Why wont the first lady show up for her job? Why? I became obsessed with this question and eventually looked to Melanias Twitter history for answers. I noticed that in the three-year period between June 3, 2012 and June 11, 2015 she tweeted 470 photos which she appeared to have taken herself. I examined these photographs as though they were a body of work.
Everyone has an eye, whether or not we see ourselves as photographers. What we choose to photograph and how we frame subjects always reveals a little about how we perceive the world. For someone like Melania, media-trained, controlled and cloistered, her collection of Twitter photography provides an otherwise unavailable view into the reality of her existence. Nowhere else  certainly not in interviews or public appearances  is her guard so far down
What is that reality? She is Rapunzel with no prince and no hair, locked in a tower of her own volition, and delighted with the predictability and repetition of her own captivity.
Why not move to the White House? Lets see.

In three years, Melania only posted one picture of herself and Trump. He dominates the frame; her face is in shadow and cropped out. It is both a selfie and an erasure, a depiction of her placement within their world.

This, as a little side note, is a hermit crab, and the only photograph of an animal that she ever posted, aside from the show horses running races at Mar-a-Lago.
A creature which lives inside its own shell. She must relate, no?

Melania only posted one photograph of her and Barron together. It was also the only occasion when she posted a photograph of his whole face, but she disguised him the same way she disguised herself, in the little boy-version of her big sunglasses  ski goggles.
The public reason that Melania gave for staying in New York that she wanted to let Barron finish his school year. She didnt want to disrupt his life. This is nonsense, an absurdity that she might have considered before supporting her husbands run for president.
Melania wants Barrons world to be bigger than her own. He occupies a totally different, bigger, vaster, compositional space than she does. She also wants to protect him, I think, more than anything. To Melania, protection means hiding.
So, why not move to the White House?
Shes hiding. She needs to hide so badly that she doesnt care about anything else. Not her country, not how bad she looks, not the money it costs us. She has no shame because, for her, hiding is shameless. It is safe.
She lives behind glass, in cars, in her house, on private planes and private resorts. She doesnt even get out of the car to see landmarks or walk in the park. She is never among the public, not for a second.
Melania Trump is the woman least fit for public service in the entirety of the United States of America. We should expect nothing from her. Shes living inside a dark fairytale, and in fairytales the women trapped in towers never save anyone but themselves.
Much much more here
A really interesting analysis. Obviously there's a lot of reaching, but since we have no access or transparency with this administration, this is where we are at when it comes to understanding those that lead us and their families.