It's a pose from the official art.Weird how TP Link is holding the sword.
It's a pose from the official art.Weird how TP Link is holding the sword.
No amiibos for the Monster Hunter and Boxboy US release announced on the stream
Huh, I never noticed the hold. It's a sensible choice as a figurine pose though.It's a pose from the official art.
My guess:
Bayonetta 1 variant: Toys R Us exclusive
Advent Children Cloud: Square Enix Online Store exclusive
Female Corrin: Target exclusive
My guess:
Bayonetta 1 variant: GameStop exclusive
Advent Children Cloud: Best Buy exclusive
Female Corrin: Amazon exclusive
Yeah, I would hope that the "variants" are retailer exclusive.
Would be odd as hell if Bayonetta OG and Bayonetta 2 were exclusives at two different stores.
OH GOD, I could see Square Enix doing that, considering they love having store exclusive LEs.Fixed
I'm already anticipating 6 different stores to begin with :/ Amazon, Gamestop, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, TRU. There. 6.
Jeez the OT isn't even updated yet. Disgraceful.
Smash Amiibo up on Best Buy:
Which for Bayonetta seems weird because Player 2 is.....Bayonetta 1....
I need those Link amiibo to go up somewhere. Scalpers are going to be all over those because of the BOTW stuff you get with them.
Yeah, was thinking about that the other day. If those pop up on best buy. Might grab those as a safety as well.
Edit: Oh no Boxboy Amiibo?? I read wrong...
I have a feeling that things won't be too crazy, like they used to, though. Definitely pre-ordering myself when they go up in store at GS (because I trust my buddies there).
I only want the MM and SS ones though, the TP one is the same as the Smash Link as far as BOTW.
Pre-ordered the 3 Smash ones from BB. I'm guessing it's safe to assume those are all the "regular" versions, so I'm still waiting for female Corrin to pop up somewhere.
Looks like Corrin (Player 2) will be on Amazon
Here are some other placeholders, sorry if link is long|B071R6QGRS|B071Y79VNL|B071D8LQSP|B06ZZ6FKGF
Why does Amazon suck so badly when it comes to new amiibo preorders. It takes them so long to put them up.
I don't even think they do preorders anymore for Amiibos. Well not so far in advance. Seems they do a week early, and have a prime exclusive period for a week.
The fire emblem echoes amiibos still aren't up.
I'm loving how Splatoon isn't a mandatory 3 pack this time.
I'mma buy them all.
Why Retailer Exclusives again though. I want both Clouds, both Corrins, all the Splatoon, and the Pikmin. Am I going to be running the metroplex from store-to-store for exclusives? :/
Hopefully Bayo is a target exclusive so I can use the self checkout.
Amiibo Thread 9 | Expecting Updates? Too bad! Waluigi Time!
I kid! I heard someone in here said the OP passed away so I don't want to speak ill of the dead.
At least this time the exclusives are alternate costumes and not full on locked amiibo functionality.
Well aside from Femal Corrin apparently in echoes.