
Analyst believes Nintendo can succeed in Palworld lawsuit
An analyst believes that Nintendo is trying to "financially damage" Palworld developer Pocketpair as much as it can in the announced lawsuit.

Lol this is ridiculous. Pokémon is not unique at all. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEYrZuzXUAAjpkB?format=jpg&name=large
I hope a judge sees it for what it is: A Baseless SLAPP lawsuit that has no merit and is intended to get rid of a competitor. All of the time and money spent on this ridiculious lawsuit is better time actually making a good pokemon game.
Palworld has gotten Nintendo scared. Have you notice there has been radio silence on the Legends AZ? Coincidence? I think not. This is the only tactic Nintendo has left cause there is no way anyone would play a new Pokemon game over Palworld.
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