This is a weird fucking show.
I agree with the poster that previously compared it to the third season of Hannibal as that one was where the visual characteristics of it were heightened to an absurd amount. I mean, I love Fuller's style, but he's got one major problem. The man doesn't know how to get out of his own ass. I enjoy visually imaginitive scenes as much as the next guy, but Fuller doesn't realize that pumping the episodes up with them doesn't make them better. A nice visual is nothing without a meaning behind it, it's basically the show's equivalent of popcorn. Actually scratch that. The whole season is popcorn. Sure, there's some subtext over the themes of belief, religious worship and purpose, but none of them are very well developed. Neither are the characters. What did Shadow do, or say to make me care for him? He had one good scene, the one with the Jesus in the finale. What's the point of Bilquis? She's a main and yet has no more than a few appearances throughout the season. Her arc literally has no point, there's nothing happening there other than some pussy eating. Same about Media, Mr. World, Technical Boy and Czhernobog. Their introductions didn't even feel like they had some purpose, might as well have shown them only in a scene or two hinting about them. Laura and Sweeney are literally the only ones that got some sort of development, and I have to force myself to care about Laura.
Look at the cast list. How many of these people had any significant to the development of their characters scenes? Only a few. How many of the mains might've been a cameo? Half of them.
Don't say that this was only the first season and that things will get better from now on, that makes it even worse. This didn't feel like a proper story, at the most like a third of one with the fleshing out moments cut out to save time.
I honestly feel like I wasted my time with this. If the second season is the same way, I'm out. And I don't have my hopes up high, knowing Fuller.
P.S. The reveal on Wednesday's real name made me groan. As if anyone hadn't figured that out already.
P.S.2 I don't even wanna start complaining about the pacing, that alone deserves a post double the size of this one.