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Amy Schumer is dealing with 2 controversies from 2 opposing sides

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Thought this was really interesting.

Basically, she's being hit by both "MRA/Gamergate" types on one end, and feminist "SJWs" on the other.

Despite getting generally positive reviews in the press, The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo has only 2.9 stars on Amazon currently. And that’s not an accident, reports the Week: A group of Reddit users have decided to spam her Amazon page with fake one-star reviews.


They consider Schumer to be a "social justice warrior" (SWJ) comic, a comedian whose jokes are built around man-hating feminism and progressive identity politics. As far as they’re concerned, she is the lowest of the low.

In a now-deleted comment, one redditor suggested the plan, and it soon took off in its own dedicated thread: "the reviews are in!... or they're about to be. Right boys?"

on the other end, she's dealing with heat from an entirely different group...

On Saturday, Kurt Metzger, a writer on Schumer’s TV show Inside Amy Schumer, wrote a now-deleted public Facebook post that drew outrage from feminists.

Metzger is responding to the Upright Citizens Brigade’s decision to ban a comedian after multiple women alleged that he assaulted them. The ban — and the ensuing storm of Facebook posts in the UCB community, in which the comedian was named and the allegations discussed — were, Metzger felt, dangerously close to a witch hunt.


Schumer identifies as a feminist, and a lot of her comedy includes feminist themes, so her association with Metzger didn’t exactly match her brand. On Twitter, a number of feminists approached Schumer, asking her to disavow Metzger. "is this really one of your writers??" one wrote‏. "There's a hell of a lot of not-cool in this post."

Her twitter responses to inquiries about him are a master class in obfuscation. She basically says stuff but says absolutely nothing in the process. Article goes into a lot more detail about this Metzger guy, and a bit on Schumer's character too, as well as her dealings with one animal rights group at one point.
And, IIRC, is was through all this that we ended up finding out she put her show on hiatus (she basically said that the dude doesn't write for her show right now because their is no show right now, then had to clarify that the show was on hiatus while she tours/makes movies instead of cancelled).


And, IIRC, is was through all this that we ended up finding out she put her show on hiatus (she basically said that the dude doesn't write for her show right now because their is no show right now, then had to clarify that the show was on hiatus while she tours/makes movies instead of cancelled).

Which tells us absolutely nothing about whether or not he'll still be writing on her show. Very clever on her part.
I honestly don't know why it's Amy's problem or why she needs to weigh in. Just because this guy has worked with her in the past doesn't make this something she needs to get involved in.

It's also really strange to me how people lashed out against Michael Che after a few people messaged him saying that this UCB guy raped women. Che's response was essentially, "Why are you messaging me, call the police," which I think is a perfectly rational response to that. He also doesn't have any responsibility to get involved in any public social media battles. It's insane of people to think that it's his duty to comment on things.

The witch hunts that have been going on are frankly pretty disgusting. Pretty much everyone involved is doing something bad.
Which tells us absolutely nothing about whether or not he'll still be writing on her show. Very clever on her part.

With how long it will be before she starts writing for the next season, all this will have probably blown over by then and she'll hire him again.


Metzger's not wrong.

He annoys the shit out of me a lot of the time, but I agree with you.

I'm also ashamed that I check the subreddit in question just about every day, and that shit they are pulling with the Amazon reviews isn't cool either. The subreddit is like a magnificent car wreck that you can't look away from.
I'm not a big fan of Schumer, but her and, really, all other comedians (and any public figure), should just stay off of social media. Twitter, Facebook and Reddit are just cesspools of human filth and continually making this world a much worse place to live in.
I honestly don't know why it's Amy's problem or why she needs to weigh in. Just because this guy has worked with her in the past doesn't make this something she needs to get involved in.

The furor around him isn't coming from his opinions about the UCB controversy, it's coming from the way he's sharing his opinions (which involves him being an enormous piece of shit about it to a bunch of different people). Amy's show is seen as being feminist, and a guy who bullies women writes for it.

It would be like if a white supremacist wrote for a show that didn't have any white people. If someone makes their career on one thing and works with someone who stands for the opposite of that, it's a contradiction that's definitely worth questioning.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
He annoys the shit out of me a lot of the time, but I agree with you.

I'm also ashamed that I check the subreddit in question just about every day, and that shit they are pulling with the Amazon reviews isn't cool either. The subreddit is like a magnificent car wreck that you can't look away from.
It's amazing that such a small insignificant subreddit has made national news so many times over the past couple years.


The problem with leaning on a more neutral zone: Both sides hate you.

Sounds like a case of MRAs being MRAs and a "If your feminism is not like my feminism then you're not a feminist" brand of "feminist".


This review they excerpt sounds like someone taking the piss out of one of the extreme anti-feminist guys:

"Strong brainwashing tactics in this book," one reviewer opines. "My daughter purchased this book and his [sic] come away from it loathing men. I was afraid of this but didn't want to be a bigot. I'll never have my sensible little girl back."

Ican'teven.jpg if that's actually a sincere one.

On the stuff coming from the left, I think Metzger has a good point about not starting a witchhunt over allegations, but considering how the Facebook post's tone is so over-the-top and spends a lot of the time yelling at women for not reporting the crimes, no shit this blew up at him.


Kurt Metzger is one of the most self-sabotaging people with a moderate level of fame I know. I have listened to him on enough podcasts to at least believe he is not genuinely against rape victims or a rape apologist. His core point seems to be the following:

1) Even though the justice system is unfair and unpleasant to work with, people that have been raped need to go through the uncomfortable legal motions of filing the complaint against the rapist, even if there is no guarantee it will yield the desired results.
2) The UCB is not equipped to investigate rape claims. This situation is lose-lose either way: either a) an innocent person has their named dragged through the mud or b) a guilty person is getting off with less of a punishment than they would if they were actually charged by the proper authorities.

Problem is, he intentionally tries to be as incendiary as possible when making his points, which is a losing case when the topic of rape is very emotionally charged for the people that would be willing to engage on it.

As a side note, it's stupid that whenever Kurt does or says something crazy (which is pretty much the shtick of his online persona), it somehow drags Amy into the mud.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Will they do the fusion dance and become some monster that is outraged by quite literally everything?
it bums me out one of these fronts is UCB related :(

As someone who's performed there, I wouldn't feel bad about them. For as many talented people as there are who perform there, there are equally as many shitty people. Trying to be an up and coming performer is extremely difficult due to the cliques that form. Getting on stage at that theater is more about connections than talent, in many cases.

They also make a shit ton of money from young performers who could really use the cash and play it off as "building experience." It's a scam of sorts.


literally no one cares about GG/MRA shit, i know it sucks that her shit gets bombarded but i hope she doesn't pay them too much mind, just like the rest of us

Metzger's not wrong.

did you read the extent of his rapist apologist tirade? even if i agreed with some of his points, his victim blaming shit can have a seat

As a side note, it's stupid that whenever Kurt does or says something crazy (which is pretty much the shtick of his online persona), it somehow drags Amy into the mud.

yeah, it's shitty but sadly unsurprising when looking at the double standard
I'm not a big fan of Schumer, but her and, really, all other comedians (and any public figure), should just stay off of social media. Twitter, Facebook and Reddit are just cesspools of human filth and continually making this world a much worse place to live in.
Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. The four horsemen of the apocalypse.


As a side note, it's stupid that whenever Kurt does or says something crazy (which is pretty much the shtick of his online persona), it somehow drags Amy into the mud.

Not at all surprising. It's become completely accepted that if someone says something offensive online, it is par for the course for some lynch mob to try and get that person fired.

Schumer pretty actively courted the social justice crowd in the runup to Season 2 and Trainwreck, and the gamble there was that they wouldn't turn on her. But it's just too hard a line for someone like Schumer to walk.


I'm not a big fan of Schumer, but her and, really, all other comedians (and any public figure), should just stay off of social media. Twitter, Facebook and Reddit are just cesspools of human filth and continually making this world a much worse place to live in.

So basically, they shouldn't used some of the best promotional tools at their disposal? That's sensible.


Sailor Stevenson
As someone who's performed there, I wouldn't feel bad about them. For as many talented people as there are who perform there, there are equally as many shitty people. Trying to be an up and coming performer is extremely difficult due to the cliques that form. Getting on stage at that theater is more about connections than talent, in many cases.

They also make a shit ton of money from young performers who could really use the cash and play it off as "building experience." It's a scam of sorts.

eh, I don't think a comedy theater's main revenue driver being the school is that scandalous, to be honest.

I think they could perhaps do a better job of gating people out earlier who they don't think have the talent to be on that stage (considering you spend 1600 bucks before hitting their Advanced Study wall... which many people then spend another 1000-2000 dollars trying to get into - not even counting coaching / practice). I think it's kind of a microcosm of the whole LA acting world in general though. Tons of people move here and try, only a few make it. Sometimes it's talent, some times it's who you know.


Looks like everyone is outraged one way or the other.

In the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of outrage. And then another 15 minutes from the other side.


Didn't Schumer make a bit / joke out of how she had sex with her unconscious ex friend? I vividly remember her laughing about it with a group of women at some event.


after searching, looks like i had the story a little muddled.
Metzger's not wrong.

He isn't?


He's responding to this:
Here’s what everyone seemed to know by Saturday: A male comedian had been accused of rape by multiple women and, after an internal investigation, banned from the Upright Citizens Brigade theater.

Although no charges had been filed and UCB hadn’t released a statement, word quickly spread through the tight-knit comedy community via social media, text messages, and private Facebook groups. Details were scarce; a message posted in several private Facebook groups for female comedians on behalf of one of the women said several others had come forward to accuse a comic named Aaron Glaser of sexual assault, and included the email of a UCB counselor that other women could contact. Eventually, another woman anonymously spoke to the press, saying Glaser sexually assaulted her years earlier. The owner of comedy venue the Creek and the Cave banned Glaser too, with the owner posting on Facebook, “If you have been banned from a comedy venue in NYC for rape, you are also banned from my venue,” adding “I will not participate in the creation of another Cosby.”

That's not about an "online lynch mob".

Metzger is not the guy you probably want to stan for.

These images are from 2013, by the by, in an article all about Metzger's conduct online.
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