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Anchorman - the buzz is good...

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robochimp said:
Fred Willard is in it? He is the funniest man in the world.

He IS funny, and awesome in the Guest movies ("Wha'Happen?"), but I found him extremely underutilized in Anchorman. He got stuck with too much straight guy schitck for my own personal liking.

Carell is the true showstealer, for when you head into the theatres. A CLASSIC performance, besting all but Farrell himself.
Willard's runs in the Guest movies are what makes them so great... his role in 'A Mighty Wind' is one of my favorite characters of all time.

Lil' Dice

Some people are in just too sad a state to appreciate comedy. I'd be like asking me to watch, and enjoy gay porn....
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