So I bought a Rogers Lumia 900, unlocked it, and then my friend offered to buy it for $50 more than I'd spent on it. I obviously sold it to her, and now they've been constantly sold out for a week and a half. FML. I have no phone so I need one ASAP.
Looking at Rogers' selection, my alternatives are the Sony Experia S ($500) and the HTC One X ($625). I'm looking for whichever one has less problems (defects mainly, as I'll lose the ability to return once I've unlocked it) and is easier to unlock. Unless I can find another Lumia 900 I'm gonna get one of these two.
Both look absolutely awesome, but I don't know much (aka nothing) about android. I keep reading about warping problems or something on the One X. I'm not sure how if that's bad or not but I'd kinda like to know what that's about. I also kinda wanna get rid of the Rogers bloatware on whichever device I choose, as I'm using the device on a different carrier. Is that possible?
Based you what you want (rooting) I'd get the One X. The Xperia S isn't directly rootable at the moment, and even still, you must unlock the bootloader to to do so. The One X isn't easily rootable either (yet), but you don't need to unlock the bootloader to root it.