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Amped 2 is awesome


I know, I know, last year's game. But I just picked it up (again) a week ago, and this time I gave it a more open-minded try. Last year, I was too high on the opiate that you might know and love as SSX3.

Anyway, this game reaks of awesomeness. The online mode brings a lot of balance to this game, because the offline game can become extremely frustrating at times. Fortunately for Xbox Live gamers, being able to go online is a very relaxing reward. My basic formula for this game is to tackle a few offline challenges, reach my boiling point, hop online and relax, and then get back to the offline mode. But I might be getting ahead of myself a bit.

This is not a game like Rainbow Six 3 or Crimson Skies where you could totally ignore the offline campaign from the outset. If you want to be any good online, you are going to have to spend some time with your offline persona. Why? Because that is who you take online. Once you start a career, you can change your boarder's sex, clothing, hair style, you can basically customize to your heart's content. There are multiple challenges that will improve your ranking and unlock new runs and/or mountains, and passing certain thresholds will also allow you to increase various skills (spins, ollies, big air, balance, etc.). Do you want to hold your own against the best of the best online? Good luck! But spending time improving your boarder offline will go a long way towards making you somewhat respectable online.

While your boarder might not be as good as everyone around you, the good news is that all of the mountains, every last run, are available to you when you go online. You do not have to unlock them offline first. On one hand, it somewhat diminishes the feeling when you unlock them offline. On the other, it provides a nice bonus to those that are already paying $50/year for Xbox Live. Still, just because you can ride down that expert level slope, that does not mean you will be any good at it. Further, unlocking those mountains offline still provides you those opportunities to earn skill points to improve your boarder.

Beyond that, I absolutely love the seamless use of soundtracks. The music starts when the game starts, and it just keeps on playing until the game ends. Tracks do not skip or restart just because you are done with a particular run, or because you choose to restart (which you will do very often on things like photoshoots or sponsor events). The game has plenty of songs (I remember something like 300+ being advertised for it) spanning multiple genres. Personally, I have a nice selection of recent music on my Xbox, so I am an exclusive user of custom soundtracks, but you could also blend your tracks with those from the game, you do not have to exclusively use one or the other. You want a blend of Amped 2's rap and electronica offerings as well as your very own Yanni collection? Go for it!

Bottom line, I love this game. I've always enjoyed snowboarding games, from 1080 on Nintendo 64 to the SSX series this generation, and Amped 2 is a welcome and fitting addition to those great games. Amped 2 rocks!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
It really is an awesome game, and I'm not just saying that because one of my friends' friend's band is on there.

Made my hands hurt after a while tho.


fenekku-gitsune said:
It really is an awesome game, and I'm not just saying that because one of my friend's friend's band is on there.

I'm sure your friend's friend's band is awesome, too. ;)


I just cant seem to get to grips with the controls! I end up falling over or just not jumping at all most of the time.


DSN2K said:
I just cant seem to get to grips with the controls! I end up falling over or just not jumping at all most of the time.

I had the same problems. I even played the original Amped, so I should have known what to expect! I just played this game too close to SSX3 last year, and there was no way I was ready to adapt to it.

This time, I made a point to start slow, go through the tutorial, and get a feel for it before tossing it aside (like last year). Now, I might not be an elite pro, but at least I am somewhat of a seasoned veteran.


I eventually got a handle on Amped 1, not pulling off million point runs or anything, but I got up to under 5 in the ranks.

But Amped 2 really handed my ass back on a platter. I think I was able to open up the second course, but couldn't do anything after that. I just... the control was even more insane than the first Amped. Honestly didn't play the game more than 2 hours or so, but it's like learning how to play all over again when I had gotten relatively good at Amped 1.
I fell over a lot too. That made SSX3 a lot more fun to play.

Anyway, there's still an Xbox Live community with this game?

Now, that's unreal.


What the... how are people finding Amped2 difficult to control. I found it had some of the most fluid and tight control in any snowboarding game I've ever played, similar to Tony Hawk with skateboarding. On the opposite side I find SSX3 to be incredibly unfun and difficult to control, go figure.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Amped 2 is easier than Amped in the actual landing tricks department...

but advancing on the other hand :eek:


0G M3mbeR
The hardest thing to adapt to in Amped 2 is the trick stick. It just feels so unnatural compared to other games like TH and SSX. I find myself tending to always do the same types of tricks over and over because my right hand instinctivly goes U/L, L , or D/L.

Get past that little thing though, the manuals and style gauge make it so much better and fulfilling then Amped 1. Very fun game that still has several games running on Live.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
snow skates rock, as does amped2. cant wait for the 3rd :D
Amped 2 is a great game to relax and just screw around in. Fun stuff, though I could never achieve too much in it. Would've been better if there were more people playing it...at release, it was hard to get a game with over 4 people in it.


I just don't get how people can get any points doing tricks in the air. Amped 1 was cake because of the insane grind points you could get. As much as I remember, Amped 2 nixed a lot of the easy grinding. Maybe I just don't know good combos, but how can you get any decent points just jumping in the air and tricking?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
SKluck said:
I just don't get how people can get any points doing tricks in the air. Amped 1 was cake because of the insane grind points you could get. As much as I remember, Amped 2 nixed a lot of the easy grinding. Maybe I just don't know good combos, but how can you get any decent points just jumping in the air and tricking?

actually, in amped 2 its EASY to get huge air points (relatively speaking... i cant get millions of points no matter what i do). the way to get good points is to do your spinning grabs slowly for style points... its been awhile since i've played, but you'll know when you see the guage fill up at the bottom and hear the noise.


Amped 2 is one of the few games this generation that I continually play. I love it. I'm at rank #80 now (Amped 2 has 200 rank levels versus Amped 1 which had 100). There's nothing more satisfying than nailing a run that you've been struggling with. Hell, even finding the snowmen is fun.

The music is heavenly... also one of the few games that I don't use custom soundtracks for.

I admit the controls take some getting used too, but once you get a few notches up on your skill level they become easy to use... but hard to master.

Favorite Mountain: Laax - pulling insane tricks on the 100' drop
Favorite Boarder: Tora Bright... of course


Dave Long said:
How does the Live play work in this game?

There's a couple different modes of play, but usually people play the open mountain mode where you just see who can rack up the most points in a set amount of time. So you just do a run and then it starts you back at the start of the run after you hit the bottom. Keep boarding until time runs out. Kind of like the events in the game. The few times I have played, it was more about people just hanging out and trying different moves, than actually competing.

Dave Long said:
Are there really people still playing it online?

You'd be suprised at the games that people are still playing. I popped in Magic: Battlegrounds last week and people were playing. Same thing with XIII. There has only been one time that I put in a game and couldn't find anyone to play against. That was Magic: Battlegrounds on an early weekday afternoon.


Amped 2 is an improvement over Amped just because of the style and the game is more forgiving. Style is where it's at. You can do one flip with style and get tons of points. I also am used to moving the trick stick left all of the time and using both triggers at the same time so I really have to make a concious decision to different types of tricks by moving the trick stick in different directions and using either of the triggers or both. The carrer mode in Amped 2 is great with the Photoshoots being my favorite.

Amped 2 and SSX tricky are very different games and should not be compared. In SSX you can only see some of the mountain at a time but in Amped you have the freedom to cut across the entire mountain. SSX is a great game as is AMped, they're just both very different. I thought SSX to be more fun but Amped is great in it's own respect. I thought that Kasavin really dropped the ball on this one when he reviewed Amped 2 at Gamespot. He was so busy comparing it to SSX and looking at it with SSX glasses that he failed to see the beauty of Amped 2.

Dave Long

jedimike said:
There's a couple different modes of play, but usually people play the open mountain mode where you just see who can rack up the most points in a set amount of time. So you just do a run and then it starts you back at the start of the run after you hit the bottom. Keep boarding until time runs out. Kind of like the events in the game. The few times I have played, it was more about people just hanging out and trying different moves, than actually competing.

You'd be suprised at the games that people are still playing. I popped in Magic: Battlegrounds last week and people were playing. Same thing with XIII. There has only been one time that I put in a game and couldn't find anyone to play against. That was Magic: Battlegrounds on an early weekday afternoon.

Cool. I think I'd like to see more competitive Amped 2 play if I dove into that but I can understand why it would turn into a trick contest/hang out type of game.

I also have been surprised to find people playing games like the MotoGP DEMO that came with the original Live kit. I just happened to get one of those to start my Live sub. (the guy I bought it from never even activated it. He had it for two years!) and thought I'd give the demo a try that first night I signed up. I had a blast riding the bikes online. It was kinda funny because I was the only guy who knew anything about the riders, the motorcycles or the circuits themselves even though these guys were playing for almost two years. Speed Channel is your friend!

I'm really, REALLY digging Live. The tournament stats at ESPNVideogames.com really drove that point home too. Fantastic use of the Internet to coincide with console gaming there. I'll have Guilty Gear X2 #Reload next week (or whenever it ships). Can't wait to beat the hell out of some people from here (and get beat myself).

Musashi Wins!

Amped 2 is fantastic. I really wasn't interested in the game since I was so into SSX3 and I had tried the lackluster 1080, but a couple weeks ago I picked it up and gave it some decent time. It's really fun and the controls weren't that bad at all. Beautiful to look at too. I liked the analog grab control. I need to give it a go online, so far I just downloaded the free content.

Will there be an Amped 3? Isn't XSN done with?


Party Pooper
every xbox game that supports customs soundtracks should follow the example amped 2 has set.

personally I like to seperate my soundtracks by artist, but sometimes I want to have them all play in one big playlist and it can do that

90% of the time I hate sequential soundtrack play, and its got randomizer

sometimes I want to skip to the next song with the press of a button, it can do that

it extended the life of the game for me quite a bit


Cool. I think I'd like to see more competitive Amped 2 play if I dove into that but I can understand why it would turn into a trick contest/hang out type of game.

Well the competition is kind of flawed... you can grind the lifts from top to bottom and rack up massive points. I haven't been successful with it, but some people can hop from lift line to lift line. Each time you hop to another line it resets your balance.

They may have fixed this with the update though.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i've been playing recently, and amazingly have dropped my rank from ~100 all the way to #3! pretty fucking terrific i'd say. amped 2 is one challenging fucking game
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