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Anchorman - the buzz is good...

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Mind you, I am not a boy renowned for the laughing aloud. So here’s what kept happening. Ferrell, who plays an impossibly deluded and infantile local broadcaster, will say something hideously, hilariously grotesque and inappropriate. I double up, wailing, having to repeatedly drive my fist into my thigh as my t-shirt collar grows damp with tears. Before I can begin to catch my breath, Steve Carell, who portrays a meteorologist with a sub-Gump I.Q., will say or do something far funnier (I can’t begin to count the number of times Carell blindsides the audience). Then Paul Rudd or David Koechner, as Burgundy’s weak-minded lieutenants, will do or say something even funnier. Or Vince Vaughn. Or Jack Black. Or Tim Robbins. Or Luke Wilson. Or Ben Stiller.

And as sharp as the script (credited to Ferrell and director Adam McKay) feels, one is left with the perverse conviction that half the movie was just crafted from thin air as the cameras were rolling (a conviction bolstered in no small way by likely the finest assemblage of outtakes I’ve ever seen slapped over a scroll of closing credits).

After reading that, this movie just shot way up on my 'must-see' list...


PotatoeMasher said:
Steve Carell, who portrays a meteorologist ...


The only way to make it better would be to have Stephen Colbert in it somewhere too.


Junior Member
Cerebral Palsy said:
I'm going to see it. Will Ferrell rocks.

Only as second banana. See Zoolander.

I agree with MAF. Each and every preview just lowers my interest. Every stupid commercial. It's like I know they are attempting at humor but somebody just turned off my laugh meter deep inside. Now, if he would have had more of a 70s motif to go with the mustache, it would have gotten one laugh out of me.

Stephen Colbert

Oops, another second banana. I predict a horrible end to those stupid Mr Goodwrench commercials.


I'm already convinced from the trailers and commercials that I'll love this movie.

Ferrel: I'm Ron Burgundy?

Manager: Damnit! Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter??

Oh, that's gold.

And Carell's one of the funniest people alive, as far as I'm concerned. He's going to be in the American version of The Office, I think. Looking forward to that.
The cast in this movie is amazing... I had no clue Fred Willard was in it until today... I'm a big fan of Christopher Guest movies, and it seems to have a bit of that spontanuity in it...
You know how good dodgeball was? I left 20 minutes early and didnt care. I got a call from a freind who wanted to do something so I just left. It was horribly predictable and its best jokes were in the trailer.

Then they show me an anchorman trailer that is the longest I have ever seen, PACKED with comedy, but one starts to wonder, was that all of it? Very possible. Nothing about the movie will surprise me because all of these wacky comedies are so set to formula they depend almost entirely on what they end up showing in the trailer.

Spoilers indeed.

Thanks but no thanks.


Honestly, Dodgeball got much better after the first 20 minutes. Very funny movie.

I don't think I've ever known someone to leave in the middle of a movie, but apparently GAFers do it on a weekly basis.
it was near the end, during the last 'event'. I knew where the movie was going and id rather go out with friends than suffer predictability. I didn't make a big scene when I left, I just left.
I actually liked Dodgeball. I went in expecting nothing more than ball to the groin jokes, which it had plenty. But there were still a ton of other laughs in the movie. It was no Zoolander, but still enjoyable.


"Steve Carell ... Paul Rudd or David Koechner ... Or Vince Vaughn. Or Jack Black. Or Tim Robbins. Or Luke Wilson. Or Ben Stiller."

Wait, ALL these guys are in the movie?
I just saw some making of thing on one of the HBOs, and the director was saying for pretty much all of the scenes, they would get two good takes based off the script, and then just do a total improv of the same stuff. Apparently, a lot of the improv stuff made it into the movie.

I can't wait for this, Ferrell is one of my favorite comedic actors.
Iceman said:
"Steve Carell ... Paul Rudd or David Koechner ... Or Vince Vaughn. Or Jack Black. Or Tim Robbins. Or Luke Wilson. Or Ben Stiller."

Wait, ALL these guys are in the movie?

Jack Black and Vince Vaughn have very small parts I would assume. They're uncredited.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Socreges said:
Honestly, Dodgeball got much better after the first 20 minutes. Very funny movie.

I don't think I've ever known someone to leave in the middle of a movie, but apparently GAFers do it on a weekly basis.

No, it didn't get better after the first twenty minutes. Everything in that movie had been done better previously and the only time I laughed is when Lance Armstrong appeared for about a minute. So, yeah, I'm lowering my expections greatly for Anchorman.

Lil' Dice

MrAngryFace said:
You know how good dodgeball was? I left 20 minutes early and didnt care. I got a call from a freind who wanted to do something so I just left. It was horribly predictable and its best jokes were in the trailer.

Then they show me an anchorman trailer that is the longest I have ever seen, PACKED with comedy, but one starts to wonder, was that all of it? Very possible. Nothing about the movie will surprise me because all of these wacky comedies are so set to formula they depend almost entirely on what they end up showing in the trailer.

Spoilers indeed.

Thanks but no thanks.

You rude sonovabitch, turn your phone off during the film.....
its called vibrate and leaving the theater. Going to get after me for getting up and leaving to answer a call? Just pretend I was going to the bathroom.

evil ways

Looks like another one of those lame joke fests of a movie. The only thing Will Ferrell has ever done that was even remotely funny was that Yoga sketch on SNL years ago, with the self blowjob thing. I'll wait for HBO to start running this every 2-3 days to see it.


Hollywood Square
I think that SNL sketch was funny not because it had Will Ferrell in it, but because it had Spider-Man in it!
evil ways said:
Looks like another one of those lame joke fests of a movie. The only thing Will Ferrell has ever done that was even remotely funny was that Yoga sketch on SNL years ago, with the self blowjob thing. I'll wait for HBO to start running this every 2-3 days to see it.

How on earth could you find that sketch funny, and NOTHING else of his? Doesn't make much sense.

evil ways

I don't know, maybe it was the fake legs but I have never laughed at anything Will Ferrell has done. His movies remind me of all those crappy films by fellow SNL cast members like The Ladies Man, It's Pat and Corky Romano. Anchorman looks to be on the same shitty track.


Dodgeball is a new comedy classic. Seen it 4 times already and plan to see it another few when its at the discount place. Can't wait for Anchorman either!
Dodgeball was the funniest movie I had seen since Old School.

Needless to say I think Anchorman will be awesome.

His movies remind me of all those crappy films by fellow SNL cast members like The Ladies Man, It's Pat and Corky Romano.

I agree with the last two, but The Ladies Man is hilarious.


Caught a sneak preview of the movie tonight...definitely funny. Nothing as mindblowing as Herc makes it out to be on AICN, but it's definitely worth the price of admission.

Just some really funny moments, and some classic moments for sure. And...the cameos rock. Simply put, they rock.


MrAngryFace said:
it was near the end, during the last 'event'. I knew where the movie was going and id rather go out with friends than suffer predictability. I didn't make a big scene when I left, I just left.
Ah, 20 minutes early. I thought you meant "after 20 minutes". You just have a poor sense of humour then. :)


I'm growing tired of Will Ferrell. He puts on such a facade. What is he really like? He's like an attention whore.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Manders said:
I'm growing tired of Will Ferrell. He puts on such a facade. What is he really like? He's like an attention whore.
I think the guy's hilarious, but I have to agree here. Has anyone seen him on the talk shows post-Old School? I can't figure out what's up with him. He comes off as rather cocky and self-important. And yet, it seems pretty obvious that he's not being himself either. Has the fact that he's the new go-to-comedy guy in town and that he's got no less than 11 projects lined up for release in the next 30 months gone to his head? He wasn't like this pre-movie stardom. Again, I think he's hilarious, but I feel like he'd have to be doing amazing things for me not to get sick of him in so many movies in such little time.


There's a difference between being ostentatious and being conceited. He puts on a show during talk shows, sure, but that's more to maintain his status. I don't get the impression that it has "gone to his head" at all.


i loved dodgeball, the movie was hysterical. it ranks right up there with dumb and dumber (before it got played out).


I'll probably see Anchorman. I've liked Will for a long time, especially since I saw Elf. When we look back on this era, I think he'll be considered one of the kings of comedy films.


Actually, Will comes off as a pretty nice, quiet guy in the more serious interviews. I think I remember the one he had with Charlie Rose and he really wasn't trying to be funny there. Like I said, he actually came off as a pretty quiet and private person. I think he really likes to make people laugh and so he *does* put on a show when he's being interviewed most of the time. I think he just likes to be silly and his "conceitedness" is probably just a front he puts up to make people laugh and also to be able to shield himself from serious questions about his personal life. Despite most of his characters, I think he's just one of those guys that realizes there are certain times he needs to act like this and others that he doesn't. Thankfully, though, unlike say....Chris Farley, he seems to have a pretty solid personal life, so I don't think its a cry for attention.


Queen of Denmark
Idle Will Kill said:
DAMNIT. Will was on Conan last night, did anyone catch it? He's always hilarious on Conan.
Yes, I saw it, and he was hilarious. He was telling Conan that he had recently had a son named Magnus. Conan remarked that Magnus was an odd name, and Will said it was a good 13th century medieval name, or something like that. He then started to imitate his baby, saying things like, "I am Magnus...other babies BORE me!" After that, they showed some "home movies" with Will and Magnus (which was really just a plastic doll), and there was a pretty damned funny moment where Will took Magnus to the park and said, "Oh, he just loves to climb trees," and started rubbing the baby all over the tree. Good stuff.

Oh, he also wore a gun to the show and shot an amp from the Max Weinburg 7, as well as the Easter Bunny ("Why is he even here, it's not even Easter!" he shouted at Conan, who replied, "I don't know, he just hangs around the studio all the time!").

For the record, put me down for one, "Loves Will Ferrell, will see Anchorman".


Will Ferrell is a Golden God of Comedy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a simpleton that is out of their element, and likely gets aroused by comic books and comic book movies.


PotatoeMasher said:
The cast in this movie is amazing... I had no clue Fred Willard was in it until today... I'm a big fan of Christopher Guest movies, and it seems to have a bit of that spontanuity in it...

Fred Willard is in it? He is the funniest man in the world.
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