They have already backtracked:
If that is the case I am totally screwed..Target opens here at 8am, even if I get there at 9 or 9:30 it wont matter..I dont blame Target, I blame Nintendo for not making more of these amiibos..they want people to literally kill each other on release day for little plastic toys
2 per character at Target now means there's no point in going there if the line is long. It's not like people are going to control themselves from not grabbing 2 of the rare ones.
Yeah I mean do the math. There are what? 7 amiibo? That means that first three people could walk away with 42 amiibo, or the first five 70. They make out even better if some came together.
I think 2 total was unreasonable but a 2 limit for each character isn't so great either. Their stock will be gone super fast. Bring a tent or wake up really early. 1 per character would have been ideal.
I guess I'll be doing one of these. I wasn't even sure where I would be going first on Friday. Maybe Target. Would it even be worth it? Why did I have to like amiibo? Why do the characters I want have to be the 'going to be rare' ones? Why can't there be enough for everyone?Yeah I mean do the math. There are what? 7 amiibo? That means that first three people could walk away with 42 amiibo, or the first five 70. They make out even better if some came together.
I think 2 total was unreasonable but a 2 limit for each character isn't so great either. Their stock will be gone super fast. Bring a tent or wake up really early. 1 per character would have been ideal.
Ive heard a lot about Toys R Us and Target's stock but I have yet to hear anything about what Best Buy will have..I believe they never put up their pre orders(correct me if Im wrong) there is a Target/Best Buy in a shopping center near me, if Best Buy has amiibos available I might go there or hopefully even better if they have them available online
They should just limit one of each character per customer.
Just curious, not actively selling at this point, but considering possibilities. Would anyone have interest in buying a collection of Amiibo?
buying a collection of Amiibo
Diggeh don't hate me..... I haven't done it yet! just considering....
They should just ban amiibos.
Seeing this more and more. Wave 4 really burning people out.
to answer your question, nah it's not worth $300. You only have a few that are valuable. Even if you throw in Robin and Lucina. And they are mostly opened. I'd be more realistic, maybe $200, $250 with Lucina and Robin maybe.
Just called my local City Target, its two per guest..that is the policy they are running with, I actually prefer that, gives us who won't be camping out a better chance of getting one. She said to call back on Thursday to get an idea how many they have, she doesn't believe they have gotten any shipment yet
FYI guys:
I saw a charge on my card for $28 from Gamestop, and found out it's the price of 2 Amiibos. Looks like they are starting to put charging through! These are for my 2 courtesy ones mind you, that would get release day delivery. Not sure about regular shipments, especially since the others I paid with gift cards. Either way, should be shipping out soon![]()
Who else is tapping out after the Smash line is over!? Because I'm done after that is over! I'm not leave the community though, still going to look for deals and what not. Just done collecting.
The reason why I started collecting, because I freaking love Smash! And Kid Icarus Uprising ( I can find anther Palutena anything anywhere, SO happy I got her amiibo)
If you guys had to pick between Lucina and Robin, which one would you pick? I think I'll get at least 1 FE character from this wave, not sure yet. Amiibo are getting really expensive in Peru. About $22 a piece and I can't really justify the amount of money I'll be spending on them :/ I already reserved Silver Mario and will surely get Charizard, Ness, Greninja, Jigglypuff, Wario and Pac-Man.
Who else is tapping out after the Smash line is over!
^Lucina all day, every day!
Who else is tapping out after the Smash line is over!? Because I'm done after that is over! I'm not leave the community though, still going to look for deals and what not. Just done collecting.
The reason why I started collecting, because I freaking love Smash! And Kid Icarus Uprising ( I can find anther Palutena anything anywhere, SO happy I got her amiibo)
Target has trucks monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. They may not get them in until Friday morning before opening.
Who else is tapping out after the Smash line is over!? Because I'm done after that is over! I'm not leave the community though, still going to look for deals and what not. Just done collecting.
I can confirm the policy that Target is using is its only 2 per amiibo. Meaning you can buy multiple amiibos Friday but only 2 of each kind.
Seeing this more and more. Wave 4 really burning people out
I've been tempted some myself- it's just been such a mess. Just hoping things improve or at least don't get worse otherwise I probably will bail out. womp
I still have this Greninja preorder is he unicorn?
Wynn pls dun bail
Releasing multiple store exclusives on the same day in insanely limited quantities (some of which are possibly already gone like Ness) is an absolute jerk move. If Nintendo doesn't go back to the drawing board there will be blood.
but this is Nintendo so of course they'll pretend like everyone lives at the NWS and can easily get all they new amiibo
Some Japanese Wave 5 figures are up on AmiAmi if anyone wants to avoid the NA hassle. Faster for me to just link to the Reddit post with the individual links:
There's no reason to sell any o them regardless of collection completion. They're all enjoyable to look at and have aroundexcept the derpy ones
There is if you want to make some money off it after being burned. I wouldn't hold it against anyone that wants to move on. Nintendo has done a real shitty job. Hell, they've already lost my good faith. I've bought two nintendo games used this past week. Nintendo ain't getting another penny from me.There's no reason to sell any o them regardless of collection completion. They're all enjoyable to look at and have aroundexcept the derpy ones
It just becomes a reminder of what could have been and how terrible the whole experience has been. Nintendo has managed to kill a lot of the fun. lol
I will never be free
Who else is tapping out after the Smash line is over!?