Doesn't really work when someone has already played the game themselves :-(Jim Sterling just uploaded a let's play of the first 30 minutes--
Doesn't really work when someone has already played the game themselves :-(Jim Sterling just uploaded a let's play of the first 30 minutes--
Completely forgot it was coming out. I guess between this and Outcast it will be a good week for us horror fans.
I hope the game is less forgivable this time.
Soundtrack preorder went up, Mandus's theme sounds amazing! Update OP?
Just a quick heads up for those interested on playing Amnesia.
For some unknown reason, it is possible for people to upload public screenshots now. I dont know if it was intentional, hence Steam Community hub became a spoiler-land.
avoid at all costs
It seems some people can't understand the meaning of "embargo"
Why wouldn't it? 90% of games allow you to use a custom resolution. Although I suppose if it's 16:10 it's very likely you'll have black bars.Does this game support 2880x1800 resolution?
Thanks for the warning! Would think reviewers would at least consider to remember to use the spoiler tag function given for some reason they're allowed to upload screenshots before release but oh well.
Why wouldn't it? 90% of games allow you to use a custom resolution. Although I suppose if it's 16:10 it's very likely you'll have black bars.
Thanks for the warning! Would think reviewers would at least consider to remember to use the spoiler tag function given for some reason they're allowed to upload screenshots before release but oh well.
Sell a kidneyGonna preorder tommorrow. Just gonna need a few more cents from cards.
So damn hyped for this one after hearing the music.
What we need after this is a Cthulhu game from Frictional Games.
Can someone remind me how long the first game was. I honestly don't remember.
About 8 hours or so.
Hmmmm that makes my feelings about this game even weirder. I just finished it.
Pigs or TDD? Why weirder?
Pigs and weirder was probably the wrong word. I can't say too much without maybe breaking the embargo. I think it's probably fine to say that I finished it in 4 hours. A tleast tha tis what steam says.
I need to play the first one still. I just reinstalled it and was ready to go, but then I realized there's no controller support =( Apparently Machine for Pigs has full support though so that's nice.
Should I just suck it up and drag my wireless kb/m over to my TV and play Amnesia that way, or would the original game work ok through a mapper like Pinnacle/Xpadder? (and this should go without saying, but please keep you anti-controller comments to yourselves-it should be obvious that I prefer a controller if I'm asking such questions)
I need to play the first one still. I just reinstalled it and was ready to go, but then I realized there's no controller support =( Apparently Machine for Pigs has full support though so that's nice.
Should I just suck it up and drag my wireless kb/m over to my TV and play Amnesia that way, or would the original game work ok through a mapper like Pinnacle/Xpadder? (and this should go without saying, but please keep you anti-controller comments to yourselves-it should be obvious that I prefer a controller if I'm asking such questions)
That's Norwegian, not Swedish.Gonna listen to this song while playing the game:
Yeah, Outlast really isn't a good horror or stealth game. It wants to be both but the stealth is broken and everything relies entirely on scripted sequences. There's nothing procedural about the game and it kind of falls apart once you learn how it works.Outlast really isn't scary once you realize it is pretty much a push the buttons while avoiding the bad AI stealth game. It builds zero athmosphere and is pretty much jump scare after jump scare which you come to expect and ignore after the first two.
It is not a bad game but it is hardly the "scariest game ever!" that the reviews made it sound like. I found amnesia much more scary because it lets tension build and doesn't throw enemies at you like you are in a Call of Duty level like Outlast does.
Pigs and weirder was probably the wrong word. I can't say too much without maybe breaking the embargo. I think it's probably fine to say that I finished it in 4 hours. A tleast tha tis what steam says.
The environments look really varied fwiwI'm worried about machine being too similar to dark descent. You walk through a mansion (instead of a castle) exploring rooms, solving some puzzles then an ugly comes screaming after you. You hide in the shadows, he goes away, repeat.
I beat dark descent yesterday. I had a good time with it. But it gold old after a few hours.
The monsters were scary at first. But once i got used to them i was more annoyed than scared about them. Just wanted to explore and they kept showing up.
So i hope they managed to keep things fresh from start to finish this time.
I'd say go for keyboard and mouse. The control scheme is more designed around that setup and it makes the game less frustrating to play. I mean controller is fine but when you are running from something trying to close doors behind you it can get a bit clunky where as a mouse and keyboard is a bit more intuitive.
If you feel like that's not an issue then go for gamepad. Do whatever makes you most comfortable
Listened to a podcast with the composer and it's funny how she describes the music on this game as horrible compared to her work on Dear Esther. I don't think she actually means it's bad but it's a nice way to describe the contrast.
Listened to a podcast with the composer and it's funny how she describes the music on this game as horrible compared to her work on Dear Esther. I don't think she actually means it's bad but it's a nice way to describe the contrast.
Do you have link/name of podcast? I'd like to listen.
That's understandable given that scoring a much more gameplay-heavy game like Amnesia is probably avery different experience than compared to something like dear esther.
Horrible in terms of quality or horrible in terms of tone and the feelings it works to present compared to Dear Esther?
Review Embargo time?
Any body know?