Where is From Soft on this trademark?
He's right, both Dark Souls series and Elden Ring are not purely own by Bandai Namco they have like internal agreement, none of them can make a decision about these titles without the other
So Bandai cannot make Dark Souls or Elden Ring without FromSoftware and vice versa
I always assumed FROM wasn't quite happy with how Sony treated Bloodborne and they changed to focus on multiplatform releases as much as possible, after Elden Ring i don't see any reason why that would change
Sony fucked it up with FromSoftware because they announced Dark Souls 3 before The Old Hunter DLC ! after that they tried to pull some of the key people out of FromSoftware, that's why Miyazaki became CEO of FromSoftware! and not only that.
People in the social media and forums don't know shit about what happened.