so what you're saying is Google once again has done things later and worse than an OEM?
But when Google adds those features they are no longer considered bloat.
so what you're saying is Google once again has done things later and worse than an OEM?
I played around with a Lollipop Moto X yesterday. I was a bit worried by the calendar app. It seems horrifically sloppy and unusable. The google browser one is fine, and the iphone one is great. Not sure If I'm just using it wrong or if there are other settings I need to figure out.
It's my biggest concern to jumping to lollipop, because I prefer just using stock apps. Are there any other front end apps for google's calendar services?
Galaxy Note 2 is getting Lollipop 5.0 as well. This is awesome.
It looks like I can postpone getting a new phone by some quite some time.
Is it normal that my Nexus 5 still hasn't received the lollipop OTA update? Says the system is up to date when i try to manually search for an update.
Is it gonna run it ok? The 2 is old.
Same here. On tmobile.
I finally flashed Lollipop on my Moto G (XT1032). I used the stock GPE 5.0.1 ROM, even though my Moto G is not GPE.
After using it for a week I must say I'm very pleased with it. Like MercuryLS said, I feel that with Lollipop Android has finally reached iOS in terms of polish, user experience and design. 4.x era Android felt like an uneven mishmash of styles and it was tainted by the Holo design aesthetics which I always found tacky. Not to mention, Kit Kat didn't run all that well on the Moto G. It was choppy and full of little hiccups and hangups here and there.
There's a very distinct performance improvement. My phone is super smooth now, with most animations running at 60fps most of the time. Hangups and hiccups are almost non-existent now. I suppose part of this is due to the GPE ROM being slimmer than the Motorola ROM, but even then it's clear that Google has spent time optimizing Android with Proyect Svelte further. With Kit Kat, my RAM footprint after a fresh boot was around 700MB, leaving just about 180MB free for Apps, which just wasn't enough. This is what a fresh boot of Lollipop looks like:
Combined with the change to ART, everything just feels much better. It's figuratively like having a new phone. Two weeks ago I was truly frustrated by this phone and now it's become a joy to use. I know most of you guys use high end phones with Snapdragon 80X SoCs and 2 or even 3GB of RAM, so maybe the performance improvements on Lollipop aren't so noticeable, but on a low end device like the Moto G, the tweaks are not only noticeable; they are dramatic.
Also, the Moto G's saving grace has always been its battery life. With 5.0.1 battery life is just ridiculous. This is after a day of Netflix, YouTube, web browsing, Tinder, a lot of Kingdom Rush and a ton of Spotify:
What sorcery is this?
Is it available for the Samsung Galaxy S4 yet?
Still nothing for my nexus 5
One of the telcos here in Australia was actively blocking the update, even to Nexus 5s bought from Google Play.
Try another sim from another phone company or take the sim out and update over wifi
Ok, so I just got a OPO and put Lollipop on it. I'm really loving this OS, this is the first Android build that makes me not miss iOS. It's not perfect but it's quite polished and for the first time, buttery smooth with very few hitches.
Also my issue with Google Play Music (ugly app) was solved by the Liquid Smooth rom I downloaded, it came with an alternative music player that is beautiful, simple and very functional. That was my #1 concern, finding a great music app for Android. I got lucky here.
That's... absolutely insane. Over 7 hours of SoT?! Are you sure you didn't charge it a bit during that time? These stats only reset after a full charge, I'm pretty sure.
So, if rooted and updated manually, Android 5.0 works on any phone, say for example, my two years old Galaxy S3?
If you want a cheap phone to try Lollipop on, the Moto G can easily be flashed to the GPE Lollipop ROM, which is pure stock Android.
One of the telcos here in Australia was actively blocking the update, even to Nexus 5s bought from Google Play.
Try another sim from another phone company or take the sim out and update over wifi
wtf why would they do that
So glad I ditched Samsung and went for nexus phones after the original Galaxy S.
Touchwiz is not android.
Is it odd my Nexus 7 2013 wi-fi model STILL hasn't got 5.0 OTA?
Both MY Nexus 7 2012 and 2013 are still waiting for the update here in the UK. Which is funny since my Nexus 4 and 5 were updated to 5.0 weeks ago. I am not that bothered really and can't see me updating my Nexus 7's to 5.0 since I think Lollipop is the biggest pile of shit since Windows 8. Still it's a good illustration of just how crap Googles Over the air updates are when has been 2 months since they released their updated OS and people are still waiting for the damn update.
I would go back to 4.4.4 but right now I can't be bothered to faff about with it all so making do with Android 5.0.1
Agree. I like my Nexus 7 (2013) more now that I did before the update. Would be interested in contrarian views.Huh. What's so bad about it, in your opinion? Yeah, there are a few questionable design decisions and some regressions, but overall I think it's the best version of Android ever by far.
Same here. It started out fairly responsive after wiping, then flashing 5.0, but now it's practically useless once again. I need to scour XDA to see if there's any alternative roms that improve performance.
So glad I ditched Samsung and went for nexus phones after the original Galaxy S.
Touchwiz is not android.
When do I get this on my HTC One M8? Trying to search for any sort of news about this on google overloads me with 1000 shitty tech blogs and I can never get a straight answer.
So my Samsung Galaxy S5 is now running Lollipop for a pure nexus-like experience. This is the stuff dreams are made of, my galaxy breatheren: