's useless trying to reason with them. Apparently looking out for yourself and saving a shitload of money in the process is frowned up on.

Looking out for yourself, saving some money...sure. Hoarding a store's entire stock at 1 penny so that you could resell it later? Nope, sorry. There is no reasoning that because it's unreasonable.
Looking out for yourself, saving some money...sure. Hoarding a store's entire stock at 1 penny so that you could resell it later? Nope, sorry. There is no reasoning that because it's unreasonable.

Don't forget causing the store to go bankrupt in the process.

But it's alright, you're surviving.


Does Amazon UK ship stuff over the weekend? If the orders were all placed between 7 and 8 PM on a Friday night I doubt many of the shipped.


It's useless trying to reason with them. Apparently looking out for yourself and saving a shitload of money in the process is frowned up on.

Would you feel this way if you just had your entire stock mistakenly listed for 1p and then sold, leaving you bankrupt?

"oh well, they bought 70 phones that I spent thousands on for 70p, but it's okay because they're just surviving you know? looking out for themselves."


No, I know because it's just a stupid thing to say.

It's stupid to point out sleaziness when you see it? That makes no sense. Because throwing someone into bankruptcy for no other reason than to get something for nothing is just that.


I probably would buy 1 of something if the glitch was available and it was an item I'd use, but you are a complete scum if you buy 50+ or so from a pricing error of 3rd party sellers. Getting something for yourself is quite a bit different than significantly profiting from something that will put small businesses out of business due to an obvious glitch on Amazon.


No idea why people are disagreeing with you. I have zero faith that a Gaffer would see a mobile phone on Amazon for £0.01 and go "Oh, that must be a mistake, I'll just leave it alone".

Why would I order something if I have no need for/interest in it? Just because a lot of humans are greedy, despicable and scummy, doesn't mean that everyone is that way.


As horrible as this sounds, I'm gutted I missed out. Anyone who says they wouldn't take advantage of a glitch as good as this is lying through the skin of their teeth.

Yeah when I was younger I may have been bummed missing this but now that I own my own business, Fuck that shit. As a small business owner I feel for these folks. If it was Wal-Mart getting screwed I probably would be like ehh, but these are small shops. They can't afford this.
As horrible as this sounds, I'm gutted I missed out. Anyone who says they wouldn't take advantage of a glitch as good as this is lying through the skin of their teeth.

"The others too!" is a classic. Generally used by those who know they've done something bad, yet refuse to shoulder the taint on their morality. Which is also a form of cowardise.


That may not in fact be true.
Then it is very kind of RepricerExpress to say:
We experienced a problem with RepricerExpress on Friday evening which caused incorrect pricing to be sent to Amazon. We managed to get the problem resolved so that any new prices going to Amazon were correct within about an hour of the problem being reported. It took a further few hours to get incorrect prices reverted to their original prices where possible.
It's useless trying to reason with them. Apparently looking out for yourself and saving a shitload of money in the process is frowned up on.

You are pathetic. Go ahead, live in your little fantasy world, not understanding that your actions, or desired actions, like the ones you have outlined in this thread, have no repercussions. A lot of these 3rd party sellers, if they have to bite the bullet for these sales, will have to go out of business.


It's not greed, it's hunan instinct. If there's one thing 2014 has taught me, it's that to survive in this world, you need to do what you can, including making the most of a bad situation. If that means benefitting from someone else's downfall, so be it. In a way, it's survival of the fittest, manipulating the system to your advantage. I stand by my comment - those who are saying they would never do it are just butthurt they missed out.

Let me guess, 2014 was the year you discovered Ayn Rand.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers

P.S. "Hunan instinct" would be a great name for a Chinese take-out.


Why would I order something if I have no need for/interest in it? Just because a lot of humans are greedy, despicable and scummy, doesn't mean that everyone is that way.

But what if you did? What if it was something you wanted? Would that still make you greedy if it was a pricing error, even if you just ordered one along with tons of other people? Most wouldn't say that's greedy but it still has the same resulting effect on the merchant.


As horrible as this sounds, I'm gutted I missed out. Anyone who says they wouldn't take advantage of a glitch as good as this is lying through the skin of their teeth.

I'm with you, I would have taken advantage of this. I probably wouldn't buy 100 phones or something.
No idea why people are disagreeing with you. I have zero faith that a Gaffer would see a mobile phone on Amazon for £0.01 and go "Oh, that must be a mistake, I'll just leave it alone".

I have in fact been in a similar situation -- I stumbled upon a glitch on an online retailer that would have allowed me to buy anything on the site for a few dollars -- and I did not take advantage of it. I'll admit I was tempted. But I didn't.
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