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(Analyst) GTA:SA to sell 4.5 million copies the first week

TekunoRobby said:
From the official thread:

Apologies for my piss poor grammer and spelling. This is from a GameStop that's within 5 miles of two other stores (one directly to the north and another directly to the south). I asked the employees and the other stores were either just as swamped with people or more. This is going to be a monster in sales my friends.


Only 1 week for October's NPD. From various reports, the first shipment has sold out, but more will be in on Friday (some say tomorrow). I wonder how all this breaks out? I'd have to believe any shipments Tomorrow are part of Take-Two's 4.5 million shipped day 1 number, but what about shipments recieved on Friday?

Hopefully, we'll see some PR that gives us an idea.

Any first guess as to first month's US sales? (the 4.5 was presumably WW)

GTA:VC was ~1,412,429 for the first month (only one week as well, well Tue-Sat anyway).

It's gotta be over 2 million, right?
sonycowboy said:

Only 1 week for October's NPD. From various reports, the first shipment has sold out, but more will be in on Friday (some say tomorrow). I wonder how all this breaks out? I'd have to believe any shipments Tomorrow are part of Take-Two's 4.5 million shipped day 1 number, but what about shipments recieved on Friday?

Hopefully, we'll see some PR that gives us an idea.

Any first guess as to first month's US sales? (the 4.5 was presumably WW)

GTA:VC was ~1,412,429 for the first month (only one week as well, well Tue-Sat anyway).

It's gotta be over 2 million, right?

I'd say atleast 2.5 million for this week in the US. That'd make it the fastest selling game ever in the US, right?


evilromero said:
Oh my god. This board has sunk to a new low. Calling someone out on a widely used term as "version"? Does it fucking matter? Is there any doubt in your little mind that I'm simply speaking of the port? VERSION VERSION VERSION!

wow what is your fucking problem. Buy the game 9 months later and be happy. ok?


sonycowboy said:
In lieu of the review scores, is 4.5 million any more believable? And does it affect your thoughts of GTA vs Halo 2 for the sales crown this year?
Halo 2 owned - except in Nov.

J2 Cool

Come on, Halo 2 will sell well but not come close to SA. People like to see this and say "I'm scared for when Halo 2 hits" but this is the biggest release of the year as far as sales... See, GTA has cracked into common household talk. If I asked a couple girls I know "ever played grand theft auto?" they'd say "yeah, that game kicks ass!". They may not even play videogames but at some point somebody had to tell em "try this". Just like drugs. Now if you asked "ever played Halo?" some may say yes but a good portion would say "what's that?". That doesnt mean SA's a better game, that it has more fanatics, or anything.

It is more mainstream though than any other videogame could hope to be at this point though. Not for being able to kill someone. Every game has that. It's for the freedom in a real life like environment. It sparks an imagination in people who may even cringe at seeing killing. You got no clue how many variety of people I seen picking GTA:SA up today. It was nuts. Groups of friends, families, couples. Now, as evidenced by another thread. For Halo 2, he had to give up his girlfriend. I wont tell that man he made the wrong decision. Hell, he made the right one. But if it were SA he'd have never had to make the choice
i was watching TV just now and wow, even ABC News mentioned that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is in stores today!

the prediction really might not be too far off...


Pedigree Chum said:
Considering how fucking fast this game has sold out out my EB, this game is going to be fucking huge. I remember there being like no one when I picked up GTA:VC at 8pm on launch day. FUck, i went into this with my mindset then....I can't get the game till at least thursday :( BOO!
Why not just walk into any Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, etc. first thing tomorrow morning?

Sometimes pre-orders can hurt you too...


Chili Con Carnage!
I doubt Halo 2 will be 'easily' owned in the US, 4.5 million is a worldwide estimate, 1.5 mill of which could easily be attributed to europe. 3 mill in NA is not out of Halo 2s reach at all.

:lol at the "15 million worldwide would make it bigger than US & Canadas Titanics takings" aswell. Movie vs Game is retarded enough (as people brought up in Halo 2 PRs) but domestic movie takings vs worldwide game takings? Couldnt the analyst have just picked a slightly smaller taking film that GTA:SA could have beaten globally?

I do think though that SA will outsell Halo 2 in NA (its a given worldwide because of the huge sony advantage in Europe) it'll be close though.
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